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Rapture last won the day on September 1 2019

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  1. Quackery (Quaint)
  2. Is a twat
  3. Hamburger helper. Seasoned hamburger and bow tie noodles.
  4. Rapture


    Couldn’t nature just set off a volcano?
  5. Mass Effect, Bioshock, FINAL FANTASY 8 Remaster, Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  6. An endless tide
  7. Zombie
  8. Freedom
  9. Rapture


  10. He chuckled at that. “Tis What I’m here for darlin. You need anything you let me know.” He smirked and lit another cigarette as he turned back to cleaning the grill.
  11. Yer a twat my friend. I had to work today. I have an idea but no way I’m going to get it in by midnight.
  12. “Cheer up darlin. Beauty like you? He’s a bleeding idiot for letting you go. He’ll realize in time.” Lucien smiles and gently sets a fresh drink before her. “On the house. Just think. His loss is my gain. If you lot hadn’t broken up you might’a never graced my humble establishment.”
  13. Rapture


  14. Seriously? It’s due to today and now you tag me on it? Thanks Dom if I get something in it’s gonna be around 23:00 my time.
  15. ‘Bob’ nods in agreement with Soren. “Here here. If you pass out from exhaustion the point is moot. I personally would be glad to help. Though I’m not sure what help I may be. Growing things really is my sisters thing.” Noting the small mess Yui was making of her self he subtly drew a fine silk handkerchief from his breast pocket and slipped the item to Yui. Not seeking to embarrass her, just giving her a chance to clean up.
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