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New Ranks

Hey all.  So, there has been a pretty big update recently to The Northlands.   There are some really great things with the 4.6.3 update for Invision Power Systems.  One of the cool things is the new ranking system.  This is really exciting!  So, listed below are the new ranks:     Runt Whelp Bairn Puppy Pup Cub Stray Mutt Mongrel Hound Wolfhound Wolf Dire Wolf Alpha Wolf


Timberwolf in Rank

Problems Fixed

So, we recently had some problems with a few of our themes after we updated.  For The Lodge, Fancy Pants and Gamer Nerd to be specific.  The problem was, if I had one of them set as a default theme, and a member wasn't signed in, they got nothing but a blank page.  We didn't catch this right away, because we are always signed in.  We don't know how long it went on because nobody let us know that it had happed unfortunately.  Now we understand that people are busy with their real lives, so that's



Member Map

So I have added a Members Map. You can find the link in the menu bar: You will then find this page: On the right side, you will see all the people in the map: You can also add your one location; You just enter your city, state, province, country what not, and a drop down list will appear.: You can also browse your all the markers that have been placed here. I look forward to seeing where you all are.   



Social Media

So as of today, I've re-added The Northlands to Facebook and Twitter. Here is the link to the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thenorthlands/  Here is the twitter page: https://twitter.com/TheNorthlands  Also, if you look in your profile, you have the option to link your Facebook account and/or your Twitter account. Have fun!




So, just to keep you all in the loop, when we started NL 4.0, we were on IP version 4.2.4.  There has been an update that consisted of security patches.  I have installed the update, so if you encounter any issues (outside of appearing to be logged out) please either post them or send me a message.  Happy posting!



The Northlands 4.0

OK, so I have been asked a few times why we decided to bring NL back.  Before I do that, I'd like to take a moment and talk about the different stages of The Northlands. 1.0 Northlands Fantasy and Northlands Northlands Fantasy was first started after one of the many nukes at Fantasy Essentials (FE).  A few members from FE and myself were a little tired of that and how the members were treated if they questioned what happened, of cou



Updates And Upgrades For The Northlands (Reposted from 22/01/2011)

Hey all, I'd just like to keep you posted on what's going on with The Northlands. I will continue to post an update in the Forum News area, but I will also post in here. To start with, I've updated the blogs. The software for the blogs is supposed to be more streamlined and runs smoother and fit better with IP.Boards 3.1.4. If I see anything that is totally amazing going on with the blogs, I will let you know. Also, I tested out a thing that put the Active User list (who's online


Timberwolf in Updates

Hosted Blogs (Reposted from 23/06/2009)

Over the last few days I've been kind of busy here at The Northlands. I've been fixing the blogging skins here. For some they are missing some images and for some, the coding for IE was all messed up. Over all, I've gotten it all cleaned up. I've got the missing images taken care of, and I've worked out how to add personal logos for all our hosted blogs. The Northlands is starting to shape up and look the way I want it to, so I'm feeling really good about all this. I've created personal logos fo


Timberwolf in Updates

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