Special Birthday Gift
This year for my birthday, Tracy decided to do something really special for me. See, Tracy's work was having her go to Hong Kong for a work. She would have to fly out on Monday the 14th, and she asked me if I wanted to fly out on that Thursday, my birthday. I'd never been to Hong Kong, but it's one of those places I wanted to visit. I was really excited about this.
After we had agreed on this, Tracy asked me if I would be OK if we decided to invite our friend, Stef, to go with me. So Stef would fly out with me on Thursday night, and we would spend the rest of Thursday night together, and half of Friday, until Tracy finished work in the afternoon, then we would spend the rest of Friday together and all of Saturday and fly back together on Sunday.
I was all for this, and excited, and Tracy told me she was also very excited about this, so we decided to bring this up to Stef. When we brought this up to Stef, she was also very excited about it, which made it more exciting for us.
So the big day arrives. My birthday. I finished work early, and headed home to do the last minute things I needed to do before I headed to the airport. At about four o'clock, I head out for the airport. On the way there, I met Stef, and we went to the airport together. While we waiting for our flight, we had shared a couple of jogs of beer and she gave me a lovely birthday card.
Next up was flight to Hong Kong. It's not a long flight, only about two and a half hours. Once we got going, I started watching the movie Papillon (2017). It was a really good movie, but I didn't have time to watch the whole movie, but I got to watch the last part of it on the way back.
We arrived in Hong Kong at about 10:30, and made it to the trains before they stopped running, we eventually made it to the area of our hotel, then we had to find our hotel. LOL. Quite an interesting journey at that time of night, but it was fun walking around Hong Kong at that time of night.
When we got up on Friday morning, we headed out to find breakfast. We walked around Hong Kong for a bit, enjoying the city for my first tie, taking some pictures of interesting things that I saw. We finally found a place for breakfast and had a really good breakfast. After breakfast, Stef and I decided to walk around Hong Kong some more so she could show me around Hong Kong as it was my first time. We saw some really interesting shaped/styled buildings. There was this one that looked like it would topple over if there was a strong wind.
I also saw this building that looked like it was made of puzzle pieces, which was really cool.
And next to this building was a gold building.
In our wanderings, Stef took me to Hong Kong Park which has some really cool things. In the outdoors bit, it had some ponds with waterfalls, but then they also had this conservatory in the park. In side this conservatory, they had some really cool things and a few funny things. They had a few different rooms areas. One of the areas was the arid area, and they had these funny little statues in there, which I had to take pictures of, you can find those in the Hong Kong 2019 Gallery. Outside, we got a closer look at the ponds and waterfalls, and they flowed from one pond to another. At the lower ponds, they had koi fish and so many turtles.
After we finished at the the Hong Kong Park, we wandered around Hong Kong a little bit, looking for a bank so I could change money from Thai Baht to Hong Kong Dollars. All the banks we went to wouldn't exchange the money for me unless I had an account with them. We did eventually find a currency exchange so I could change my money.
It was about this time that Tracy messaged us to let us know that she had finished work and that she was going to go to the hotel that her work had booked her in, check out and meet us at our hotel, so Stef and I hopped onto the tram and headed back to the hotel. One of the cool things about the trams in Hong Kong is that they look so old. It's like thrown back about 40 years or so. Once we got back to the hotel and met up with Tracy, we brought her suitcase up to the room and headed out.
There was a "Christmas" fair that was going on, but it had been extended to Chinese New Years, so it was still going on when we got there, so we decided to go and check it out. The fair was situated near the ferris wheel that Hong Kong has which is like the London Eye, the only difference is, it isn't big enough for you to stand up in and you are supposed to remain seated for the whole ride. I took quite a few pictures from the ferris wheel that you can find in the photo gallery for this blog post.
After the ferris wheel ride, we decided that since we are at a fair, we needed to get hotdogs and beer, so we found a stand where we could get hotdogs and a different stand where we could get beer. The bad thing was, we needed to buy tokens to get the beer and the hotdogs, so we went and bought tokens and had beer and hotdogs. Well, Stef and I had beer, Tracy and a soda.
After this, we had some extra tokens so we wandered around looking for things to spend our tokens on. We found one of the rides, I think it was called White Water Rafting or something like that. Each boat had four (4) seats, which was perfect for us. It was a lot of fun. After that, we decided to head off to get dinner.
We decided to have dinner at this Brussels restaurant that mussels. It was my first time having mussels. I decided to go with a spicy one that had chorizo sausage, and they were delicious. Then we headed back to the hotel.
For Saturday, we decided that we wanted to head over to Kowloon. To do that, we had to head across Victoria Harbor, so we decided to take the Star Ferry. I don't know if you know the movie Chungking Express, but it's a movie about this place in Kowloon that is like this apartment complex, with everything you need just in there. It's actually a really good movie, so it was pretty cool to see the real place.
While we were in Kowloon, we wanted to check out a couple of sex shops. I've been to a few in the States, and a few in the UK, so I thought it would be interesting to see what one was like in Hong Kong. It was packed full of things, and not as spacious as the ones I've been to in the States or in the UK but it was pretty cool. So many different things.
After the first shop, we stopped and had lunch, then off to a stationary shop. Can't pass up a good stationary shop and this was supposed to be one of the best in Hong Kong. Wow! Did that have some stuff. Everything you can imagine stationary wise, for art, Legos, teaching, for learning, games, pens, you name it, it had it! It was huge. Like seven (7) floors. Incredible! I ended up buying Tracy her birthday gift there.
Next up, we decided to find what was a really highly rated shop in Hong Kong, but on the way I saw this, which has lots of rope and lots of bamboo, oh the things I could do with this!
Once we found the shop, it was in a little mall, but it wasn't really that great, but we did see another one, and that was a bit better.
Once we were finished there, we hopped on the underground and headed back across the harbor to head up to the Peak and have dinner. We had made a booking through the hotel so we needed to get back. We hopped into a taxi and he took us up the Peak. We were a little later than we wanted to be, so we didn't get to explore the Peak very much, but we the view of the night skyline of Hong Kong with the mountains overhead was just incredible! Then we went to the Peak Restaurant. I decided to have a steak sandwich that was delicious.
Another great day in Hong Kong, so after dinner, we headed back to the hotel for the night.
Sadly, that was our last night in the hotel, and in the morning, we packed things up and headed for the subway to head to the airport. For my first trip to Hong Kong, it was amazing and I have to thank both Tracy and Stef for an amazing birthday.
Always Remember: If there is some place that you really want to see, make sure to make the time to it. You won't regret it.
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