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Posts posted by Phoenix

  1. Hah, different worlds, that. Though I do wonder if we'll do any A/V in the web tools class. It came up very briefly in the HTML/CSS classes I had last semester.


    I *do* know how to make very simple audio and video edits but that's about it. One of my interviewers last year seemed very impressed by that (though not enough to get the job, apparently 🙄)

  2. Hey, thanks for asking.

    So I actually still don't know what's going on with my certificate program. The coordinator for the program has pretty much ghosted me, I guess you could say? I've been trying to get a hold of him through other channels at the college for months now. I guess this is the drawback of having online classes, ugh.

    Fortunately I do have one in-person class this term, one of the three coding classes I picked up. One's in PHP, another in JavaScript, and another is on various tools like Dreamweaver, Visual Studio, Bootstrap, Wordpress, all that stuff. Also am doing a freshman-level writing class I already don't like. 😅

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  3. Yep, finished up in mid-May. Next semester starts mid-August and then ramps up with three more classes in September. Actually don't know exactly what I'm taking yet in Fall term, hah. At least one more tech writing class and the next class in sequence of one of my web design classes.

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  4. Hey all, I'm trying to get this started up again. I'm putting everyone that posted in this thread on the contact list. If you haven't posted in this thread and you're interested, please do so I can add you to the message group on Facebook/Messenger. Thanks!

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  5. It's just my damn luck that I finally start a writing career and this stuff immediately shows up to threaten my obsolescence. 🙄


    I've been messing around with AI for a few different things, and I really do think learning how to prompt an AI to get what you want will be a marketable skill in the future. I'm just glad I'm learning website design, so that I'll at least know how to code around copy even if it's an AI writing it and not me.

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  6. Man, I started taking four classes and am I ever getting my ass kicked. Feels like I barely have enough time. I don't know if it's because I'm a better student than I used to be (read: not lazy anymore) or if the classes I took are especially heavy on workload.


    Could also be a getting old thing. 😫

    • Haha 1
  7. It's tough. It's as important now as ever to make sure we're getting exercise in and doing what limited activity outside our homes we can safely.

    I'm not doing as well as I could with that, but I think I'm doing better with this sort of situation than I would have been before I started doing therapy.

    • Love 2
  8. Hey, I'm generally Facebook-unplugged (I pretty much only get on to message Autumn and a couple others), but I just so happened to see Tracy's call for updates, so I'm checking in.

    I think we're in better shape than most in the US, as I'm still doing my thing and my father's able to work from home (and it sounded like he needed the break anyway). Both my parents are older and my father is a smoker and a diabetic, so it may not go well if either of them get sick. I don't really have a lot of anxiety over it, though. We're all just doing what we can here, and I can't control anything beyond that. I have some lingering health issues that can wait until after we're out of quarantine, and my therapist will be able to work with me over the phone for a while. I suppose it could change in a heartbeat, but honestly I'm not all that uncomfortable right now.

    I don't know if this will be unpopular or not, but I'm actually seeing this as an opportunity for growth. For me, personally, and for this country, which has been sick in its own way for a while now. I just wish so many people weren't in danger.

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  9. It's definitely on the roads too, in this part of the world (even with heads fixed on screens, too, sadly).

    I don't have a lot of patience for others when I'm in transit, but I don't get angry. More like really irritated. I think it helps that the act of driving defensively contributes to a more passive mindset. 

    Here in Chicago specifically, I feel like my actions are a drop of positivity in a sea of hate, so, no I don't think it makes a difference. Elsewhere in the country though, where it's not all rat race all the time, I feel more confident that being pleasant has an impact.

  10. Gotta say, the league is tough to watch this year between the catch rule problems showing up again and injuries to high profile players everywhere. Playoffs are starting to get a "last man standing" vibe to them. Still three years left on the deal after this, but the expiration of the collective bargaining agreement is already starting to loom large.

  11. @Spyder , I'm with you on the LotR books. Seemed to me that Tolkien wasn't very good at writing action. Good at world building, though. Sounds like that might be the focus of the new series. Just not sure I'm all that interested in it, especially at the expense of something different.

    As an advocate for reasonable copyright terms though, it's bewildering to me to see the scope of the legal battles involving a work published over 60 years ago and long after the author's death.

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  12. Pretty much got what I wanted this week at Soldier Field. No big injuries, a loss in the standings, some progression with Trubisky, and the coaching staff looking really bad. The actual NFL professional wideout they traded for dropping passes isn't good, though.

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