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About this blog

The is one of the places where I plan on creating.  It may be stories, it may be poems, it may be regular posts.  Only time will tell.

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Entries in this blog

A Bad Few Days (Reposted from 02/02/2011)

Well, the past few days have kind of been hard couple of days. It all started on Saturday. Something happened while I was at work, and I had such a strong desire, want, need, craving for a smoke! I almost walked out of work, walked down to the local 7-11 and bought a pack. It was so strong, I couldn't believe it. I'd yet to be hit so hard with such a craving for a smoke since we've quit. It was rough. But I didn't go out and buy any cigarettes. I grit my teeth and worked through it, but


Timberwolf in Teaching

Aurecon Consulting Class Finished 27 January 2011 (Reposted from 28/01/2011)

So yesterday I finished another class. The class was at a place called Aurecon. Aurecon is a company the has engineers and drafters for buildings and such. The class was Pre-Intermediate level. Now the book we used, wasn't actually the correct book to use in my opinion. We used a book called Market Leader, which is a great book for people in marketing. And not really what these students needed. Now don't get me wrong, the students learned from the book and they did get something out of i


Timberwolf in Teaching

Around The World In 10 Days (Reposted from 24/01/2020)

For the last 2 weeks, I've been teaching a special class. Well, what my work calls a camp actually. It was a lot fun. I had a class of twelve 5 year olds. Every day of the class they learned a little bit about a different countries.   Day 1: Orientation, Make passports, Make photo albums Day 2: Went to United Kingdom Day 3: Went to New Zealand Day 4: Went to Australia Day 5: Went to United States Day 6: Went to Canada Day 7: Went to China


Timberwolf in Teaching

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