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Aliea last won the day on April 30 2020

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About Aliea

  • Birthday 11/20/1982

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  1. Fantasy pic
  2. (( @Lightningfall @hirondelle @Reddragon and anyone else I've not tagged want to play???))
  3. ((awsome @Moonhawk! Did you want to pick up where we left off or start over?))
  4. God I've changed since 2017....
  5. ((Is anyone about who wishes to play? Quarantine is boring and need some creative input!))
  6. Aliea

    Self Harm

    Safe to say its been a very long time since Iast self harmed, I have no scars... Well no healing ones, got plenty of healed ones. But anyways, been in isolation for the last week and I've been pushed to a point were I left my job and all these are stress points, yet nothing, not a damn thing and I am so happy!!!!!!
  7. Aliea

    Self Harm

    Damn that last post was so insignificant and it paved a way for so much more and much worse. I now have so pretty hefty scars or at least they are to me. Anyways, I stopped again, yay, started a whole new thing with butterflies and such (if u follow me in Instagram you will have seen ) it helps a lot. But then two days ago I scratched myself...doesn't sound like much right? Well I think most scratches fade after a few hours, these took two days to fade. I have never done that before, it hurt more funnily enough, stung through put the day and it was a lot more noticeable than a simple cut. The trigger behind it was complicated. A rush of emotion, hate, guilt, self doubt, anger, confusion basically all the negatives over something that was not my doing but was made out to be. "I am not responsible for other ppls reactions." This is something I struggle with, something I find hard to believe. But I know it's true and I try hard to build on it and remember it as much as possible when I feel like I have cause others to act the way they do. Well I'm rambling but yeah. Back to day one, well now on day three of being free, let's see how long this one lasts.
  8. Hugs, don't be bored. Some still lurk.

  9. *spins on the spot till she falls down.*

    Someone play with me! I'm bored!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Aliea

    Ranging storm

    Recently on Twitter someone wrote about the storm before the calm. No I haven't gotten that the wrong way round. I know most people know it the other way around, however for me and maybe fire a lot of other selfharmers it makes a lot of sense. The storm that rages with in me before I reach that moment is a powerful one. It is a mix of depression with a huge amount of anxiety, the kind of anxiety that makes your tummy tie in knots, that causing your chest to feel like it is crushing the air out of you, that makes your limbs feel like jelly but also like they could be pulled from you at any moment. It is the type of anxiety that makes your skin crawl, that causing your heart to beat hard and faster and yet it feels like it stops all at the same time. Basically think about the most chotic storm you can think of and put that inside you, all that energy all the destructiveness just building up and up with you until you can not take it anymore! This is me right now, at the very moment of me writing this. This is my life, the storm that rages until I can not take it anymore and then that blade, oh that beautiful sharp shiny blade has found it's way into my hand and then into my skin and finally it tracks a line down my arm, the shine followed by red, red so bright and beautiful that I have to do it again and again and again until finally the red runs free and the storm had eased. It is bliss, it is a smile on my lips, it is calm and my god it feels so good for it to be over, for the ranging to ease and in that moment I am free. There is a catch however. That storm that has turned into a tiny rain cloud is still there and that cloud can grow on e again as every negative thought passes through my mind, and pretty soon it is ranging once again and the cycle repeats itself over and over again. And behind this Storm, sits my demon, a smile on its face as it watches it rage and then laughs as the red rivers flow as the storm eases.
  11. So...infinity war....no words hence just a status update to  say yes I've seen it and it killed a huge part if me!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aliea


      Oh defiantly see it!

    3. Timberwolf


      All I wanna know is was it good?

    4. Aliea


      It was better than good...I can not wait to see it again!

  12. So this happened by total accident! It was ment to be blond!
  13. Hugs and Nips!

    1. Aliea


      Hello beautiful *snugs and nips back*

  14. I read nothing but fanfics, I also write a hell of a lot. I'm into Sherlock fics as well as SG1 and also Dr Who. My account on faniction.net is mostly Dr Who fics I have written and my AO3 account is all Sherlock, think I have over 30 fics written, some still WIP's (works in progress) but most are finished. Feel free to have a look, there is a link on my Twitter page @aliealouise
  15. *pulls the goddess in with her and snuggles.* I'm better today @hirondelle thanks tho
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