So, on October 9, @hirondelle and I celebrated our 15 year anniversary of being together. On October 09, 2005, after 40+ hours of travel from Baltimore Washington International Airport (BWI) to John F. Kennedy International Airport (where I spent 8 hours) to Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (where I spent 2 hours in the middle of the night) to Taiwan International Airport to Don Muang International Airport, which at the time, was the only international airport in Bangkok just to hold @hirondelle in my arms for the first time. I'd never traveled so far in my life, let alone to fly internationally. It was so worth it!
Yes, I know, that's a lot of hearts, but @hirondelle knows.
Anyway, for our 15 year anniversary, I decided I would write her a poem. It was a bit last minute, but it was something that I wanted to do for her. I have already given it to her, but I wanted to post it here as well. I mean, this is one of the reasons I created a blog for, to share my writing.
Oh yeah, before you read this, I made a mistake when I originally wrote it and something in my head told me it was 16 years.
I have since fixed it though.
15 Years
Can you believe
On this day
15 years ago
I stepped off
Of the plane
I couldn’t even
Give you a hug
Cuz of my bags
So, I leaned in
Oh, so close
Just to be near
To feel your body
Next to mine
You leaned up
And kissed me
Like I imagined
1,000 times before
We have had
Some hard times
We have had
Some amazing times
All based in love
And now it’s been
15 short years
And I still have
Not a regret
I love you more
Then I did before
I love you
My Darkness
My Air
©October 8, 2020
Domnick M. Dumais
Always Remember: If you love somebody, tell them right now. Don't hesitate.
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