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About Uther

  • Birthday 12/07/1981

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  1. A Paul de Munnik show, where he also played some older songs, including a specific song that still holds great meaning to me and always hits me in the feels Needless to say I didn't keep it dry
  2. A Paul de Munnik show, where he also played some older songs, including a specific song that still holds great meaning to me and always hits me in the feels Needless to say I didn't keep it dry
  3. Morning! **steals coffee**
  4. Gz!
  5. Being asked in for follow-up talks in regards to a job application
  6. I was like 21-23 or so when I went there, not quite the age you need to things like that anymore I do remember skipping school and/or classes every now and then to go to the pub
  7. Behind the sheds? LOL, there was no need for that
  8. Sandstorm by James Rollins
  9. Currently watching Lucifer and The Good Place, annoying to have to wait for new episodes Stanger things 2 is on the to watch list, also got a notification Broadchurch season 3 was available, so that'll be on there too. Other than that mostly browsing for random stuff (or just switching to us flix amazon prime video).
  10. Ow, hey! Thank you for the welcome! Was busy writing a post myself, but I suppose I could write some here Some may have known me under an old alias (Merlin Stargazer), though I'm really not sure if I was part of the old Northlands. At least I couldn't find any e-mails relating to it . Saw Soulie's (hey you!) invite on Facebook, so thought I'd just sign up and see what's up. I do remember being on one of her boards in the past, the Goodkind one I believe. So long since we went to the same school, 13 years ago or so? Chose to go with Uther this time around, as it's a long standing handle these days. It's not specific to the Pendragon, though, although I am quite interested in the Arthurian myths and legends, so in that way it could fit as well. It's mostly derived from (World of) Warcraft, where I play(ed) a paladin Utherson, which I made out to be a bastard son of the well-known Uther, there. edit: Never sure what to tell, even at 35, so just ask away if you want to know anything. edit 2: I have also use the dutch_celt monicker here and there, maybe people remember that?
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