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Feel The Love (Repost from 17/06/2009



Over the last few days, while I've been working on The Northlands, I've noticed something special. It always amazes me every time I notice it. And it all started back in 2004.

I was at FE and posting mostly in The Woods and for one reason or another, the board got nuked. While we were waiting for the FE to come back, which it would for a bit and something would happen and it would go away again and come back. Somebody made a post about how stupid it was that the admin couldn't keep the board up and running, and the admin flipped out and shut all of FE down.

A number of us went over to PI to post and I started talking to some people and found that they were tired with the way some of the things were run, just like I was.

So I talked to a friend of mine and decided to open my own board. That was Northlands Fantasy. A number of people joined us there and started setting up what I thought was a good community. It actually inspired other members to set up their own communities, and I helped them with that.

In about 2005, something happened and I decided to totally walk away from all the online communities. I was away for about 2 years.

During that 2 year period, I would pop in and take a look at Northlands Fantasy, and I noticed that for whatever reason, it just wouldn't die. People would come back and make a post here and a post there and just keep it ticking over with just enough to keep people, like myself, checking to see what was going on. Thank you Moonhawk.

Well, one day, Tracy ( @hirondelle ) and I decided to give it kick in the pants, change the name and change the look. This was in late 2006 early 2007.

The Northlands was born!

But we felt that wasn't enough for those people who stuck it out and who came back and the new members, as The Northlands started to become a family. So we purchase a board with all the bells and whistles and set it up. And everybody loved it! Some people left, but for some reason, most people found it hard to stay away. Including myself.

Then we lost the board

And we waited, and people offered to help us with getting the board back and with getting a new board. We decided to wait and ended up waiting about 5 months but the old board never came back. We finally got tired of waiting and decided to purchase a board with all the bells and whistles again. And again a number of the family offered to help.

Once we got the board up and working and invited you all here, you flooded the place with your happiness and love, and showed us how much you loved The Northlands! And some of the family members who never went to the Original Northlands came back to this one.

At least once a day I hear from a member how much they love The Northlands, or how much they love us.

We decide to create a donate button for those people who wanted to help out The Northlands and before we had it finished we had donations. We couldn't believe it! And then just today, I had new member of the family tell me that all the good members of FE came here. That's why this place is great. I would have to agree with that member.

Thank you all.

Thank you all. You all mean so much to us!


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