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About this blog

The is one of the places where I plan on creating.  It may be stories, it may be poems, it may be regular posts.  Only time will tell.

Entries in this blog

Lunch run to Sailom Bang Pu

Date: 12 May 2024 Time (Estimated Length): 51 min (29 km) People on trip: Dom & Tracy (Suzuki V-Strom 1000), Australian David (Royal Enfield 250 Interceptor), Tall David (Honda CB 650 Naked Street Bike), Jessica (Honda Click 125), Wonder (Honda Rebel 500), Harley Dave (Harley Davidson Road Glide 1950) Tri


Timberwolf in Motorcycle

Motorcycle Rides

On July 15, 2023, I purchased a new bike for me.   Before I tell you about that though, I want to tell you what led to this bike.     2018 Honda Rebel 500   2018 Honda Rebel 500 Back in 2018 I bought a new 2018 Honda Rebel 500 to replace my Honda Phantom 200.  This was a great bike, and we did a lot of rides on it, lots of lovely trips.  The first trip we did on this bike was a trip from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi to Sangkaburi to Sai Yok to Nakhon Prathom t


Timberwolf in Motorcycle

Lost - Part 2

Part 2   As the sound of the truck disappeared in the distance, Mindy collapses to the ground in tears.  “What are we going to do, Sean?  What the hell are we going to do?”   Sean reaches down and picks up the bags and brings them over to sit down and sit next to Mindy.  “First thing we need to do is check what supplies we have.  He said there was enough food for two days for the two of us, a knife and a revolver with five rounds in it as well as a tent.  Let’s check”, Sean s


Timberwolf in Stories

Sukhothai Motorcycle Trip 2022

@hirondelle and I had been talking about doing a trip to Sukhothai for quite a few years, but we never actually sat down to plan it.  Mostly, because my schedule is pretty busy.  This year, I ended up having a five (5) day weekend, so we decided to go for it.     Now, before we get started, to give you an idea of how far this trip actually is, it was just shy of 851km (just shy of 529miles) round trip.  That’s about 425.5km (264 miles) to Sukhothai from our home.  We decided it would b


Timberwolf in Travel

Roller Hockey

As you all know, I’m a hockey player.  I’ve written quite a bit about it here in this blog, so I’m not going to list all the blog posts, but a brief history, I grew up playing hockey, I stepped away when I was eighteen (18) years old and started again when I was forty-six (46) years old.  I play for the Flying Farangs, a foreign traveling team located here in Bangkok, Thailand.  We play in tournaments in the region, in Bangkok, and against the Thai Men’s National Team.  I also play for the Lion


Timberwolf in Sports


Let me start off by saying that I've been a Black Sabbath and Ozzy fan for quite a long time.  Now that doesn't mean I have or had listened to everything they put out.  There is a lot of music there, and as much as I like Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne, they weren't and aren't my favorite artist.     So, in 2003, I saw Ozzy Osbourne on some talk show, I don't remember which one it is now, and he was on with his daughter, Kelly, and they did this song.     It j


Timberwolf in Music

2020 Year In Review

So 2020 has been one hell of a year.   I've seen lots of highs and lots of lows in this past year, as most of the world has seen and felt.   I'll do my best to make this as coherent as possible, but I'm sure I will mix some thing up.  The good thing is, @hirondelle has put together a list for me to look at, so that will help keep my thoughts organized.     So, with out too much more preamble, let me get into it.   To finish off 2019 and start off 2020, @hirondelle a


Timberwolf in Life

Going Back To Karate

As most of you know, back in March, I had knee surgery, which I wrote a blog post about back on September 14th, 2020.  Since before that, I've thought about going back to martial arts.  There is a place near me that teacher Brazilian Jiujitsu (BJJ), but to I have a few issues with going to that place, which I won't get into here.  To go along with that, I really wanted to go back to karate.    There are basically two (2) different disciplines in karate.  There is Japanese karate and Ok


Timberwolf in Karate

15 Years

So, on October 9, @hirondelle and I celebrated our 15 year anniversary of being together.  On October 09, 2005, after 40+ hours of travel from Baltimore Washington International Airport (BWI) to John F. Kennedy International Airport (where I spent 8 hours) to Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (where I spent 2 hours in the middle of the night) to Taiwan International Airport to Don Muang International Airport, which at the time, was the only international airport in Bangkok just to hold


Timberwolf in Poems

2020 Honda BR-V

For years, Tracy has been trying to convince me to drive a car. She wants us to do some road trips in the UK and here in Thailand. We’ve done road trips on the bike, and as lovely as those are, I’ve never felt comfortable with taking one puppy, let alone two, on the bike. Since I’ve started my new job, I travel farther for work. I used to ride for about 20 minutes to get to work, now it’s just shy of an hour, and Tracy has been concerned about my safety, understandably. I was starting to come ro


Timberwolf in Life

Knee Surgery

**WARNING – THERE WILL BE SOME GRAPHIC IMAGES OF THE INSIDE OF MY KNEE—WARNING**   So, to start things off, I want to give a bit of a history.  I’ve led a pretty active lifestyle.  I learned how to skate when I was 2 and started playing hockey when I was 4 and I played until I was 18.  I also played soccer for a year, baseball for about 4 years, softball off and on throughout the years, American football for 3 years, professional wrestling for about 3 years, and martial arts off and on



Krabi 2019-2020

This year, for New Years, we decided to do something special.  @hirondelle, Stef and I decided to spend the turning of the decade at one of @hirondelle and mine favorite places.  We wanted to go down to Krabi to Railay.  One of the nice things about Railay is that it is on a peninsula where you can walk from the east side to the west side in about 5-10 minutes, so you can get amazing sunrises in the morning, hang out at some awesome beaches and then get an incredible sunset. @hirondelle and




After I was re-introduced to hockey, you know, when I watched a BIHL game with @hirondelle, I was contacted by a guy about becoming a podcaster for his up and coming league, which sounded pretty cool.  What they wanted me to do was come to come to a few games and interview the player of the game for the SHL news.  So in the first interview after the first game, I interviewed Adrian Meyers, who gave credit to Jason "Cotsy" Cotsmire for helping them win the game.  At the time, I thought that was n



Lion State 2019

As you all know, I have gotten back into hockey.  I started off doing things for the Siam Hockey League (SHL).  After that, I got some gear and started playing shinny hockey.  For those of you that aren't Canadian, that means pick up hockey.  Then I was invited to play hockey on the Flying Farangs in a few tournaments.      Then in 2018, I was asked to play for Bunteng (which I'm told means 'to have fun').  The first year I played with them, we did better than the year



A Journey Through Helmets

When we lived in Chiang Mai, Thailand, we bought our first motorcycles.  We bought two bikes, a Honda Wave 100cc (left) for @hirondelle and a Honda Phantom 200cc (right). Before we got these bikes though, we had to rent a bike.  We needed helmets, so we went to a local helmet shop and bought helmets.  I didn't want anything fancy, and something that would just work and wasn't pink.  I felt that would be the best thing.  I got a really simple black helmet with white stripes that looked simil



Mr. Davis (NSFW)

Before you start reading this story, I do have to make somethings very clear.   This post is very very NSFW Like my other stories, this work is pure fiction The characters in this story are both willing participants This story, in no way, shows that I think men are superior to women.  I fully believe that men and women are equal in all aspects of life and should be treated as such. As this story is NSFW and adult in nature, you read at your own risk, and



Family Visit - April 2019

This has been an interesting and exciting year for me.. Things started off with my birthday, where @hirondelle did something really nice for me, and brought me to Hong Kong for the first time, and you can read all about it in Special Birthday Gift.  The next thing was I got to partially fulfill something on my bucket list, and that was to go scuba diving and you can read about that in my Discover Scuba Diving blog post. The next big thing this year was that it was discussed, with my daughte




Tracy and I have made some changes to our life and relationship over the past six months.  Well, I would say more in the past year.  Let me start from the beginning. About a year ago, Tracy and I decided to explore our kinky side a bit more.  In doing so, we joined a kinky community to get to know others that were already kinky.  We did some research and found out that there was what's called munch.  Basically, a munch is a place for people to meet up at a normal place, like a bar, pub or r



Discover Scuba Diving - March 2019

As most people do, I have a bucket list.  Things in my bucket list are things like, go to Japan, go to Okinawa, go sky diving, learn to surf, and go scuba diving.  Over the weekend of March 1st, 2019, I got a chance to cross something off of my bucket list.  This was to go scuba diving. Back in January, I was talking to a friend of mine, Colin, a fellow American living here in Bangkok.  We were talking, and he told me how go goes scuba diving.  I mentioned that it scuba diving was one of th



Special Birthday Gift

This year for my birthday, Tracy decided to do something really special for me.  See, Tracy's work was having her go to Hong Kong for a work.  She would have to fly out on Monday the 14th, and she asked me if I wanted to fly out on that Thursday, my birthday.  I'd never been to Hong Kong, but it's one of those places I wanted to visit.  I was really excited about this.  After we had agreed on this, Tracy asked me if I would be OK if we decided to invite our friend, Stef, to go with me.  So




Some of you may know that I have been dabbling in photography for a few years now.    Before I get too far, let me start off at the beginning.  I remember as a kid, back in the late 70s, way before there was digital photography, when you actually had to get your film developed to see what your pictures looked like, I got this little camera for my birthday.  It was a little instamatic, similar to the picture you see here on the left.  The film was in these cartridges like you see on the



2018 Year In Review

So 2018 has been quite an interesting year to say the least.  It's been quite an interesting and eventful year to say the least. (Click Next Page to continue reading) January -  Early in the month, @hirondelle took me to one of her favorite restaurants from her early days in Thailand, a place called Suda.  She took a great picture of me having a beer Although hirondelle says the food wasn't as good as she remembers, it wasn't bad, and I enjoyed g



Playing Hockey

In 2016, I was approached a couple of hockey players here in Bangkok, Thailand because I did a podcast about watching 2 hockey games here, titled Bangkok Ice Hockey League: They asked me if I wanted to be involved with a new ice hockey league they were starting called the Siam Hockey League (SHL), and be their official podcaster.  All I had to do was let people know what was going on with the SHL and do a few interviews with the Player of the Game.  Well, I ended up enjoying being



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