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Kethlia last won the day on June 11 2024

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About Kethlia

  • Birthday September 15

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  1. Butterfly
  2. *Walks in with light pitter patters and sits back on my squirrelly hunches. I admire you and give you a slight bow with a small smile on my lips as my form changes to human.* For my NL family who witnessed my losses through my blog whether in silence or through shown support. I am happy to announce that my third child has been safely born and is being lovingly cared for by myself and my husband as I write this. I thank you for your words and supportive silence through these years.
  3. Tsunami
  4. Its been awhile dear ones, just know that I think you all and wish you the best. I'm on another journey and when I get to where I'm headed this year in my life. I'll be sure to share the news.

  5. https://youtu.be/Gmj35nYi7mY *Pitch black night, a void that's darker deep inside. A rift that time, love, and family has torn countless time. A rift in me that becomes its own void of oblivion. Nothingness, that keeps it's own council.* *A step that ripples the darkness, my foot touches down in the midst of my emotions. Tumbling through pain, fear, and wish to be free of it all. Another step I move forward? A ripple that crashes into the others without blending, bending, or breaking.* Where am I? What have I become in the midst of this pain and biding my time to wait? *My body is power, strength, and grace. Yet, my mind is unsteady, my words the only thing that gives it an anchor to reality. More ripples, my steps increase, a pulse of light from within me. It has never flickered even in the midst of my despair and self-loathing.* Why was I granted this life, time and again, why do I survive after those held most precious? What gave me the right to stand here in the darkness looking at this abyss made manifest by my Will. *Nothing else exists in this place, but myself and it. Raising my hands my favored weapons of choice spill out of them, my words. Sparks of light against the darkness, some colored by the emotion they portray. Disgust fills me as I look at the stark contrast between the Words that I say and the Darkness inside.* Do I have the right? Tears pour freely as the pain returns the numbness of reality releasing torrents of emotions. *My knees cause waves to radiate from me that grow with the depth of rage that is also building.* Can anger and depression exist simultaneously? Can they burn and freeze a person and leave them unable to breathe? I fight, my body wills my lungs to breathe, but all I do is cry out in voiceless scream of agony. Pain searing me in flashes that nearly pierce the light of my steadfast soul. My mind shrieks into the hollow void inside as my body bends into itself, convulsing on this empty surface. What right do I have to call this pain, trauma, or ignorant projection? Yet, I've forced myself to perfectly master hiding my true feelings. *Gasping, coarse breath that burns from the prolonged suffocation.* Time has passed, and my limbs have become heavy from lack of blood, but they fill up greedily with each breath. Pins and needles run the course of my body, making it unbearable to move, because I am still, Alive. Looking above, at nothing, looking within at nothing. I see the light mirrored in a blinding sun above, hollering I cover my eyes. What I have given, none may take away. You are mine, you are accepted unconditionally. You are loved unconditionally. Words, that aren't my own fill me, leaving me weak and shuddering at the power hidden within the universe. It cares not what, who, why, or how you are, nor when you'll be at your best. It accepts. I look at the Light above through the light of my soul. Deep within the pain, hate, and anger have started to ease. I didn't ask, I never pleaded, yet the is healing already starting within me. It doesn't erase the void or darkness because it's a part of those. I kept spectating as the emotions right themselves, the wounds scarred over, and the words became empowered. Within the darkness, there is the dimmest of possibilities offered to me. Yet, it will take a strength of Will and courage I have not felt to surmount myself. There are other beacons of light within this darkness now, having gone through this trial alone. I can see them if I focus, but they too have to pass through the abyss and come out the other side. I shout with all that I am, I Will It! Freely Given! Freely Taken! I want it! I need it! I am!
  6. I would love to read it, when you do. Will it be in the writer's thread or a blog?
  7. *Smirks and enters with mischief in my violet eyes and wickedness in my smile. Pausing to bow to my beloves and beloveds.* I pray you are well, my dear family. I have to see if my hollowed home as its roots spread into the Discord App, as I've begun writing again and miss the general camaraderie of my NL family near and far. I am currently a part of Promise of Lingyun Clan Serverx2 but know that I would love to test my written skills against my NL family if they wished to join me there in an NL Server of our own. *Laughs* I am also using another persona name on Discord, Zan Heng-zanheng if you're looking for me on Discord. Let me know who you are as I'm still screening and absolutely wary of Internet horrors and Murphy's Law could be-s. *Winks* For a male-based persona who hasn't given his RL info away in the game and in those servers except to a select few. I've been enjoying seeing the reactions and stories around him. Though, *Wicked Smile* my appetite stays the same in certain prose or poetic pieces. I'm learning how to adapt the character through continued interactions with others. ^One of my A.I. generated art ideas for Zandt Urgos a Mafia variant of Zan Heng the Ancient Chinese Physician. V
  8. https://play.aidungeon.io/main/worldStart?worldPublicId=ca6d0945-9aaa-44a3-90b4-6981f8c2eca9 So, to really start this writing topic off. I've post a link to a world that I threw together and have used the ai program. I've learned to use Story replies to keep dialog, setting and improved ai generated text that follows the storyline. You can use Do, Say, See, but I find myself editing the responses more.
  9. audio books; nova terra series by seth ring and eternal online by tj reynolds.
  10. Oooo, I likey!
  11. I've been using AiDungeon to generate stories for a world I created on the spot to test the Ai responses. So far, its been fun editing its responses to fit my views. I also leave additions that create a spin to my story. I have needed to fight to keep my "player" as the story's pov otherwise it puts my responses into a new character. I've also thought about its use with blogs, chapter fillers and possibly helping me correct my bad writing habits. What are your thoughts and opinions?
  12. I'm wishing you the best! It's been humbling following your progress and dedication.
  13. Congrats on your lie and daughter. May you continue to be blessed.

  14. My body feels the cold of death and smells its decaying breath as I use my left foot to step from my street into my doorway. This place isn't my living room. I gaze around and see rows of bookcases and tomes that disappear into the shadows. I look down and there are also scrolls and sheafs of paper strewn about in some fashion of order that escapes my intellect. I place my right foot down on the hardwood floor without a mote of dust being disturbed. The glow of a light source behind something ahead ebbs and wanes ahead of me. I walk forward with caution. I don't want to piss off the library, aides and owner, by damage the items around me. I step around a particularly large stack of volumes that tilts at an odd angle, holding my breath. I gasp and suck in my breath so involuntarily that I end up coughing behind a fist. I don't know what is going on before me, but the tale and the storyteller have me enraptured by their intonation. My mind has gone on leave and left me in a Library guarded by Death himself! Oh, come on! "Welcome to the dark library. We specialize in dark, forbidden knowledge... You know, all the naughty stuff mortals shouldn't know. Please take your time to browse our ancient books, but beware.... All knowledge has a price." My body begins to shiver at the warning and invite. I didn't have plans to visit such a place tonight. Just me, my bed and some random videos online before sleeping like a log. I take a step back, bumping into books, remembering the tower that I had stepped around and turning to keep it steady. I breath in the dust and paper smell of an old library using my breath to calm down my accelerated heartbeat. I look back the way I had come and see that the door to my place no longer exists. Damn it! What entity of heaven or hell did I piss off to get here?! I think about anything that I could've touched or encountered that would lead to a realm jump like this. Though I guess if I'm thinking straight, it's more accurate to say that this is a crossing of thresholds that.... Shit! I had picked up a book that was someone's idea of self-help for the perpetually susceptible person. I had laughed at the book wondering how it even got through the editorial staff much less the publishing company. Note to self, no more picking up stray books like stray pets and taking them home! My body goes rigid as the darkness becomes more than shadows and starts to suck from my vitality. Permission to drain me was not granted! Back off! My mind screams as one liquified horror of the senses runs through my minds after each other. I shift my attention back to the Deathly Librarian and wonder what price my ignorance is about to make me pay.
  15. What is your opinion on this version of Wednesday? I honestly love the original live action series, but I've never read the original comics and so I have come to appreciate the darker portrayal. But, then that's just the sadomasopessimist talking.
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