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From the album: Canon PowerShot A620.
Angkor Wat in 2006 -
From the album: Canon PowerShot A620.
Angkor Wat in 2006 -
From the album: Canon PowerShot A620.
Tracy in Angkor Wat 2006. Taken with a Canon PowerShot A620. -
From the album: Canon PowerShot A620.
Tracy in Angkor Wat 2006. Taken with a Canon PowerShot A620. -
From the album: Canon PowerShot A620.
From our trip to England in 2011, taken with Canon PowerShot A620 -
From the album: Canon PowerShot A620.
From our Trip to England in 2011. Taken with a Canon PowerShot A620 -
From the album: Canon PowerShot A620.
Tracy and I in Angkor Wat in 2006. Taken with a Canon PowerShot A620. -
From the album: Canon PowerShot A620.
Some monks in Angkor Wat when we went in 2006. Taken with a Canon PowerShot A620. -
This is just simply a test to see what's going on. I want a word count, but I don't think this is working.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sit amet lectus vel tortor scelerisque facilisis sit amet a mi. Suspendisse maximus sapien diam. Ut nec rhoncus leo. Nulla malesuada ante ac nunc fringilla, vitae tempus diam consequat. Mauris vitae ligula in velit venenatis pretium. Vestibulum at velit consequat, commodo purus eu, placerat odio. Donec in magna vehicula, scelerisque elit eget, dictum nulla. Praesent cursus neque in orci facilisis posuere. Pellentesque vitae orci magna. Etiam sagittis est urna, a auctor ipsum interdum rhoncus. Cras malesuada, est quis convallis venenatis, erat nunc aliquam tellus, eu ultricies nulla leo dictum dolor. Morbi in velit tincidunt massa ultricies dictum. Mauris ut aliquam elit, nec tristique orci. Donec mollis tincidunt lacus. Phasellus ac risus at justo pharetra posuere. Ut eget sapien sodales, tincidunt erat vel, bibendum nisl. Quisque interdum porta mi, ac euismod dolor viverra ut. Phasellus elementum viverra risus sit amet venenatis. Donec porttitor porttitor velit, quis auctor nisi tincidunt eget. In nec turpis arcu. Mauris in neque vel sapien venenatis vehicula sit amet id metus. In facilisis nibh et rhoncus faucibus. Duis eu sapien quis dolor auctor viverra. Nulla interdum justo eros, at porta orci molestie interdum. Donec in hendrerit nulla. Fusce feugiat facilisis nibh, ac fringilla libero interdum ac. Phasellus facilisis libero ac dolor elementum, aliquet egestas justo volutpat. Nunc nec justo a massa posuere maximus. Nam non mauris egestas, maximus lectus ac, suscipit ex. Morbi tellus ligula, rhoncus a nisi a, facilisis tempor eros. Ut tempus felis consequat ante rhoncus convallis. Proin vestibulum ex eu risus interdum tempor. Praesent vitae sapien lectus. Mauris quam ligula, pulvinar ac dui sed, bibendum fermentum turpis. Nulla eget justo scelerisque, tristique mauris vel, faucibus quam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed ultrices dignissim ipsum. Vestibulum quis convallis ante. Proin sed purus dolor. Fusce mollis, est eget vulputate finibus, magna magna auctor tellus, fringilla blandit augue enim eu mi. Nulla tincidunt metus magna, vitae lacinia ante dignissim a. Ut nisl velit, sodales sed venenatis a, luctus nec enim. Aliquam pretium sapien id tincidunt tincidunt. Vestibulum vel lorem in tellus venenatis tincidunt non ultrices tortor. Mauris maximus ante a purus porttitor, eu maximus elit suscipit. Aenean mi nunc, tempus eu faucibus eu, pulvinar eget quam. Aliquam sit amet felis ut velit volutpat semper nec in leo. Sed eget malesuada enim. Nunc auctor quam ac egestas placerat. Sed eros augue, dictum ut vestibulum non, ultrices sit amet lacus. Duis pharetra sit amet felis vel vulputate. Fusce tincidunt, augue in ornare vestibulum, dolor odio ultricies eros, sed imperdiet nibh sapien a metus. Integer tempus purus eget nulla consequat vestibulum non at erat. Mauris aliquet metus vitae nibh fringilla egestas.
Some of you may know that I have been dabbling in photography for a few years now. Before I get too far, let me start off at the beginning. I remember as a kid, back in the late 70s, way before there was digital photography, when you actually had to get your film developed to see what your pictures looked like, I got this little camera for my birthday. It was a little instamatic, similar to the picture you see here on the left. The film was in these cartridges like you see on the right. You had to open the back of the camera, insert the cartridge, close the back, and spin the dial until it stopped, then you could take your pictures. You couldn't open the back of the camera until you used up all the film because it would ruin the pictures you already took. I think I might have taken about five (5) rolls of pictures, which I don't think I ever got developed. I remember taking this camera on a school field trip to Fort Snelling, and I took maybe two (2) rolls of pictures while I was there. In the early to mid 80s, my parents got a polaroid, similar to the one on the right, but ours was all black, and I played with that a little bit, not really very much. One of the things I loved about this camera is that the pictures didn't need to be developed and you could see the picture within minutes of taking the picture. I thought this was the coolest things I'd ever seen. It wasn't until about the mid 1990s that I used another camera, and that would have been some of the disposable cameras, like the one seen on the left. One of the great things about this style of camera was that I didn't have to spend a lot of money on a camera. I could just stop by one of the local convenience stores and pick one up as I needed, and when I was finished, I could just take it to the local developing center and have it developed in something like an hour. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, I got a digital camera as a free gift when I ordered some coffee from a coffee company. I ordered the coffee because I wanted the coffee beans and the grinder. I didn't know I would get a digital camera with my coffee, so when I opened the coffee box, I was pretty happy and excited to see the digital camera. There was no display, no zoom or anything special, just a basic point and shoot digital camera and you needed to plug it into your computer to get the images off of the camera. I didn't really know a lot about taking pictures at this point, I just pointed the camera in the area and pressed the button. I didn't think too much about it, like I said, I would just point and shoot. It wasn't until I moved to Thailand and was with @hirondelle. When hirondelle and I were getting ready to go to Cambodia to see Angkor Wat, where hirondelle took most of the pictures, but I played around a little bit with the camera. It was during this time, that I kind of started getting pretty serious about taking pictures. I didn't know a lot about taking pictures back then, so I would just point the camera and press the button. In 2008 hirondelle and I did our first bike trip, I've written a whole blog post about this before, so I won't do that now, but on that trip I started playing around with our camera more, and I started pictures in what I call wonky angles, but photographers call Dutch angles, which is a picture that isn't exactly square, or at an angle. Some people like this, some people don't. hirondelle suggested not taking so many pictures like this, but she also told me about framing my pictures and about what I should look for when taking a picture. From that day, I started looking at things differently. In 2013, @icewlf came to visit us for the first time. While he was here, we went and looked at a camera shop, and icewlf got me interested in taking pictures again. So I took some of the things hirondelle taught me and icewlf added to that, so I started looking more and more at framing my pictures better and getting better angles and trying different things to highlight different things in the picture. My favorite picture that I took when hirondelle and I went to Krabi in October 2014, during my schools break, we went to Railay Bay West in Krabi, Thailand. This was our second time going to Krabi. One day, we were sitting down watching the sun set and I was shooting some pictures, trying to get some good sunset pictures, and I saw this couple standing on the beach being all lovely, and I wanted to try and capture them with the sunset and the sea, and the picture to the right is what I came up with. One of the things that I loved about this camera is that I could take panoramic pictures. I could set the mode on the camera to panorama and then point at one side I wanted a panorama of, hit the button and move the camera while I took the picture. You just had to make sure not to go too fast or too slow and to keep it in a straight light. Below are some of my attempts at doing this. After this, I started playing around with hirondelle's Pentax Km DSLR camera. I'd never played around with an SLR or a DSLR before, so this was like a huge learning curve. It was a lot of fun learning, and I took some really good pictures. This was the first time I was taking picture in RAW format. Prior to using the Pentax, I could edit images and pictures in FireWorks, but now I needed to learn how to use Photoshop, this was another huge jump for me. If I can find the pictures I took with this camera, I'll make sure to share them here. Around this time, I started trying to take better pictures with the camera on my phone. I started applying the principles that hirondelle taught me to my phone, and mixing in a few things that I had picked up from watching photographers like Fro Knows Photo, Some of these pictures turned out really good. My next camera, the one I use now is a Nikon D5500. I got this in 2016. This is my first DSLR camera. When I started taking pictures with this camera, I set the file type to jpeg, and then I started following a photographer that strongly suggested that people should show in raw format, so I started doing this. When I started shooting in raw, I needed to learn Lightroom. One of the problems with shooting in raw format is that the images take so long to edit. I could easily take 100 or more pictures in just a few hours. For example, when we went to Lincoln this past year and I got to meet hirondelle's friend, I took over 300 pictures during the day. This doesn't sound like a lot of pictures until you go to edit those pictures. I can get lost in editing photos so easily, peaking and tweaking all the little things, and I can edit one picture four (4) different times in four (4) different ways. I can see if I'm doing pictures professionally and getting paid to do these pictures, but these are just for fun, and I just don't have the time to edit these pictures that much, so starting this year, I've changed my Nikon to take JPEG Fine pictures. I'm excited about this as I won't have to do as much editing of the pictures. Below is a gallery of some of the pictures I've taken with this camera. I've also been trying to better pictures with my current phone, which is an iPhone 8+. I've been really happy with a lot of the pictures I've been taking with my phone. I've been more particular with what I'm shooting and trying to make sure I have it framed better. Well, I think I've bored you enough with my photography talk. I plan on taking more pictures this year, so let's see what happens. Always Remember: Always take the tie to do the things you love.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lobortis ante sem, eget vehicula ipsum iaculis eu. Pellentesque at mauris pulvinar, rutrum sem id, faucibus augue. Mauris venenatis erat non dictum iaculis. Cras a nibh at velit facilisis interdum. Aliquam vestibulum tellus tortor, id mollis lorem laoreet quis. Praesent feugiat mauris ut arcu dapibus auctor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In interdum, sem vel tincidunt suscipit, augue risus egestas neque, vitae convallis nunc lorem nec est. Morbi ut finibus nibh, vitae rhoncus orci. Cras nec egestas neque. Suspendisse gravida tincidunt ex, sed commodo quam bibendum id. Vestibulum convallis justo tortor, sed elementum libero ultrices a. Praesent egestas lorem eget ex ultricies pretium. Nullam et pulvinar nunc. Fusce elementum massa in viverra ornare. Sed quam lorem, lobortis a leo a, hendrerit laoreet elit. Mauris auctor sem at porttitor fringilla. Cras in odio scelerisque, gravida ipsum at, aliquet augue. Curabitur venenatis mauris eget ex interdum pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris id semper libero. Nam ut lectus ac nisi ultrices vehicula non quis eros. Nam consequat fermentum tortor id ornare. Nullam commodo molestie placerat. Nam finibus mi eget convallis luctus. Donec ac lorem in dolor volutpat condimentum. Donec posuere eget tortor eget finibus. Proin accumsan lobortis convallis. Nullam finibus molestie lacus, in molestie quam. Quisque et ligula pulvinar, scelerisque dui non, cursus est. Morbi vel magna sit amet nulla porttitor aliquam vel et risus. Nunc efficitur ante in lectus maximus sodales. Nullam at velit urna. Curabitur turpis lectus, rhoncus eu metus sed, fringilla molestie ante. Quisque quis arcu accumsan, bibendum nulla et, elementum orci. Aliquam nec nibh id dui interdum sollicitudin. Quisque elit tellus, ornare id vulputate in, porttitor at est. Etiam ipsum erat, suscipit a metus et, ultrices lobortis nisl. Ut feugiat, mi ut malesuada ullamcorper, diam sem auctor arcu, at imperdiet enim nisi sed nulla. Curabitur commodo auctor orci non dapibus. Suspendisse porta ultricies arcu, at lobortis lacus consequat eget. Duis feugiat nisl sed efficitur molestie. Maecenas eu nibh nec urna tincidunt aliquet. Mauris lectus metus, porttitor eget egestas in, pretium non est. Donec ac nisl vel mauris cursus fringilla id eu augue. Ut sit amet purus in massa imperdiet sagittis. Vivamus porttitor lectus varius rutrum feugiat. Proin nec fringilla nunc. Cras elit nunc, scelerisque non justo eu, tincidunt feugiat tellus. Sed ultrices finibus arcu quis aliquet. Nam maximus nec lacus non tristique. Proin vel risus vel ligula semper tempus. Nunc metus dui, consectetur a rhoncus et, euismod non erat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lobortis ante sem, eget vehicula ipsum iaculis eu. Pellentesque at mauris pulvinar, rutrum sem id, faucibus augue. Mauris venenatis erat non dictum iaculis. Cras a nibh at velit facilisis interdum. Aliquam vestibulum tellus tortor, id mollis lorem laoreet quis. Praesent feugiat mauris ut arcu dapibus auctor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In interdum, sem vel tincidunt suscipit, augue risus egestas neque, vitae convallis nunc lorem nec est. Morbi ut finibus nibh, vitae rhoncus orci. Cras nec egestas neque. Suspendisse gravida tincidunt ex, sed commodo quam bibendum id. Vestibulum convallis justo tortor, sed elementum libero ultrices a. Praesent egestas lorem eget ex ultricies pretium. Nullam et pulvinar nunc. Fusce elementum massa in viverra ornare. Sed quam lorem, lobortis a leo a, hendrerit laoreet elit. Mauris auctor sem at porttitor fringilla. Cras in odio scelerisque, gravida ipsum at, aliquet augue. Curabitur venenatis mauris eget ex interdum pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris id semper libero. Nam ut lectus ac nisi ultrices vehicula non quis eros. Nam consequat fermentum tortor id ornare. Nullam commodo molestie placerat. Nam finibus mi eget convallis luctus. Donec ac lorem in dolor volutpat condimentum. Donec posuere eget tortor eget finibus. Proin accumsan lobortis convallis. Nullam finibus molestie lacus, in molestie quam. Quisque et ligula pulvinar, scelerisque dui non, cursus est. Morbi vel magna sit amet nulla porttitor aliquam vel et risus. Nunc efficitur ante in lectus maximus sodales. Nullam at velit urna. Curabitur turpis lectus, rhoncus eu metus sed, fringilla molestie ante. Quisque quis arcu accumsan, bibendum nulla et, elementum orci. Aliquam nec nibh id dui interdum sollicitudin. Quisque elit tellus, ornare id vulputate in, porttitor at est. Etiam ipsum erat, suscipit a metus et, ultrices lobortis nisl. Ut feugiat, mi ut malesuada ullamcorper, diam sem auctor arcu, at imperdiet enim nisi sed nulla. Curabitur commodo auctor orci non dapibus. Suspendisse porta ultricies arcu, at lobortis lacus consequat eget. Duis feugiat nisl sed efficitur molestie. Maecenas eu nibh nec urna tincidunt aliquet. Mauris lectus metus, porttitor eget egestas in, pretium non est. Donec ac nisl vel mauris cursus fringilla id eu augue. Ut sit amet purus in massa imperdiet sagittis. Vivamus porttitor lectus varius rutrum feugiat. Proin nec fringilla nunc. Cras elit nunc, scelerisque non justo eu, tincidunt feugiat tellus. Sed ultrices finibus arcu quis aliquet. Nam maximus nec lacus non tristique. Proin vel risus vel ligula semper tempus. Nunc metus dui, consectetur a rhoncus et, euismod non erat.
Netflix - What are you watching right now?
Timberwolf replied to DarkAngel's topic in TV, Movies & Music
We just binge watched two seasons of Stranger Things, and OMG it was awesome! We also just started watching MindHunter, and damn it is good and addictive! -
What file format do you use for taking pictures with a DSLR?
Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello
But it is an awesome shower speaker.
So 2018 has been quite an interesting year to say the least. It's been quite an interesting and eventful year to say the least. (Click Next Page to continue reading) January - Early in the month, @hirondelle took me to one of her favorite restaurants from her early days in Thailand, a place called Suda. She took a great picture of me having a beer Although hirondelle says the food wasn't as good as she remembers, it wasn't bad, and I enjoyed going to one of her old hangouts. And just look at that hair! You think that's bad? Wait till you see it as the year goes along. February - We had a special visiter for hockey here in Thailand, we had Coach Jeremy from How To Hockey and you can find his YouTube channel HERE. While he was here, the Siam Hockey League and the Flying Farangs put together a pick up game for him, which I got to play in. Also during this time, hirondelle and I started exploring kink a bit more and we attended our first shibari training class, where I started learning the Japanese art of tying people with rope. We also started to explore with what is called impact play. Impact play is like spanking, but sometimes using other objects other than your hands, which have found we liked a lot. March - March was a really big month for me, because I was asked to play with the Flying Farangs during the City Of Angels Old Timers tournament here in Bangkok. Although we didn't do so good in the tournament, it was so much fun to play with these guys. One of the best things about this was that when they asked me what number I wanted, the first number that came to mind was my number from when I used to play hockey back in the 80s. When I asked if that number was available, they said yes! April - Lots of interesting things happened this month. First, we went to our first munch in the kink community here in Bangkok. This was a big step for us, because we didn't know (1) who was going to be at the munch, and (2) what if somebody we knew showed up at the munch. As things would have it, there was somebody going that we knew, but he was so super cool about it and helped us ease into it. Right after the munch, hirondelle and I headed off to England. It had been a few years since I'd been to the UK, and we wanted to make the best of it. We spent a few nights in Hucknall, and while there, hirondelle took me to the hockey rink in Nottingham, where the Nottingham Panthers play. One of the reasons she brought me to the rink is because they have a pro shop there, and I was looking for some new hockey equipment. More specifically, I was looking for new shin pads, new gloves, shoulder pads and a new hockey bag. To go with that, they had quite a bit of NHL stuff, so I got some Minnesota Wild stuff, pins and a hockey puck as well as a Nottingham Panthers T-shirt. I didn't buy everything in Nottingham, hirondelle also took me to Sheffield, which also has a hockey team, the Sheffield Steelers, one of Nottinghams rivals. They have a giant hockey equipment shop called Puckstop, which has just about everything you can think of when it comes to hockey gear. Of course, as luck would have it, we didn't check the hours of the shop. We arrived in Sheffield on Monday and thought they would be open and when we found the store, we found that they were closed on Mondays. So we had to go there on Tuesday. Oh well. These things happen. Between the two stores, I found what I was looking for, and it was pretty cool walking around Sheffield. We weren't only in the UK for hockey equipment though. One of the other reasons we were in the UK was so I could finally meet one of hirondelle's oldest friends, Sharron and Sharron's husband Doug. We spend the whole day in Lincoln, walking around and hanging out with them. Lincoln is a pretty interesting city, with an amazing cathedral, and the high street is this really long hill that leads right down to the river that runs right through Lincoln. It was pretty cool, and it was awesome finally meeting Sharron and Doug. One of the things we always do, especially when I'm with hirondelle, when we go to the UK is we meet Autumn and Jamie. We love meeting up with them, and on this trip, we spent most of the day with them. They took us to their tattooist and piercer and hirondelle got her nipples pierced. So cool. One of the things hirondelle and I talked about with meeting Jamie and Autumn was them taking us to their tattooist and piercer so hirondelle could get her nipples pierced. After our time in Nottingham/Sheffield, we spent some time in London. We love London for so many different reasons. This year, we decided to go to some more kinky type shops, because we were looking to get some special things. We picked up some pretty cool kinky toys that we just love. May - May was a pretty busy month for me when it came to hockey. First, I played in a 4-on-4 hockey tournament in Pattaya. This tournament was a lot of fun, though we lost our first game, we won our next 2 games to put us in the finals against the local favorite team, the Pattaya Destroyers. This tournament had two (2) first for me. First, the manager, Scott Murray put me in as a forward. I don't remember playing as a forward since I was in mites, back when I was 5-6 years old. Second, in the second game, Scott (my forward line mate) had me taking face-offs on my side of the ice. Of course, when I first started, I did really shitty, and didn't win any face-offs, but then I won a couple face-offs, so that wasn't so bad.. The first time we played the Pattaya Destroyers we beat them, but then we had to play them again after a break ofd about an hour, and they beat us, so we ended up taking second place in this tournament, which wasn't too bad. After this, I had a tournament a tournament in Northern Bangkok, an hour by underground train, to help raise funds for one of the local, Thai ice hockey players that was in a motorcycle accident. This was another 4-on-4 tournament, and we did really good in this tournament and eded up winning it, which was awesome. The last thing that happened in May was that I started playing in the Bangkok Ice Hockey League (BIHL) for a team called Bunteng Rengrom. The BIHL starts off their season with one (1) division, then after 4 games, they split into two (2) divisions, and after 4 more games they have the playoffs in three (3) divisions. Last season, my team, Bunteng Rengrom, took 3rd place out of 4 teams in the 3rd division. This year, we took 3rd place out of 3 teams in the second division, so we did better than we did last year. I was one of three foreigners on my team, and almost half of my team were women, which was pretty cool. We had a lot of fun, though in one game I got a little heated when we were playing in our second game against Greatest Ice. One of their top players took a cheap shot at one of our players, so I defended our player and gave the guy a check in the back, nothing dirty, no elbows or anything like that, just a should, which sent him to the ice, which caused a bit of a scuffle in front of our net and I got sent to the box for 2 minutes. Over all, I feel I didn't do too bad in my first season in the BIHL. I got 2 points (assists) with 4 minutes in penalties. I was asked to come back and play for them again next year, which I plan on doing. June - June marked a few big things. First, hirondelle and I went to our first kinky play party. That was pretty exciting and fun. I also played more hockey. The BIHL went until August, so I was pretty busy with that, but I also got to travel with the Flying Farangs to the Philippines. This was the first time in about 5 years that the Flying Farangs have traveled outside of Thailand to play in a tournament, so I was pretty stoked to be asked to come along and play in this one. This was also the first time I'd been to the Philippines, so that was exciting in and of itself. Also, I got to meet a long time online friend for the first tie face to face while I was in the Philippines. Karen actually came to the rink for her first every hockey game. It was awesome to meet her, and we had a lovely dinner together. Another cool thing was we had to NHL hockey players and Stanley Cup winners, Johnny Oduya and Marcus Kruger visit Bangkok for a charity game. This was so awesome, and I did the score keeping and announcements for the game. I also got to have dinner with them before the game. The most exciting for me thought was the night before. There was a game for those that weren't playing in the charity game to be able to play with Johnny Oduya and Marcus Kruger. This was awesome on so many levels, but the biggest thing for me was being a D-partner to Johnny Oduya! Amazing! Oh, and I got a penalty for "tripping" Marcus Kruger, but I still say he took a dive. The most important thing for me in June was that my baby girl, Bretney, graduated from high school! I talked to her for a few minutes before the ceremony and I got to watch the ceremony live through her schools website. Totally awesome. So proud of her. July - Hockey wise, the BIHL is still going on and I'm playing in the weekly shinny for the Flying Farangs. Also, when it comes to Shibari, I did my first suspension, which was of a friend of ours, and then a few weeks later, I suspended hirondelle for the first time. That was a lot of fun. August - Kink wise, August was pretty exciting for us. One of the groups we are part of had what's called an Auction Party, which is what it says, but people are auctioned off with the money going to special organizations and groups. First off, hirondelle went up on the auction block to do art for a scene for somebody. Second, we both went up on the block as a couple to co-top somebody. So that was really exciting for us, and a lot of fun. September - So this was a good and bad month. I got pulled over on my motorcycle on my way to where I eat lunch and they wanted to give me a ticket for my tax being out of date, but I showed them where my tax was and they were like, oh ok, but then when they looked at my driver's license, they told me that I needed a Thai driver's license. This was a shock to me, because I'd been using my American driver's license whenever I rode a bike here in Thailand. They didn't give me a fine the first time, but when they pulled me over a second time in the same week, they checked my tax and found out that it was out of date, I had made a mistake, and this was the second time in a week that I had been pulled over and didn't have a Thai driver's license, so I did get fined this time. The best thing that happened this month, well, let me go back to about May, before we went to our first kink party, we were invited to a welcome back party of somebody that was part of the group that wanted to meet us, so she got us invited. The party was at another person's house, by the name of Stef. Both hirondelle and I really hit it off with Stef. We went to quite a few parties and events at Stef's house through out the year. Well, Stef told hirondelle and I that if we ever wanted to try being with a third person, she really liked us and would be willing to be our third. hirondelle and I had talked about this before, but that was about as far as we had gone with it, then Stef brought it up to us. We went home that night and talked it, and we decided we would like to try it, so I messaged Stef and we made a date. We had that date, and spent the night at Stef's and all three of us really enjoyed it. October - More motorcycle news this month. So we went to get our motorcycle it's tax updated and well, we found out that the bike needed to be inspected because it's older than five (5) years old, and then we went to get it insured and taxed. That was a whole day affair. Then I went to try to get my Thai driver's license, but found out that I could only do the eye test portion of my test and I had to head back there in November, so keep an eye out for that. One of the good things that happened, is we had a weekend date with Stef, and this time, she came to our house, and she spent the weekend with us and it was so great! So chill and relaxed. November - Motorcycle - Wow. So I went and spent five (5) hours at the Land and Transport office watching videos and then I took the written test after, and I was told I had to come back on another day to do my driving test. Talk about being angry, because I was told I could do both tests in the same day, and that just didn't happen. That worst thing about this is I took a day off of work to take the test, and ended up having to take another day off of work to get this taken care of. So I passed the written test, and I decided to come back the next day to do my driving test. Which I did and I ended up passing it and getting my license. So I am finally legal! Hockey - Well, I was asked to play for another Flying Farangs teams. We didn't do great in this tournament, we lost the first two (2) games, then we tied the third game, and we finally we won the last game and we won a trophy! It was such a blast playing in this tournament, but I also worked this tournament, so I did some interviews for them, score keeping and stats entering. Lastly, we had another weekend date with Stef, which was great. We went to see one of our friends do improve, and they were really good. December - Exciting times. At the end of November, we went and looked at getting a Honda Rebel 500 and to get the financing done for it. We got approved and picked it up. Super exciting! It's so much fun to ride. We really put it through its paces as well. We did a road trip to finish off the year. We went from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi, and spent the night there. That portion of the trip was 174 km (108 miles), which took about 3 hours. From Kancanaburi, we went to Sangklaburi. Sangklaburi has the longest wooden bridge in Thailand, which you can walk across. It's pretty amazing. That portion of the trip was 201 km (125 miles) not counting our missed turn, and it took us about 4 hours to get there. Was a portion of road that went through the mountains which was pretty cool. We spent two (2) nights in Sangklaburi, and on the second day, we took a boot to the submerged temple and another temple near that. From Sangklaburi, we went to Sai Yok. This portion of the trip was 175 km (109 miles) which took about 3 hours. The resort that we stayed was off the road and back north another 20 minutes, but it was nice and peaceful and right on the river. Our last stop on our trip was Nakhon Pathom. This portion of the trip was 148 km (92 miles) and about 3 hours. Our resort, this time, was about an hour away from the main road! Very very quiet, like an 80s motel/resort horror movie kind of quiet. There was even one point where we started hearing strange noises from the roof of our bungalow. I guess we should have been watching Stranger Things before bed. That last leg of our trip was back to Bangkok. This last leg of the trip was 78 km (49 miles) which ended being about an hour and a half. I did miss a turn at one point, but there was a double U-turn, so I think that happens quite a lot, and I got us back on the right track. The other thing that was lovely was we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Stef. We had dinner together on Christmas Eve and then spent the rest of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with us. All and all, it was an amazing year filled with mostly high points. Well, that's all for now. I'll see you next time. Always Remember: Life is meant to be enjoyed, not dreaded, so get out and enjoy it.
This right here says you are worth more than their family. You are there for them when their family dropped them off and just left them. You're there for the families that do make it there to see their loved ones. I can remember when I was younger, my great grandmother was in a care facility because. She had been in one since my great grandfather's Alzheimer's got too bad. She had a really sharp mind until the end when she was 105. I used to visit her at least twice a year with my parents until I started driving, then I would visit her on my own or with my sisters if they were with me. The rest of my family would visit more often as they were closer. The staff at this facility were amazing. Over worked, but they were there for those that didn't have family and there for those that did.
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