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Problems Fixed

So, we recently had some problems with a few of our themes after we updated.  For The Lodge, Fancy Pants and Gamer Nerd to be specific.  The problem was, if I had one of them set as a default theme, and a member wasn't signed in, they got nothing but a blank page.  We didn't catch this right away, because we are always signed in.  We don't know how long it went on because nobody let us know that it had happed unfortunately.  Now we understand that people are busy with their real lives, so that's not a problem.  I would like to thank @Cyrainfor bringing it to our attention.  With working with the theme developer, we finally got The Lodge and Fancy Pants all sorted.  We're still waiting on Gamer Nerd though.

Please, if you notice anything isn't working the way it should, bring it to our attention right away so we can fix it as soon as possible.  


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