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hirondelle last won the day on February 1 2023

hirondelle had the most liked content!

About hirondelle

  • Birthday February 1


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  1. @TimberwolfYou fixed it!
  2. What's all this then? @Timberwolf
  3. Lose weight. Again.
  4. Why didn't you ask a question beginning with why?
  5. I love him! He's adorable
  6. What are you guys doing here?
  7. Oh my goodness @LightningfallI'm so sorry to hear you have been poorly! I don't know anything about Mitral Valve defect but it doesn't sound fun... I am sending my love. Please keep us updated.
  8. I thought you could purchase online and then send them to your device. It was just you can't purchase through the app because Amazon don't want to give the platforms 30%?
  9. Good morning. I love you.
  10. Oh Moonhawk I see that that you posted this in May but I only just noticed it (thanks Keth for drawing my attention here). I'm sorry that you are going through so much... Urgh why is life so difficult!? I sending love and hugs.
  11. Oh Keth, what a difficult time you have had. How brave of you to bear it, how strong of you to share it. To answer your questions: 1. Is writing about my experience a healthy way to accept it? Only you can answer that, Be honest, is it? 2. Shall I continue to write more entries for this topic? Only if the answer to Q1 was 'yes'. Was it? I would love to say something wise, but in the face of so much suffering that would be rude to even try. All I can say is we are always here (or in FB messenger) if you need us. I love you my friend.
  12. Kneels and leaves a kiss on your wrist. It was lovely chatting with you again, beautiful. 

    1. hirondelle


      The pleasure was all mine Miss Nutkin *winks*

  13. Gently touches the little one's fur at the glossy space between her ears. Welcome home my dearest friend. The woods have missed your mischief. Lay your burdens here a while and play in the forest like you did so many years ago. I'm sure there are other creatures that will join you soon enough.
  14. Oo thank you Spydah!
  15. I would like to be part of the fatness blogging group @Timberwolf
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