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Everything posted by DragonsBane

  1. She's one of the very few happy things left in this world lol
  2. Thanks lol the weight loss led to the baby but she's the best lol
  3. Hi everybody!

    1. Timberwolf


      What's going on brother!

  4. It's nice when something's are just there when you look for it. Just a little update in recent years of non activity. I have a daughter now, lost 160ish lbs, and that's about it other than everyday mundane shit
  5. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The male leads/interest are terrible though
  6. My sweet Rhea. Got her 2 weeks ago but she makes me happy every day
  7. being down another 7 lbs
  8. Trip to NOLA before hurricane nate hit
  9. This
  10. this is what happens when you RTFM

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DragonsBane


      RTFM = read the fucking manual lol

    3. Kethlia


      For the board?

      I thought it meant Read To Ffing Much as trying to play catch up on here. Lol.

    4. DragonsBane


      lol for status updates :D


  11. lol ide forgotten all about the penguins!
  12. DragonsBane


    lol indeed!
  13. A name that is not easily forgotten! Welcome back
  14. Sweet beautiful woman cant think of anything but fun when thinking of you
  15. DragonsBane


    When this year started I was 446lbs and met someone that made me realise I wanted to be around for alot longer so I started diet/exercise and Im down to 371.8 lbs. My current goal is 300 lbs. half way there
  16. I was on both PI and FE as DragonsBane.
  17. -pounces DA and licks and nuzzles her- Sis! Welcome back! Ive missed you!
  18. lol nipping is always accepted
  19. -shivers- not sure about fancy but it is certainly delightful
  20. trying to find decent clothing for a fat man. all plus sized clothing for guys is ugly as hell unless i want shitty hawaiian print -growls-
  21. just like the old days! lol the struggle is real
  22. 2 for $6 -cheers-
  23. -puts out a clean cup for the goddess- should be morning there
  24. -pounces and licks- hello kethy!
  25. feel free to add me and whenever you see me on shoot me a msg. im usually down for whatever
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