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Everything posted by Reddragon

  1. Clear
  2. Boom
  3. Those cookies, by the way, are amazing. If we made them wrong, I don't wanna be right.
  4. Do I have to?
  5. The ears of a small orange kitten, who has decided that my ear is a good place to start suckling... It's rather adorable.
  6. She works, I'm off to bed. If I can manage a decent post during a break at work, I'll gladly do so. If not, well... Then you'll just need to be patient.
  7. "I remember being asked for help..." His words trailed off as he tried to think. Nothing was there. "That's it. I remember nothing beyond my arrival there." With that, he closed his eyes again. With consious effort, his recovery began to quicken.
  8. It didn't take long for his body to recognize the energy. After a few moments, he let out a groan. After a few more, he started to wake. "Aliea? What... What am I doing here?" He grimaced after an unsuccessful attempt to move; he hasn't fully healed, after all.
  9. It's been a while. Glad to see you around.
  10. -The voice sounded familiar. His thoughts are faded. Foggy. His body starts to stir, while his mind begins to turn. "Focus..."- -With a groan of pain, he slowly pulls his arm in. After an attempt to move, his current weakness is apparent.-
  11. Nah. I found it... as you can plainly see.
  12. -A portal silently, slowly, opens somewhere surrounded by trees. A figure with torn robes is thrown violently from it, impacting several of the wooden obstacles. With each collision, a clear sheen shatters free from his body to soak into the ground. The rupture fades as silently as it formed. Eventually, once he comes to a rest, his left arm lies limp, dislocated. Several relatively small injuries slowly ooze blood, including one on the side of his head. His good hand remains clamped on the hilt of his weapon.-
  13. I know the feeling. I've been feeling so tired lately, but I do want to get back into this. Whenever that is, I'm still not sure just how I want to set RD up... I should backread a bit, anyway.
  14. Took a few minutes to find the button.
  15. If you're going to insist, I like the fifth.
  16. Thanks, all. Glad to be back. Now, to get into a habit of opening a computer more often than once a month... >_>
  17. Aw, I'm touched. Good to see you, too. -hugs back-
  18. -waves- Hello, again, to everyone.
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