Tracy and I have made some changes to our life and relationship over the past six months. Well, I would say more in the past year. Let me start from the beginning.
About a year ago, Tracy and I decided to explore our kinky side a bit more. In doing so, we joined a kinky community to get to know others that were already kinky. We did some research and found out that there was what's called munch. Basically, a munch is a place for people to meet up at a normal place, like a bar, pub or restaurant. It's a place for people to feel comfortable and chat about things and get to know each other. The community was very welcoming, and we met some really interesting people. Not long after the event, Tracy and I went to England on holiday. When we got back from England, we went to a couple more munches before we were invited to a party, which wasn't even a kink play party, it was a welcome back party for a friend of the community, at a house of one of the members of the community. So we arrived, and we were welcome with open arms by the host. Everybody was very friendly with us, and we made some really good friends that night. One of those friends was somebody we reacquainted ourselves with, which was Stef. Of all the people in the community, we started to develop a close friendship with Stef.
Over the next 6 months, Tracy and I started talking about maybe opening up our marriage, or more to the point, inviting a woman, and try a threesome. One of the most important things, for the both of us, was that the person we decided to try this with really needed to be attracted to the both, not just me, and not just Tracy, but both. The one person that we thought would be good for us, if she liked us, was Stef, because we had already built a friendship with her. During a birthday party at Stef's house, Stef approached me and let me know that if Tracy and I wanted to, she would like to play with us. A little later in the night, Stef also talked to Tracy about. She told us how she thought both Tracy and I were cool and how much she liked us.
After the party, Tracy and I went home and we talked about it a little bit. Both of us were quite excited by the idea, but we made sure not to make any decisions then, and went to bed and let things settle in our head. The next day we talked about it off and on, and decided that would like to try it. I contacted Stef, and we made a date. The original plan was that we were going to have Stef come to our place, but we had some issues, and we moved the date to Stef's place. We arrived, and Stef's, and had dinner just chatted for quite some time. Don't worry, I'm not going to give you all the gory details or the play by play. Let's just say that we had a really good night and if anything, it brought the three of us closer. Over the next few days and weeks, we talked about it, and decided that we wanted to do it again, but this time, do a weekend thing. This time, Stef came to our house. We went to a restaurant near us and had a lovely dinner and talked a lot. We went back to our place and chatted and got closer. We spent Friday night, all day Saturday and Sunday morning.
About mid December, I found out that Tracy was going to Hong Kong for work during my birthday, and she asked me if I would like to go, and then a few days later, she asked if we should invite Stef, so when we went to a party at Stef's place, early in the night, we asked Stef if she would join us in the kitchen for a moment, and asked her if she would like to go to Hong Kong with us. This was a big step for us for a few different reasons. First, Tracy would already be in Hong Kong, so Stef and I would fly out together. Second, Tracy would have to stay in the hotel her work paid for on the Thursday night and work on Friday, so Stef and I would spend the night together in the hotel together, alone and part of Friday together alone until Tracy could join us later in the evening. Stef loved the idea agreed.
Christmas was fast approaching, and Tracy and I wanted to spend it with Stef, so we asked her if she wanted to have Christmas with us, and she accepted, and we arranged another multi-day. On Christmas Eve, we went to one of our favorite restaurants, Bourbon Street, which does a Cajun Style Buffet which is just delicious. Sadly, they made a mistake and didn't have our table that we booked, but they made up for it by putting us in a private area, so it was just the three (3) of us, which was really nice. After dinner, we got a taxi back to our place and opened gifts. We spent Christmas Day together, just relaxing and played a really interesting game. On the 26th, we had a nice breakfast and then Stef went home.
Also, we weren't just getting together for dates. If there was a munch or a party, or an art night or something, we would see Stef at these. Stef also wanted us, and those close to her to meet her parents. This was a big step for Stef, because although her parents knew she was polyamorous they hadn't met everybody together at one sitting. We got to meet them and they met everybody and we had a lovely dinner and chatted and got to know them.
The following Monday, Tracy was off to Hong Kong, and I had until Thursday to get to get things organized in my head to go to Hong Kong with Stef on the following Thursday. I got approval from my school to leave after lunch on Thursday, so I could take care of any last second things, and at 4:00 pm, I headed off to Makasan Station to meet Stef, and we boarded the Airport Rail Link and headed to the airport together. Once we were all checked in, we sat down for some snacks and beers and Stef gave me my birthday card with a lovely picture in it. We boarded the plane and off to Hong Kong. Once in Hong Kong, things were a bit hectic as we had to find the hotel, but it wasn't too bad, and we checked into the hotel, went to the room relaxed. The following morning, Stef and I went out and about, and I won't go too much into the Hong Kong trip as you can read all about it in the blog post titled Special Birthday Gift.
Next up was Stef's birthday, which we celebrated a two in one birthday on Tracy's birthday. Stef booked a lovely dinner at the Sofitel Rooftop Restaurant where we had mussels for dinner and then we went back to Stef's place for a nice night together. In February, we had quite a few dates. First, as I said was Tracy's birthday, then we got together on the on the 8th, we had dinner together on the 14th, with Stef spending the night, and then we had another weekend date near the end of February after the Poly munch.
In March, five (5) of us went to Pattaya for a dive weekend. It was our friend Colin and his girlfriend Emma, Tracy, Stef and I. It was a lovely weekend and we really enjoyed it. On March 8th, we had our 6th month anniversary, and we celebrated it together. We also had a date on the 22nd, which was the Thai Election day, and we jokingly called Erection day.. .well, because obviously.
When all this started out, we didn't think it would be where we are now. I think the three (3) of us just thought it would be a night of sex, one time, maybe more if we all enjoyed it. What we didn't expect was that the three of us would end up falling in love with each other. It's been an amazing ride, and maybe I will right another post about it when we hit the one year mark. I'm not sure yet. We are just playing things by ear, and one of the most important things is that we don't want any of the three of us to change.
Always Remember: Always follow your heart, it will never lead you wrong.
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