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Well, it has been awhile.  Yes, I wrote a story a few days ago and posted it


and I've posted here and there trough out NL.  I figured I should write a blog post and let people know what's going on with me.


Ice_Skating_DD17.jpg.96d1d9210d96c843652fb9e4d4411f45.jpgBack in April of 2017, I went to the States to visit my kids and my family.  Before I went back to the States, I really got the urge to play ice hockey again.  Now, just to give you an idea of how long it's been, the last time I played competitive hockey was back in 1989,.  Since that time, I had skated 1 time since then, and that was on February 16, 2016 when Tracy and I went to the little sheet of ice at one of the local malls here in Bangkok, Thailand, (see video below), and it was a lot of fun. 

Going-To-A-Hockey-Game.png.3a53b3d60fd50429fe0f7ad7c978c940.pngThen on August 20, 2016, Tracy and I went to Central Grand Rama 9 and we saw 2 games put on by the Bangkok Ice Hockey League (BIHL).  I did a vlog and a podcast about it back then.  It was a lot of fun.  Granted these players weren't superstars, but some of them were pretty good.  It was a lot of fun.

Meeting-BIHL-Players-DDV10-featured-image.png.0f2f16faa87fb10cd909b1f9c4145348.pngFrom this, I was contact by a couple of members from the BIHL, they were getting ready to start their own league, which was the Siam Hockey League (SHL).  I met with the president of the SHL, John, and the treasurer, Christian.  We sat down and discussed what they would like me to do for the SHL. 

What they wanted me to do at that time was to talk about what was going on with the SHL in my podcast, and come out to a few games and interview players.  I ended up doing a 10-20 minute news show about the games that happened over that week.  I also went to every game and interviewed the player of the game after the games.  I had so much fun doing this, and I got to know quite a few of the players.  By getting to know these guys, and watching them play, it really spurred my desire to play again.

hockey.jpg.907f074369c8db822d2d0b64e6b0ac4e.jpgThen April of 2017, I went back to the States to visit my kids and family, and I decided to pick up hockey gear while I was there.  When I got back, I started playing in the Thursday night shinny hockey, which is pick up hockey for those that don't know what shinny is.  This was a lot of fun.  A lot of the guys were happy to see me put the pads back on.  My first game back was pretty rough, but I get a little bit better all the time.

5a9cf828b1ed2_SHLLOGO(noyear).thumb.png.fc42a7aee0465f0313814b10ffdd4968.pngDuring the off season of the SHL, their Admin guy moved from Bangkok to Singapore, so they asked me if I would like to take off these tasks, which I jumped at.  I would continue doing my interview and news show.  I also have updated their website and kept track of their stats.  I would also be doing the score keeping for the SHL.  

5a9cfa563e145_landofsmiles.JPG.628c2f900e695879e597f0c38dd1d5db.JPGWhile things were getting ready for the SHL to kick off, I was contacted by the organizers of the Land of Smiles Tournament, a long running tournament here in Bangkok.  They have teams that come from all over the world.  They wanted me to interview the player of the games for the games that I could make it to.  And then, on the Saturday of the tournament, they asked me if I would make a some announcements, which I was happy to do.

Once the SHL kicked off, I found it I was a lot busier than I expected I would be.  The second season of the SHL is winding down, and although I've been pretty busy, I have enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to doing it again next season.  Also, during the SHL season, one of my friends in the SHL, Lance, asked me if I was interested in playing ball hockey.  I did this a few time, but I found it difficult with how much I was doing with the SHL, though I do plan on starting to play ball hockey again.  

During my time playing shinny hockey, one of the guys I played with, Ob, he asked me to be on his team in the BIHL next season, so I'm really looking forward to that.  Also, the Flying Farangs have asked me to take care of their website as well, so I've been doing that.  LOL.  I just keep adding more and more things.  But, the SHL's season is winding down, so I'm finding myself with more free time again, so I can come back here, which, for me, is always a good thing.  

Well, I think that's about all, though I'm sure @hirondelle will come by and remind me of a few things, which I will add edits for.  LOL.

Always Remember: If there is something you think you might be interested in, you should give it try.  You never know, you just might love it.


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