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About this blog

The is one of the places where I plan on creating.  It may be stories, it may be poems, it may be regular posts.  Only time will tell.

Entries in this blog

The Email

Dear Telenaz,   Do you remember that café we met in?  I remember it like it was yesterday.  Akram, Fadhil, Baravan, Zamanlabib and I went in there for a drink after our football match.  We were so excited and happy.  We had beat the club from Taji.  This was the third time we’ve played them this year and we finally beat them.  We couldn’t believe it.  Fadhil and Baravan each scored a goal for us.  We were causing such a racket because we had won.  Then you walked in with your friends,



What's Been Goin On

Well, it has been awhile.  Yes, I wrote a story a few days ago and posted it     and I've posted here and there trough out NL.  I figured I should write a blog post and let people know what's going on with me.   Back in April of 2017, I went to the States to visit my kids and my family.  Before I went back to the States, I really got the urge to play ice hockey again.  Now, just to give you an idea of how long it's been, the last time I played competitive hockey was back i



The Punishment (NSFW)

Before you start reading this story, I do have to make somethings very clear.   This post is very very NSFW Like my other stories, this work is pure fiction The characters in this story are both willing participants This story, in no way, shows that I think men are superior to women.  I fully believe that men and women are equal in all aspects of life and should be treated as such. As this story is NSFW and adult in nature, you read at your own risk, and as



Missing - Part 1

Emily and Devin are sitting at The Citrus, one of their local restaurants that serves breakfast.  “What should we do today?” Devin asked Emily. “Well, I want to do some gardening this weekend, maybe plant some flowers along the side of the house.  We’ve been talking about it for the last three years.  I think it’s about time we finally do it,” Emily responded with a smile. Devin nodded, “That’s a great idea.  I think I’ll get some equipment at Home Pro and…” Devin moved back so the wai



Lost - Part 1

Mindy sat in the passenger seat, looking out the window.  "Why are you going this way, Sean?" "You know why we're going this way," Sean said with a little exasperated.  "I know we were supposed to go down highway 13, but it was closed for construction back in Maplethorpe.  The signs said to follow country road 586, which is what we are on now." Mindy turned and looked at Sean.  "But, it's been ages since we've seen anything.  No other town, no building, nothing.  Are you sure you aren'




David entered the office with his briefcase in one hand and his full cup of coffee in the other, just as Adrian walked around the out of the office looking back over his shoulder into the office and crashed into David causing David to spill his coffee all over himself.  "Oh shit, Dave buddy. I'm...." David swung his briefcase, crushing into the side of Adrian's face spraying the wall with blood.  Raising his briefcase up over his head, he brings it crashing down on top of Adrian's head, rai



A New Start

So it really has been a long time since I've written anything of substance.  At least, I haven't written any stories or poems.  If you look at NL Archive, the last blog post I've written was on August 15, 2016, and that was about American football, titled NFL Competition. That's not to say that I haven't been busy creating things.  I've also been podcasting, which you can find at my Dom Dumais website, thought it's been ages since I've done a podcast as well.  I've also done a lot of work w



A Bad Few Days (Reposted from 02/02/2011)

Well, the past few days have kind of been hard couple of days. It all started on Saturday. Something happened while I was at work, and I had such a strong desire, want, need, craving for a smoke! I almost walked out of work, walked down to the local 7-11 and bought a pack. It was so strong, I couldn't believe it. I'd yet to be hit so hard with such a craving for a smoke since we've quit. It was rough. But I didn't go out and buy any cigarettes. I grit my teeth and worked through it, but


Timberwolf in Teaching

Aurecon Consulting Class Finished 27 January 2011 (Reposted from 28/01/2011)

So yesterday I finished another class. The class was at a place called Aurecon. Aurecon is a company the has engineers and drafters for buildings and such. The class was Pre-Intermediate level. Now the book we used, wasn't actually the correct book to use in my opinion. We used a book called Market Leader, which is a great book for people in marketing. And not really what these students needed. Now don't get me wrong, the students learned from the book and they did get something out of i


Timberwolf in Teaching

New Tattoo For My Birthday (Reposted from 27/01/2011)

So @hirondelle told me around Christmastime that she wanted to buy my next tattoo for me for my birthday. So I finally got some free time, and put together an image that I was very happy with. When you look the gallery pictures for this blog post, it will be the one titled original. They are great! The lady that did the samurai on my right arm is the same lady that did my new tattoo. Her name is Poo. Her husband, Leck New York, does the big back and body pieces. They both are amazing art


Timberwolf in Tattoo

Around The World In 10 Days (Reposted from 24/01/2020)

For the last 2 weeks, I've been teaching a special class. Well, what my work calls a camp actually. It was a lot fun. I had a class of twelve 5 year olds. Every day of the class they learned a little bit about a different countries.   Day 1: Orientation, Make passports, Make photo albums Day 2: Went to United Kingdom Day 3: Went to New Zealand Day 4: Went to Australia Day 5: Went to United States Day 6: Went to Canada Day 7: Went to China


Timberwolf in Teaching

January 17, 2011 (Reposted from 17/01/2011)

I have a lot to say and I will try to break this up into sections for you, lol. Please enjoy the read. My birthday Well, let's see. Today is my birthday and I got some lovely well wishes for so many people today. I feel truly loved. In my 40 years on this earth, I have met so many amazing people. Some have just traveled in and out of it, some have traveled in and out and back in again, some have even stuck around awhile. Some of you I have met in real life first and have gotten b


Timberwolf in Life

Day 9 Of Not Smoking (Reposted from 09/01/2011)

Well, what do you know. It's been 9 days, and I'm feeling really good! It's also been 3 days with out using the patch. I haven't had any anxiety attacks at all. The only problems I'm having about now is that one, I'm starting to feel like I can't get enough breath sometimes, because my lungs are starting to heal back up, sometimes it takes me forever to get to sleep, and I have so much energy. There are times that I feel like I'm just bouncing off the walls. Like right now, I'm sitting here, it'


Timberwolf in Life

Day 5 Of Not Smoking (Reposted from 05/01/2011)

Well, let's see. I would have to day that day 3 has been the worst so far. Yesterday started off really good, and the whole day was good. It was some thing that happened at night that really kind of drove me crazy, but I soon mellowed back out. Now for today? I've been great so far. Yes, I'm still using my patch, and I have 2 more patches left, but I'm feeling really good about it. I haven't had any issues or anxiety attacks at all today. As of right now, I'm feeling really strong about


Timberwolf in Life

Day 3 Of Not Smoking (Reposted from 03/01/2011)

Well, yesterday was pretty good. Only had a few times where I really craved a cigarette, was a little sore from working out the day before with my buddy, and I got a lot of work done on the new thing for The Northlands. Today I go back to work. But how am I doing?  Well, I feel good about getting things done with the new thing for The Northlands, I'm feeling a little bit more sore from working out, lol. It usually takes two days. But I feel frustrated and full of anxiety. Everything our


Timberwolf in Life

New Years Resolution (Reposted from 01/01/2011)

Well, as some of you have read, @hirondelle and I have decided on a few things for New Years. First and foremost, is that we plan on quitting smoking. I would also like to get back into shape, bring my weight back down to what I think it should be, and also start studying martial arts again. I'm going to try and keep a bit of a travel log of how things go here. As of today, we have quit smoking. I always forget how hard the first day is. So what I'm trying to do is keep my mind b


Timberwolf in Life

Bangkok (Reposted from 15/08/2010)

As most of you know by now, Tracy and I have moved back to Bangkok. Well, it's been like forever since I've written in here, so I figured this would be a great way to get back into it. Well, let's see. About 3-4 weeks ago, Tracy and I had our stuff packed up, said some sad good byes, packed up Roso, Lily, and Spike and climbed into a van for a long drive down to Bangkok. The driver, Tony, was great and stopped whenever we asked him to so we could let Spike get out and run around. I felt


Timberwolf in Life

Trip To Pai (Reposted from 26/10/2009)

Some of you may know this, but @hirondelle recently "retired" from her position as Academic Manager at the British Council, and she really needed to relax, so we had decided to take a trip to Pai, Thailand for a few days. Everybody here has talked about how great Pai is, and neither of us has been there, so we decided why not. Now we've both heard all kinds of things about Pai. One was how relaxing and beautiful it is, and another was how openly people smoke weed there, so we kind of fig


Timberwolf in Trip

Continued Changes (Reposted from 01/10/2009)

Last week I posted about some issues that I have been having while here in Chiang Mai, that started when I was leaving the company NES. And I've noticed something really great since I've written. When I'm driving, I no longer get angry or bitter. I mean, some of the things they do, still make me a bit upset, but the good thing is, when that happens, I usually either laugh about it or I just growl and let it go. Where as before, I would get angry, hold on to it, and then somebody would do


Timberwolf in Life

An Exploration (Reposted from 22/09/2009)

I plan on making this post a bit of internal exploration. Now at times, I may wonder off track, but bare with me. About 2 years ago, @hirondelle I and moved from Bangkok, Thailand to Chiang Mai, Thailand. When we first got here, we rented a Honda Click (what a Click looks like) for a month until we bought bikes of our own. First we got a Honda Wave 100 cc (what a Wave looks like) for @hirondelle, and ordered a Honda Phantom 200 cc for me. When my bike arrived, we returned the Click, and


Timberwolf in Life

Falling A Bit Behind (Reposted from 26/08/2009)

Hey all. I know I've kind of missed a little on keeping up with my writing, but I have been a bit distracted. One of the small distractions has been my own Visa for Thailand. It's become a bit of a rig-a-maroll. Before, all I needed was a letter from the British Consulate, but things have recently changed. As I am an American working for the British Council, I now need to go to the American Consulate and get a letter from them stating that I am working for the British Council. Now the Am


Timberwolf in Life

H1N1 (Swine Flu) Scare (Reposted from 02/08/2009)

I have to give you some back story for this before I get to far into this. Since the start of the Swine Flu scare, I've been kind of taking the piss out of it. Someone coughs and "OH NO, IT'S SWINE FLU! SWINE FLU, SWINE FLU!" That type of thing. At work we were told that if a child coughs a lot, sneeze s a lot or has a runny nose we should ask their parents to take them home. So I would joke cough and say I've got swine flu, can I go home. And things like that. I was also scoffing at peo


Timberwolf in Life

Goings On (Reposted from 30/07/2009)

Well, things have been a bit busy for me around here. As you all know, I've recently finished a number of skins, which I am very happy with. Just after finishing my latest skin, and just before heading to Bangkok, our desk top computer crashed. Well, the C-Drive crashed. Now that wouldn't be so bad if it was just the software, because then we could have gotten all the information off of the drive. But nope, the actual hard disk itself crashed. Which means we lost everything on that drive! All ou


Timberwolf in Life

Making Great Strides (Reposted from 20/07/2009)

On Saturday, Tracy ( @hirondelle)and I flew down to Bangkok from Chiang Mai. We wanted some time away from Chiang Mai and we also had an appointment with an immigration lawyer on Monday (Today). Yesterday, we went shopping for a camera for Tracy ( @hirondelle)(she has been wanting and SLR camera) and we looked at a number of places, but nobody had the model she was looking for. Hell, most places didn't have have the brand she wanted. We settled on a really nice camera which she really lo


Timberwolf in Life

Moving Forward (Reposted from 08/07/2009)

Well, as I had said in my last blog post, things are starting to move forward. I found a lot of the images for one of the skins we used to have at the old New The Northlands, so now, because of that, I'm almost finished with another skin. We have an appointment with an immigration lawyer for the 20th of July, and we received an email from the U.S. immigration offices saying that I really shouldn't leave until after Tracy ( @hirondelle)has her visa. It will make it easier for the interviews and s


Timberwolf in The Northlands

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