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So, I'm sure quite a few of you have Netflix, so I'm curious to see what you guys are watching right now?

I'm currently watching Chewing Gum. It's been a long time since a television character has made me squirm with embarrassment. It's a pretty quirky show. I'm addicted, and almost finished. :( Anyone else watching this one?

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We had Netflix, but we decided to stop our subscription.  We've thought about starting it again, but we don't know yet.  We used to watch Blacklist on Netflix, and Broadchurch.  :D 

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I have this problem, where i constantly rewatch the same stuff that I've seen five million times. The logic is something like:

"Well, it's getting kind of late, I'll turn off video games and lay down and watch something"

*20 minutes later, still browsing netflix*

"...from past experience, you know you're going to fall asleep in the middle of whatever it is, so you shouldn't watch something you actually want to see."

Alternatively "if you pick something you haven't seen and actually want to see, you'll stay up too late in order to finish it."

*another 10 minutes*

"Oh, f*ck it." *starts an episode of Sherlock again...for the 200th time.*


That said, i've been making my way through Once Upon a Time :)

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lol Yeah.. I can't tell you how much time I spend looking through everything. I'll put a ton of stuff in my queue, and then sit there and feel like I don't have anything to watch.... ¬¬

Sometimes, I'll close my eyes and press a ton of arrow buttons, and randomly pick something. Most of the time, I'm pleased with what I end up watching lol!

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Haven't been watching much Netflix recently, mostly because I have so much other stuff I want to watch and haven't gotten to, but I think that last show I watched on there was The Defenders when it came out in August.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Currently watching Lucifer and The Good Place, annoying to have to wait for new episodes :P

Stanger things 2 is on the to watch list, also got a notification Broadchurch season 3 was available, so that'll be on there too.
Other than that mostly browsing for random stuff (or just switching to us flix amazon prime video).

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  • 3 months later...

Making my way through all 14 seasons of NCIS lol up to season 8 so far. 

I watched it when it first came out, but now rewatching Mindhunter. Can’t wait for next season.

other than that, my brother and I are watching Fullmetal Alchemist lol :3

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I could easily do away with TV and just watch Netflix. Even when I can’t watch, I like to have it as background at work (one of the ‘ive Seen this show 5 million times so I don’t need to watch’ things)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Still getting through NCIS, going to watch Series of Unfortunate Events soon (rewatch and then new season). Just rough cause I have no time, having to supervise puppy

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  • 5 weeks later...

We've started watching Orange Is the New Black.  We've  heard a lot about this show from a lot of people, but never watched it.  When we were in London, we caught an episode on the TV.  At the time, we didn't see what all the hype was about, but then we decided to watch at least the first season, or at least part of the first season.  Needless to say, we're hooked.  I love how they build the characters.  Even the ones you hate, they have done such a great job to make you really hate that character.  We just started the second season, so yeah, we are kind of binge watching it.  :D 

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