2020 Year In Review
So 2020 has been one hell of a year. I've seen lots of highs and lots of lows in this past year, as most of the world has seen and felt.
I'll do my best to make this as coherent as possible, but I'm sure I will mix some thing up. The good thing is, @hirondelle has put together a list for me to look at, so that will help keep my thoughts organized.
So, with out too much more preamble, let me get into it.
To finish off 2019 and start off 2020, @hirondelle and I decided to go to Krabi and we asked Stef, our girlfriend, to join us. There were some issues, but over all it was a pretty good holiday. I wrote about it in the blog post titled Krabi 2019-2020.
January was pretty good. About the most exciting thing in January was planning for a hockey tournament that I will talk about soon. I was having some pain in my knee, but I did take off of hockey for 3 weeks before the tournament to rest it.
The hockey tournament was at the end of January beginning of February. They were having a 4-on-4 tournament at the rink up there. The tournament was called The Northern Breakaway Tournament 2020. They had two teams from Chiang Mai, a team from Hat Yai a team from Hong Kong and my team, Flying Farangs. We had actually put together a pretty strong team for this tournament. Below is a picture of my team.

Front Row - John Schachnovsky, Mike Nightingale, Dom Dumais, David Boere, Jesse Starosta
This tournament was a three day affair. In the first day of games, on January 31st, we played Chiang Mai in the first game and Southern Wolf in the second game, in which we won both games. We did lose David Boere to a broken hand in the first game and John Schachnovsky strained his groin in the second game, but David played a couple of shifts in the second game, and John continued to play throughout the tournament. In the second day of games, we played Hong Kong Transformers, which we won, and I strained my knee in this game, but I continued to play in the rest of the tournament. In our second game of game two, we played the Chiang Mai Jokers. This team was arguably the best team in the tournament, although they were a very cheap team took some cheap shots. We did give them a run for their money, though we didn't play all out. This set us up to play them again in the championship game of this tournament on day 3. Again, it was a really hard game, and we took less flack from them and they were still cheap, but we did eventually lose to them, and ended up taking second place in this tournament. It was a lot of fun, not counting the cheapness from the Chiang Mai Jokers, but playing with this group of guys and being back in Chiang Mai was great. After the tournament, I took two (2) weeks off from hockey to rest my knee again.
Right before we went to Chiang Mai for the tournament, we started hearing about this flu coming out of China, which ended up being Covid 19. It wasn't long after we got back to Bangkok that we started hearing about cases in Thailand.
Also in February, I found out that the school I had been working for for ten (10) years decided that they weren't going to renew my contract. I was a bit shocked at this as I had done everything they asked of me for those ten (10) years as well as helped them with a lot of things, but in hind sight, it was for the best really. I hadn't been happy at the school for quite a few years, so that just spurred me on to find better work.
Dottie napping on the couch
At the end of February, we also added a new member to our family here in Thailand. On February 29th, that was when our little Dottie girl joined our family. We weren't sure how Spike was going to take to her, because we didn't do a very good job of socializing Spike. Now, when we first brought her home, Spike wasn't to sure what to think about her, but he didn't attack her or anything, which is good. Then, a friend of ours, brought his puppy over, Ski, and Spike really wanted nothing to do with Ski. Dottie and Ski were playing and Ski got a little bit rough, Ski is huge compared to Spike and Dottie, and Dottie yipped and Spike was right over there to find out what was going on. A few days later, @hirondelle bought a couple of toys for Dottie, and Spike wanted to play with one of them, and they kind of bonded over that. Now they get a long so well, it's like made Spike a young puppy again. Spike who is 12 years old and Dottie who is now a year old, and they are getting along so well. I love it!
At the beginning of March, I was hired by an agency in the hopes that they would get me into a school. On the 11th of March, they had me do a demo lesson at a school, and while I was sitting in a very small kid's chair waiting my turn to go do my demo lesson, I stood up and almost fell over. I was in so much pain and I couldn't put any weight on my leg at all. I tried walking around to make it feel better, but nothing was working. I still had to do my demo lesson, and I informed them right away at the beginning of the lesson that I had done something to my knee so my lesson wasn't going to be the best. Well, the school was happy with my lesson and ended up hiring me, which I will get into later. After the demo lessons, they gave us a tour of the school they were building, and then we all went back to the agency office. From there, I got on my bike and rode home. Talk about being in pain. When I finally got home, I laid down the couch to have a nap and rest my knee more. After about an hour, it wasn't any better, so we decided to go the doctors. The doctor was awesome and he examined my knee, and ordered an x-ray and an MRI for a later date. After the MRI it was found out that I had strained three (3) ligaments in my knee, and there was some torn cartilage in my knee, and the doctor wanted to go in and clean up the cartilage, and then drill a few holds in the bone itself to cause it to bleed into the place where the cartilage was removed to create scar tissue to act like cartilage. On the 27th of March, I went in for my surgery, and the doctor found out that the meniscus in my knee had torn, so he stitched that back in place as well as did the rest of the surgery he had told me about. This put me on crutches for eight (8) weeks and out of hockey for nine (9) months.
April saw Thailand go into a lock down, which was good for me as I couldn't really go out anywhere. I stayed home and watched Netflix and got fatter. Also, @hirondelle got tired of me watching Netflix so much, so she bought me and Xbox 1X and some games. Talk about exciting. I bought a number of games, with Assassin's Creed being quite a few of them. I bought Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection, Assassin's Creed III, Assassin's Creed Unity (comes after Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag), Assassin's Creed Origins, Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Forza Horizon 4. While in lock down and recovering, I completed Assassin's Creed Unity as Assassin's Creed Origin's, as well as Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag on the Nintendo Switch, but I didn't complete this 100%. I will eventually go back and do my best to attempt that, but I'm in no rush.
May didn't see much of anything from me other than playing lots of Assassin's Creed.
At the end of June, I started at my new school. We started prepping for the students to come back on July 1st, and I had to teach a teach the teachers class, which was fun. I had to co-teach that class with the other English teacher that was hired. This school hired two (2) English teachers to teach English, two (2) Filipino teachers, one (1) for math and one (1) for sciences and one (1) Vietnamese teacher to teach Chinese. One of the things I loved right away about this school was that I got to see all my students every day in class. This is something I've been asking for since I started teaching fifteen (15) years ago. This is awesome!
In March of last year, I wrote a blog post about being polyamorous.
@hirondelle and I had been in a relationship with this lady named Stef, and we were together for almost two (2) years. Since before the end of the year, @hirondelle and I had been talking about ending things with Stef. It wasn't anything that Stef had been doing or not doing, it was just that @hirondelle felt that she was pulling herself away from me, and both @hirondelle and I had always said from the beginning that our relationship is #1. We always put each other first. When we went away together for the New Year, it seemed kind of like things might be a bit different, but it wasn't long and @hirondelle was still feeling the same. Over the lockdown period, we didn't see Stef as much, but then we started seeing each other again, and things just weren't the same, so at the end of July, we decided to end things with Stef. We still care about her, but not at the cost of our relationship. It was difficult, but after a bit of time, the three (3) of us are friends and have seen each other.
August didn't see much from me other than helping out a guy that was new to teaching, but that help didn't help him very much, because he didn't follow my suggestions or advice.
Come September, things got really interesting. First, @hirondelle and I had been talking about getting a car, especially since starting at my new school. She didn't like me riding my bike that far every day. See, on the bike, in the morning, it takes me about forty-five (45) minutes to get to school, and after school, on the bike, it takes me about an hour to get home. Personally, other than getting caught in the rain a few times, it wasn't that bad. I'll be honest though, there was one day, I was on my way to school and I got caught in the rain. That same day, I was on my way home from school and I got caught in the rain. Now, on the way to school, I could stop and put on my rain gear, but on the way home, there wasn't any place for me to stop, which sucked! That's was convinced me it was time to buy a car.
When we first started looking, we decided that we wanted to go for some type of SUV. The first car we decided on was a Nissan Juke. It's a nice car with some interesting styling. One of the things that I really liked about it were the bubble lights on the front end of the car. Also, the look of the Nissan Juke reminded me of some of the hot wheels car from the 80s. We also decided that we would look at second hand cars, instead of going new. we found a Nissan Juke and went and looked at it. It's smaller than I expected, but not too bad. I got in the front seat, driver's side, and I couldn't get in. I had to move the seat all the way back and tilt the steering wheel all the way up to get in, but once I got in, I could adjust the steering wheel down, but the seat had to stay as far back as it could go. @hirondelle said I looked like I was a bit cramped. It wasn't bad, but I could have gone for a little bit more room.
After this, we decided to go for something a little bit bigger. We decided to go for a For EcoSport. Not a bad little SUV. The EcoSport was launched outside of the US in 2012, but wasn't available in USA until 2018, and it wasn't a big seller. I guess American's don't like small SUVs, lol. I don't know. Any way, we looked around for the EcoSports, and we found a few, so we narrowed things down to only buy from a dealership in the hopes of getting some type of warranty. We found a dealership that had a couple, and we went and looked, and kind of liked how it looked, and it had more room in the front for me. One of the things both @hirondelle and I liked about the EcoSport was they had the spare tire on the back (pictured to the right). Something that we don't see on SUVs in Thailand any more. Any way, so we talked to the dealership about the used EcoSport. Wasn't that just a nightmare in a half! First, I asked if we could get financing for the EcoSport. They salesperson asked their finance person, who called their finance company and told them that I wanted a Ford eco car. No, they don't do financing for Ford eco cars. I said no, I don't want an eco car, I want the SUV Ford EcoSport. This went back and forth for a few minutes and I got so frustrated because they weren't listening to what I was saying and @hirondelle and I started to walk away. They chased us down and had us come back. I explained the problem and the salesperson called another salesperson over who explained to our salesperson that yes, the EcoSport is a model of Ford and that it isn't an eco car. So they called the finance company and said we could get approval. @hirondelle and I went home and talked about it. Then I decided to message them and ask about oil changes and whatnot, and the salesperson told me "No. We don't don't oil changes or service and no warranty. Needless to say, I was a bit shocked by this, so @hirondelle and I decided that no, we would do something else.
After some talk, and lots of research on my part, we decided we would go with a Honda BR-V. This is even bigger than the Ford EcoSport. One of the things we liked is we could get the version with seven (7) seats or the version with five (5) seats. We decided we would go with the five (5) seat version because we wanted room in the back to put a cage for the Spike and Dottie. Also, this game me room to put my hockey gear in as well. To be honest, this was my first ever new car, and going to buy a new car was really fun. One thing that I noticed was different for buying a new car in Thailand compared to buying a new car in USA (from what I have heard). One thing is in the US, you go into the car dealership, and you decide on the make and model you want, then you start deciding on the options you want. Each option adds a little bit more to your price. Now, this is based off of what I've heard for buying new cars in the States. In Thailand, they quote you a price, and this is what you pay for everything. If you want to pay less, you start taking off the different options until you get to a price you want. This was great, because there were certain options that @hirondelle wanted and certain options that I wanted. For example, one of the options that @hirondelle wanted was she wanted roof rails on the top of the car. For me, I wanted bluetooth in the car as well as a reverse camera. So having these come with the price quoted, that was awesome. There were things that we could have gotten if we had decided to go for a seven (7) seater that we didn't get with a five (5) seater, but one of those was fog lights, and well, living in Thailand, we don't get fog, so those were really not needed, so for me, that was really no big loss.
Another thing that was pretty major for me, was something that happened at my school. My co-worker, that I started at this school with, well, he has never taught before. I mean he did these drama courses, but he has never taught in a school before. I did my best to give him some advice, and things just weren't working for him. Then he lost his partner, which was sad, but he didn't really give himself a chance to recover from that. To go with this, he was struggling with getting all his documents for his visa, and he didn't know how to control his classes. Well, he had a really bad day and pushed two different students to the floor in front of Thai teachers, then he stormed out the class and went over to the kindergarten school to teach his classes over there. Needless to say, he was sent home, then when they watched the video from the class, and they saw what he did, he was terminated, not only from the school but also from the agency. That was scary, especially like a week after this, another school was on the news for a teacher hitting kids and it was a big thing for that school and all over Thailand.
Lots happening in September!
Now here we are, in October. October was another very exciting month for me. First, this was something big. October 05, 2020 marked fifteen (15) amazing years for @hirondelle and I. It's been an amazing journey. Thank you my love. I love you.
Next, after about three (3) years away, I decided to go back to karate. This was good and bad. Good, because I've really been missing karate, and have been wanting to get back into martial arts of some sort. Bad for me, because I hadn't practiced in years, and forgot all my katas, I had gotten fat, and my old Sensei had moved back to Japan. Well, I did some research, and found out where my dojo had moved to, and I found their facebook page and I reached out to them. I wanted to know if they still had adult classes, and what days they had classes. They were happy to hear from me and told me that they now only teach combined classes. They no longer have payment packages, just have to pay for every class I attend. This was my positive of the day #275, which was on October 22nd.
Another thing that was exciting wast that I started to go back to hockey. On October 30th, 2020, I stepped back on the ice for my first shinny since my knee surgery. I was a bit anxious at first, but I did OK. It felt amazing to be back on the ice. I loved it. My goal was to attend about four (4) shinnies to start to get back in shape for the hockey tournament that was coming up at the end of November, but I ended up only being in two (2) different shinnies, but that's OK. It was worth it.
In November, I played in my first hockey tournament since February. My buddy, Ralf, set up a team to play in this tournament. What was fun, is we had some skaters that I had never played in games with before, but I had been wanting to. Our first day of games, we didn't do so well. We lost our first game to Warriors B 5-0. In our second game, against Chiang Mai, we did manage to score two goals, but we lost 9-2. Our third game was against my BIHL team, Lion State, and we started coming together as a team, but we did lose this one 7-5. To be honest, although we lost these games, the first and third game of the day was a lot of fun to play in. Our game against Chiang Mai had shades of our game in February against the Chain Mai Jokers, which half the team from Chiang Mai were from the Chiang Mai Jokers. Oh well. Our second day of hockey was a lot better. In our first game, we played Souther Wolf and we won this one 2-1. Felt good to finally get a win. In our second game, against a teamed called Old Timers, which the oldest player on this team was about 25, and the average age was about 17, this was another close one, and we won this one 1-0. This gave us the recreational division championship, which was pretty awesome! We were pretty stoked about that.
For November, we had our normal Thanksgiving Dinner at a place called Bourbon Street which does this amazing Cajun style Thanksgiving buffet. Sadly, this year, because of Covid, they really trimmed down what they were offering because they thought there wouldn't be that many people that would come. They had a lot of people show up. The food was still good. Some friends, a couple, joined us, and we ended up sitting next to another friend of ours, so that was cool.
In December, we started hearing about more cases of Covid in Thailand again, which sucked. Also, my school decided, that since the school year was messed up because of the first wave of Covid, they would modify the schedule, which means were were scheduled to work through Christmas Day, and then have off December 31st and January 1st. Thanks to the second wave of Covid, I had off Christmas, but sadly, with the cases climbing again, they gave us off for the whole month of January as well.
Wow! That's a lot. Sorry about that. I hope it wasn't too boring for you all. That's all for now.
Always Remember: Keep the ones you love close to you, and tell them you love them often.
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