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Thoughts made into words.



Entries in this blog

Living with Hardship III

Christmas, a day of religious to some. To others is about gifts and family get togethers. To the world it is another day of beliefs from a different viewpoint, mindset and dogma. I wonder how my hubby and I will pass the day, work, play, ignorance is bliss? I what I raised as, what my hubby believes, what another family holiday without our sons means. For now, I am okay.  He is okay.  We are okay. However, it will remind us yet again of our loss. The only comfo


Kethlia in Biography Blog

Living through Hardship II

Thanksgiving has come and gone this year of 2022. I remember the laughter, songs, jokes and the joy of gathering together. The quiet of the evening give way to the night. That is when the pain returns, small things appear in flashes of memory, touch, and sounds. The grief is still there hidden in the background. Yet, I know that I must not follow this path into a sad, isolated, loneliness. My family, friends, my life itself are proof of Life continuing. I do no


Kethlia in Biography Blog

Living through Hardship

*The image above is the cover to a story that I'm working to share and work through this second round of grief.  *   I sit here, holding my proverbial pen over digital paper and wonder what I could possibly write about my life these past few years that I've been absent from my online life.  Am I hoping for a retrospective confirmation that I'm still on a path of healing and away from self-imposed negativity?  It started during 2017 with a separation from my partner after marriage.  I u


Kethlia in Biography Blog

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