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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. Kitty

    What up!

    Lol, yup yup, I just followed the pretty lady to where she promised many cuddles Ack! Cuggles! My words of choice back when! Ah memories! (Rofl, am on my phone and auto correct tried to make that 'ah members', an entirely different phrase/thought!)
  2. Ha ha, thank you, what are my chances for starring in my own Jerry Springer spin off?
  3. Many welcome cuddles!
  4. Rofl, I don't think I have been anything but 'Kitty' on forums but I started out on PI some many many moons ago... 16 or 17 years ago, yikes! With regards to 'about me' I could start a flipping new series for Jerry Springer! *deep breath* recently found out who my biological father is, after mum died didn't think i'd ever know but turned our she'd written me a letter with the information in if I ever wanted it. Send him an email, got a great response with information about my mum when she was younger, then no more contact. Turns out my adopted dad had sent bio dad a threatening email telling him he wasn't allowed to contact me unless via him. Also it turns out I have sisters, 2 of which I have already met even though I didn't know we were related AND they went to school with my brother! WTF right? AND I have another sister who is old enough to be my mother since bio dad was older than my mum and had a previous marriage. AND the mother of 2 of my sisters was one of my mum's best friends! Elsewhere, my brother went through a tough time after my mum died and not only stopped talking to me for nearly 2 years but also called me all sorts of awful names during the times I tried to get him to talk to me. Plus my step mum got breast cancer a year (almost to the day) after my mum died of it. 2 or my aunts now have it too, the other 2 refuse to get checked out so who knows if they're safe or not. I have a growth that needs surgery at some point and another potential issue that they are checking out at the moment. Hmm, what else might Mr Jerry Springer be interested in? My cousin was on drugs and stole from my gran, my step brother had a version of epilepsy (at the doctor's best guess) that had him collapsing on the hockey pitch a few times, my other cousin is on her third marriage now, the first of which had her husband taking me and my kid brother out during illegal (albeit tame) activities. And in less interesting (from Jerry Springer perspectives) news I have 2 kids now with my other half (as of 2006) and soon to be husband. Rofl, so, you know, chill chill, nothing too exciting
  5. Kitty

    What up!

    Cheers schmexy wolf boy (#House Stark!)
  6. Kitty

    What up!

    *pounces* HI! Many loves all missed youz Thanks to delicious Hiro for a reinvite today, can't promise to be on here much as kidlings (or more appropriately 'kittens' lol) occupy me. Big one is 7 on Saturday and small one is 18 months, but still think about you all muchly much. How you all doing? *extra pounces, with lyx*
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