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I will try to post positive things here from time to time, despite my cynical nature.

The changes weight loss causes necessitates adjustment to how one dresses. It can be bittersweet. Last week, I had to put away a pair of Levi's I got a great deal on at a thrift store, and of course, the goal is to never wear them again. They were actually too long, but I learned how to hem with them. The process took all day and no less than two trips to the craft store, but it worked out pretty well. I was actually rather proud of the job. Now, I have a perfectly good pair of personally modified jeans that I can't use.

However, I have almost a full wardrobe that's a size down, and while I'm not ready for the tops yet, I found a pair of jeans in my storage that fit great.

...for all of a week. The new jeans are already getting loose. While it's awesome to have such a tangible sign of progress (when I look in the mirror, I still don't see a difference), I'm going to be annoyed when I have to buy a whole new set of clothes. I suppose I have time to prepare, though.

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I get the opposite at the moment so I understand the way you feel but in reverse.

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Yeah, that's how I ended up with my current wardrobe, heh.

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I have been smart and reduced how pairs of pants that use I need one extra work shirt and that's about all I wear for a week. So that was a plus.

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Is it bad that my first thought was "I harassed you until you relented and starting dieting again!" :P

  • Haha 2
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