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Updates And Upgrades For The Northlands (Reposted from 22/01/2011)

Hey all, I'd just like to keep you posted on what's going on with The Northlands. I will continue to post an update in the Forum News area, but I will also post in here.

To start with, I've updated the blogs. The software for the blogs is supposed to be more streamlined and runs smoother and fit better with IP.Boards 3.1.4. If I see anything that is totally amazing going on with the blogs, I will let you know.

Also, I tested out a thing that put the Active User list (who's online) over on the side tab. It didn't really look right there. Everything looked all crammed in, and it really looked strange looking at the bottom of the page and not seeing the Active User list down there. So, I just removed it.

Now, About a month ago or so, I added a facebook like button to the bottom of threads. I told you about that before in the Forum News area, and we had some issues with the image that was being sent to facebook. Well, I've gotten that sorted out, and I've added another button to the bottom of the page (see image below):

On the left hand side, you see the facebook like button, and now on the right, you will see the tweet button so know you can tweet a thread if you like it.

There is still the one thing I talked about before, that I'm still working on, that will make things smother for signing in from the main page. We're adding what's called IP.Content, which is like what we have now, but it's fully integrated with the board, so we won't have the issue of people trying to sign in like they did before. And everything will be linked, and it will pull information right from the board and things like that. That's going to take a lot of work, but I'm really looking for to working with it.

There is also a lot of things I'm looking at from the Invision Power Community, but you will just have to wait and see what's coming with that.


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