So I said I would post more for context etc for what has been happening.
So my daughter was admitted to a mental institution due to her attempting to take her life with pills and cutting herself. This situation when it happened I already had anxiety rearing back in because of problems at work but this pretty much broke me. To the point that my agoraphobia came back with new levels of anxiety. I spent 30 days at home watching over her and working from home and I would have stayed lon
This is the one place I can express myself freely without prying eyes or loaded questions.
1st cause for agoraphobia/iba/panic attack to happen
got into a screaming fight with one of my partners and he made sure to beat the shit out of my mind that day due to insecurities on his part and made me feel really small. This triggered an panic attack and anxiety made it back into my life hardcore. So hard that I went on a Xanax bend, so bad I had to quit taking it and like the anima
Where else to express yourself of your mental woes but an old forum that most of your peers or family members will never read.
hats been going on with my crazy broken brain since last I posted?
many many things…
the analogy I try to use to explain it to my kids and anyone who doesn’t understand. Once you break a drop a ceramic bowl or tea cup it shatters into a thousand pieces and no matter how good you are or what kind of glue you use it will never be the sa
Well loss like that is hard to ever let it go. It stays with you, and I am sorry you have gone through this.
In my experience it helps me to type it up even if no one reads it. I have an ongoing word file on my laptop just called “life”. It has pretty much all my memories good or bad. Which I keep adding to. Just my way of dealing with trauma and grief. Even if it’s just to listen or read your messages we are here, just a message away.
Start strong, keep stepping forward enjoying the everyday accomplishments, take a breather, greet the morning sun, thank the gentle moon and lastly take the next step forward after each breather.