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Your fine. I got covid back in September. I understand completely.
I would be interested.
I shift towards where Ariethil moved towards. I keep a light contact with her. Making sure that it would not be noticed either by her or any others in the area. As soon as I feel her emotions spike I enter the shadow's. Briefly, I look out into the area that she has discovered and agree with her. Those that committed these atrocities must pay. The guard that is on patrol falls onto the ground making no noise as his heart stops beating. His entire presence seems to disappear. A small bottle hanging inside my cloak starts to glow a faint yellow as his essence fills it. He now belongs to me. His sleeping friend is close behind him. His essence fills a second jar and glows a faint grey. "After you Ari. I have taken care of the two guards. Let me know if you need more help. I will start to prepare a pyre for our brethren." Taking the two guards with me I go back towards the clearing that we have now claimed as our base of operations. There is a very large cave here that will hide the pyre nicely. I arrange for some of the rock to clear, making a make shift vent for the cave. This will allow the smoke to leave the cave and be glamored so no one will be able to see it. I begin to assemble the pyre with fallen trees from our valley and and once the task is complete I return to Ari and see what she is doing with the camp.
As time passes, I wonder what will come of us all? All those that have come before us, will they be proud of what we have done with their legacies? Or have we squandered what we had been handed and destroyed all that it was meant to be? Sadly, these questions have no immediate answer. They may in fact never be answered. Eventually we too shall fade into obscurity. Leaving nothing behind besides our ideals and possibly some of our works. Our families will continue as they will. Hopefully remembering us from time to time, if we are so blessed. Even they however will meet with an end. Bloodlines fade and new ones take their place. With new ideas and ideals. Changing the world, we once knew. Some times for the better and sometimes not. Only father time can truly know. And he will never tell. I am linked to a bloodline that operates in the grey zone. Being neither good nor evil. We hold some of both in our bodies. The world we now find ourselves living in is separated by a vast abyss that will guard both sides from the other. The people of one side are said to be ‘evil’ or Dark. They thrive on the dark deeds that are talked about in parlors but never indulged in. The other is ‘good’ or Light. These are the people that rise above the darkness of the world and use their gifts for the betterment of the world. Or so they say. Then there are those of us that are referred to as the Shadow walkers. We have muddy blood, being neither good nor evil. But holding some of both within. We are the only ones that can traverse the abyss and live. Both sides talk about us in whispers. Neither wanting to fully acknowledge our existence. But both needing us to maintain the balance. I am the first walker to be born to my family. I was a mistake according to my mother. She is of the Light; my father is of the Dark. He convinced one of the Walkers to aide him in coming to the Light for a short visit. During his stay he found my mother alone and innocent. Taking advantage of this he created me in her womb. As my mother puts it, I am ‘an abomination that was never meant to exist!’ As such I was reared by her but then handed over to the other Shadow Walkers to be raised. I am forbidden from contacting my mother. Her younger brother on the other hand has always had a soft spot for me. He will still occasionally come to see me or pass something to one of the others for me. My father on the other hand, tries to get me to do his bidding. His family also will occasionally try to get me to turn fully to the Dark side, as many of the Shadow Walkers have done. Some are unable to deal with the duality that is our existence so they will choose either one side or the other. This doesn’t always end the way they hope and some will return to the abyss. While others thrive in their chosen world. But always there is the small piece of the other side that will never fade away. Much like a stain that cannot be removed or washed away. We are a necessary part of the peace that holds the world from spinning into complete chaos. I have been raised by a kind elderly couple. They have lived in the abyss their whole live and have raised many fine children. All of them have grown and moved on with their lives. I am the last child they will rear. Of this they both assure me. As I am one of the strongest Walkers to be born in hundreds of years, I am kept hidden until the time is right and I come into my full powers. As with the types of souls, Light and Dark. Our powers are also very different. The Light have talents that tend to be focused on Wind and Air traits, whilst the Dark focus mainly on the traits found in Fire and Earth. There are other traits as will. Those of pure Darkness and some of pure Light. They are typically the strongest and as such are made into the ruling classes. My mother was in one of the priestesses of Light, my father was a prince of Darkness. Together they have created a child with undetermined strength. My powers have not fully emerged yet. I have traits of both Darkness and Light. By the time I was five I had already started to show signs of my gifts. I was able to move objects without touching them. I also started to grow wings. Something that has not been seen for hundreds of millennia. There is a legend in the Walker community of a group of Walkers that were not only able to survive the abyss but to rule and control it. To bend it to their will. They were able to fly on wings that would carry them long distances and support even the heaviest loads. The priest and scribes have told stories of cave deep in the abyss that hold paintings, of times gone by. They places are counted as holy sites and are not allowed to be encroached upon unless given permission by the head priest. As he loves his power and control over all the Walkers, he does not give that permission freely. His powers lend him more to a spirit of Darkness. However, there is a small part of him that is also good. Very small on some occasions but there non-the less. Due to my abilities developing early he was not given a choice. He had to allow me to enter the caves once I was able to read. Thus, ensuring that my powers were kept in control. I have studied all of the murals, and writings that are available to us. Including those that belong to the Darkness and Light. All of these artifacts are kept in their places of worship. I had to be accompanied all time in both areas. This was to ensure that I was not working for the other side. I found many mentions of beings from the past that had powers and wings such as mine. They were made to be the rulers of all three of the lands. There was a total of twelve at one point. They joined a congress of Elders. These Elders were then responsible for making sure that the lands were kept in peace. They wrote the current laws which all must abide by. One in their number was a Seer. She was the most powerful Seer that has ever lived. Before her ‘death’, for no one truly knows what happened to the Elders, she created a book containing all of her visions. They have covered all these many millennia. Some are still yet to happen. Others have already come to pass. According to the Walkers priest, I am the beginning of a very vague prophesy. One that has no certain end or outcome. He says that this is one of her last prophesies. The end of her legacy. There are a few others but none, he says, that are as mysterious. She leaves hints that there are other books, or prophesies that are hidden among the caves and ruins of the ancients. These ruins are forbidden to all. This was agreed upon by all three races. It was decided when exploration teams from both sides failed to return. What the Priest doesn’t know is that while exploring the caverns I was given access to, I have found a tunnel that takes me deep into the center of the forbidden lands. I have only ventured there once and was amazed by what I found. Hundreds of homes just left in ruins. A great tragedy befell that place. That is why those without the correct abilities were unable to enter or return from that place. Once I come into my full powers I will have to return and find what I can out about our mysterious predecessors. Until then I practice as my adoptive parents have instructed me to. At night when all is calm and in the darkest part of the abyss, I practice flying. It is hard when you have no teacher to guide you but I have managed to make my way by following what little we do know from the murals that adorn the walls of the caves. Many nights after I practice, I will retreat to those caves to see if I am able to glean any more insight out of the murals or writings, I am able to access. My strength has risen by leaps and bounds according to my parents. I am able to do the work of a full-grown man without breaking a sweat. I am faster than our swiftest runners and can use the shadows to travel already. Something that it has taken the Priest centuries to master. My wings have changed color as well. When they first started to emerge, they were a smoky grey color. One has now changed to a brilliant white. Whereas the other is now a deeper black then onyx. As I am coming to the age of maturity everything seems to be changing. My parents are stepping back more and allowing me more freedom. The Priest on the other hand seems to be keeping a closer watch on me than ever. He has his minions that will shadow my every move. Reporting back to him if they witness anything that he had not previously known about me. I have tried my best to keep him in the dark about most of my abilities. It seemed to be the most prudent course of action to take. I am only now reaching the age of thirteen. When most children will come into their powers. I have, as stated previously, had mine since I was five. Which makes me a danger to his absolute control of our people. Soon that will not matter however as there is a plot against his life. His own minions are tired of his oppression and have decided that it is time for a new Priest. Time for change to take its course and bring with it a more civilized people. I am afraid that all their planning is for not though. As he has a Seer that is still loyal to him. Although her visions are far from accurate. They are still true 50% of the time. Her visions may also be only as accurate as he is faithful. So, who knows what she with holds from him. I am afraid that his wife has already found out about their tryst and is taking actions of her own. As you can tell there is no lack of drama or entertainment in our world. It is a dangerous place to be. Especially when you have no blood relatives to look after your wellbeing. I have learned that in order to survive in this world you must fight to find your place in it. There are no free rides and there certainly are no knights in shining armor to come and rescue the damsels in destress. I have been fighting for my life since I was young and dumped with my ‘parents’, they have given me the best chance that they can. I do have a small group of friends that will back me up. They are all older than me by a few years at least. But as our strengths are of a similar level, we have joined forces. Where I go, they go. Much to the Priests chagrin. Whenever I go to the caverns they come along. Most of the time they just fall asleep as I read the texts. They come to make sure that nothing befalls me as I study. They were with me when I found the tunnel. However, they didn’t encounter any adverse effects from the ancient city. Once I turn thirteen, they have decided that we will explore it more. To see what we can find. See if there are any clues that will lead us to a better understanding of what has happened to the ancestors. They have decided that they are the warrior guardians of the great One. They stated that no matter what comes in the future they will be by my side to ensure nothing befalls me. They have become my family, my brothers. Their intentions towards me have been noble. A few of them have joined the guard. They are teaching the rest of us what they are learning. I have found a few teachers of my own from the Darkness. They have many different forms of fighting there. I have mastered most of them. As for the Light, they focus more on boundaries and prevention. These are also helpful. They do have a small faction that works on defensive techniques. These have also proven useful. I was able to set some up around areas where there should be no one else wandering. Especially the Priest. He would only ruin them and keep them for himself. They give a person a sense of foreboding. They cause no harm but will protect none the less. Reaching out with my senses, I am able to stay connected with all of these barriers. To this day no one has broken through any of them. I am positive that as long as I am around no one will. My brothers also help to guarantee this. Until we find out what is truly occurring in the ancient town it is not safe. One of my brother’s has just returned from his turn on patrol. He tells us that the Darkness is planning to visit the Light once more. My birthday is tomorrow. The day of this planned visit. It also happens to be a sacred feast day for the Light. They will be celebrating the departure of their dark side, and the full coming of the Light. This is their strongest time of the year. When the Darkness is lifted and the Light lays claim to the lands. Even in the Dark lands the sky’s will be a lighter version of their usually gloomy nature. The Darkness will have a similar celebration in around six turns of the world. The Shadow Lands are always the dividing line. Never fully in light but also never in complete Darkness. Unless you travel to the deepest parts of the abyss. This is the area in which my brothers and I have built our home. A place where very few dare to traverse. A place where even the High Priest dare not go. Down here beast roam freely. They take what they need and there is no law to control them. If your will is not strong enough, they will devour your soul. Bringing you into a world of the living dead. The poor souls that have become their prey are dispatched quickly so as not to prolong their suffering. This is a quicker and less painful way to go. My brothers and I have made ourselves wardens of these area’s and beasts. Many will try and prove themselves by killing one of them. We try and dissuade this idea. As a result, the beasts have come to trust us. In so far as wild beasts are able to. Several have become tamer and will stay with us. They will allow us to ride them and to be near their young. We do not however, forget that they are wild creatures that must be given their freedom and a healthy amount of respect and space. As a result of our connections with the wild creatures we have been deemed ‘The Wild Shadows’. It is not meant to be a compliment. This is a derogatory term that is only used once our backs are turned. Their dark thoughts are transparent as we have stopped their one way to prove their strength. I digress, the celebration that the Darkness is threatening to invade is one that will choose the next virgin Oracle. It happens only this one time a year. It is also the one time in the year when the Oracle’s handmaidens are allowed to have masked meetings with suiters. They are to bring forth the next generation of Oracles and handmaidens. They all hope to be made the next Oracle. It is a position of great honor in their culture. It is also a very demanding one. This is why they are only allowed to serve for one year. They are responsible for looking into the future to help guide the people in safety. They are able to do this due to potions that their priests concoct. This gives the young girl the ability to connect with the cosmos, and bring out their predictions. These Oracles should not be confused with true Seers. As they do not have to have a strong Psychic ability. A weak one, like those of a common person, will work just as well with the potions that are given to them. They are given so that the distractions of the real world will not prevent them from focusing. Hence the handmaidens and changing of the Oracle. It is not a job that most would envy but the young girls born into the temples by the handmaidens know nothing different. Mother is to be the officiant this year. I have seen her on occasion from afar. With the threat of the Darkness crashing their celebration I may have to risk coming into contact with her, not that she would recognize me as I am now. Tomorrow on this their Celebration day I will come into my full powers. Or so they all assume. This could be a dangerous thing if it is true. The awakening of a person’s full and true powers can be a lethal and very painful process. It is said that the stronger the powers the more intensely they are felt upon their awakening. My Uncle has told me that my mother spent her awakening curled up in her bed unable to move. Meanwhile my father fought his way through the pain of his. I am starting to feel a touch of the pain that comes from the changes. My body is feeling itchy everywhere. As if thousands of insects are crawling under my skin. Trying to find a way out. My brothers are staying close in case anything happens. At the moment I don’t have much of a choice. I have to finish planning the defense of the Celebration of Light. No matter what the Awakening brings I cannot be like my mother and let it dictate my actions. I cannot afford for it to. The next day dawns. Bringing with it blinding pain. Upon waking I see bright white light and realize the Awakening has truly begun. We have three hours to get everything set before the Celebration starts. I fight my way past the white lights and slowly make my way to where I need to be. The Creatures of the abyss have all gathered. They are outside of our shelter. Some are crooning. Others are growling deep in their throats. Most are turned towards the shelter keeping a wary eye on the goings on. They sense the shift in the power that is present. Refusing to acknowledge the pain that is ripping through my veins I continue to get myself ready. As I finish, I make my way to the area where my brothers have started to stage all of our gear for the coming action. As I make my way down, they all stop what they are doing to look at me. If I show weakness now some of the beasts will attack. Regardless of anything that I may have done for them in the past. Weakness is still weakness. Only the strongest are fit to survive. I pause as a fresh wave of pain shoots through my body. I have almost found a rhythm to the pain. I will get a large wave of pain that will make me stop what I am doing for a time, but then it will ebb and it will be something that is not pleasant but I can function through. All of my brothers have already gone through their Awakenings. Most of them had strong reactions to the powers they were blessed with. None of them allowed the pain to stop them from their goals. As our fathers did before, they fought their way through. I can do no less with mine. I am the last of our familial group to go through the Awakening. I need to continue. I can’t let my Brothers down. They are counting on me to hold my end of this action. As the time draws closer to our departure time, I am finding that the pain waves are coming closer together. They are getting stronger and lasting for longer. My brothers have noticed as well. A few have even mentioned holding off on this action until the worst is passed. I will not allow this. The Dark must not be able to infringe upon this Celebration. They have plan trips like this for their Celebration of the coming of the Darkness. I will not allow them to tarnish the Light Celebration. Casting a shadow on what is now to them almost a rite of passage. The last wave has just ended and I am breathing heavily. I take the time to slow my breathing and heart rate and then we leave. The plan has changed only slightly. Due to the awakening I am being forced into the position of spotter. A job that had previously belonged to one of my brothers that is not so keen on fighting. He has taken one of the back positions and the others have filled in as needed. We have made sure we are spread throughout the shadows of the temple where the event will take place. I am the one that will watch for any of the members of Darkness while the others prepare to take care of them before they can cause any trouble. The head priest of Shadows has already stated that we cannot afford to have another Shadow Walker such as myself. As the Darkness will frequently come to the light side as part of their Celebration and more Walkers are created, I fear he will have no choice. We just won’t allow them to disrupt this time. The Celebration has begun. Their Priestesses lead by my mother enter. Heralding the beginning of the festivities. First will be the selection of the new Oracle. Followed by feasting and then the Celebration of life as they call it. It will be the moments when many new Handmaidens and potential Oracles will be created. My mother leads the others to the Alter where their high priest is waiting upon his platform. She brings him a basket filled to the brim with flowers freshly picked from the gardens. They will symbolize the brightness of life. The others bring other gifts. All are meant to either enhance the light or encourage its growth. As this progress, I am hit with another wave of pain. It must be coming close to the instant I was born as the waves are getting even more intense. The presentation of the gifts has concluded and now the current Oracle is being led in by her handmaidens. They are all veiled, and will participate in the celebration of life later. They bring their mistress to the front of the room where she is assisted into a throne of sorts. She is then asked to assess the prospective new Oracles. They are brought out in single file to stand before the Oracle. Ignoring the Priest, she looks up into the shadows close to the rafters where I am hidden. She cannot pick me out of the shadows or find where I am exactly but she knows I am here. Her focus again returns to those that have been presented to her. Watching with all of my sense I am able to feel the men from the Dark Temple that have joined the ranks of the masked revelers for the later feast. I signal my brothers and they move quietly through the shadows and drag the men into the shadows with them. Unable to leave the shadows without aide the Dark revelers will be trapped there until we allow them to leave. I continue to monitor the situation as the Oracle dismisses all but three of the maidens brought to her attention. She has the three steps forward so that she may touch them. All three have a strong psychic pulse. Meaning all of them have at least a small amount of the gift. She touches one on the shoulder and her head falls back as she looks into the future of this child. The Childs face pales as she is held in thrall with the Oracle. But she is safe. Her destiny is not to be that of the Oracle. She is asked to leave the stage with the others. Four more of the Dark practitioners are found and detained. That leaves only three more that we know of. I feel a great sense of dread as we wait for their appearance. I have a feeling that the ones that we have already are the weakest ones. Just as I send this to my brothers my body contorts. Half lifting me off of my perch. I am still safely hidden and will not be revealed, however I am coming to close to the true Awakening. I will have to leave if this continues. I will be more of a spectacle for the Celebration then the Dark practitioners ever could be. My wings have appeared without my summoning them. The Oracle is distracted from her task and again looks towards me. She is lost in her visions. She starts to speak of what she sees. Her handmaidens quickly transcribe the vision as it comes. All of their faces become whiter then snow. The Oracle has just foretold of the return of the ancient ones and an end to the way of life that they have known thus far. This pain is not subsiding, and much as I feel I need to be here for my brothers I am unable to stay without causing a commotion. I tell my brothers that I must leave and sink deep into the shadows. I am not able to control where I will end up once I am in due to the pain. I have to trust the fates and follow where they will take me. My brothers have assured me that they will fill me in on the outcome of the operation. As I drift the pain intensifies. My wings are now fully extended. Their colors are once more changing. Going from their solid white and solid black to an almost iridescent silver. The two colors merging and becoming something more than their individual parts. I feel a new sharper pain radiating form my center. The place where all of my powers originate. This can only mean that my powers are about to come about. The pain changes and shifts. It’s almost like a living entity. Like a serpent that is twisting and turning in a cage too small to hold it. My body is also going through changes. Not just those of my wings. As my power grows my body changes to accommodate it. As I have stated I have already had the ability to walk through the shadows. I have also been able to bend them to my will. As my powers increase my control over them also increases. I also feel a great affinity to the ancients. Some of the murals that I was not able to make sense of before suddenly make sense. I am able to feel all living creatures around me more profoundly. I am able to feel the blood coursing through their veins. The emotions they are feeling. I can tell what a person’s intent is before they do. My senses are heightened to an astonishing degree. I am now able to see clearly through the deepest shadows. I can pierce the deepest of darkness and see through the strongest of Light. This ability will come in handy in the future I am sure. I am not as familiar with the other powers that have just awakened within me. I feel a darkness coming to take over my consciousness. I allow myself to fall into it willingly. Embracing the blank slate that is unconsciousness. I feel its warm and comforting embrace coming to greet me. Much as I assume a mother’s arms would feel embracing a wanted child. I allow the feeling to pull me under and take me to a restful place. One where pain is not present and my new powers will settle. I will figure them out once I have awoken. After my departure the Oracles vision released its hold on her mind. She blinked and then looked down at the child in front of her. She was also passed over. The third child is to be the next Oracle. She is taken away to be prepared for the blessings. As she is taken away the Oracle once more glances up to where I had been hidden. My mother watches her and glances that way as well. She scans the site with her gifts. Trying to figure out what has taken the Oracles attention away from her duties. She senses a slight residue from where I had lain. But can sense nothing more. As such she leads the others to the Oracle’s pedestal. They bless her with scented oils and escort her from her position. She is taken to a place hidden from the onlookers but is still able to see the festivities. She is still recovering from the vision and will be drained from the experience for a while yet. Mother brings the other Priestesses back to the center of the room and announces that the new Oracle has been chosen and now it is time for all to celebrate. With this announcement the true party begins. The blessing of the new Oracle will take place at the dawning of the new day. Tonight, she will be given the preliminary potions by their elders. The men are brought into the celebration space. My brothers follow via the shadows. Keeping a watchful eye out for those that do not belong. One of them has taken my position and the Oracle is attuned to his presence. She is not as keen on him as she was attuned to me however. His future is locked firmly with mine, as are the others. They have heard what she foretold and have many questions. They stay vigilant for the remaining members of Darkness. They are starting to get the feel of their power. So, they watch carefully and take two more into custody. Neither of them is happy with having their plans thwarted. They start to use their powers to defend themselves. My eldest brother took control of his powers and suppressed them to the extent where they would do no damage to anyone near. The last one was the most powerful for the three remaining. He is known to us. He is my father’s brother. He is strong and a force to be reckoned with. He puts up more of a fight and is able to break free of all my brothers. My mother and the other Priestesses however are able to subdue him. Unlike my brother’s they will keep him here and make him face punishment for what he has planned. As the threat has now passed my brothers prepare to return home and to take the members of Darkness back to their home. When they are stopped by the Oracle. She is in the midst of another of her visions. She has never had so many so close together before. She has to know that this will bring her demise quickly. She is now telling of a second awakening. An awakening brought about by the coming of the ancients. Those that are to go through the second awakening will then become tied to the Ancients. They listen to her vision and then continue on. Her handmaidens have taken down everything she has said and will document it to the best of their abilities. Upon leaving my brothers take the Dark practitioners back to their domain, and block them from trying to return to the Light on this day. They then start a search for me. One of them has the talent of tracking. He is able to find anyone despite any shields or illusions they may use to hide their presence. They follow him through the shadow’s and are surprised once they find me. I have appeared in a room which they do not recognize. My body is still but in good health as far as our healer can tell. Then it hits, all of them fall where they stand. Unable to move or remain conscious. They join me in my dark state. I am floating in what seems to be an open space filled with stars. Like a galaxy come to enfold me. My brothers are here and have joined in this space. Our minds linked in this moment. A few of the stars come to hover just in front of us. Their colors pulsating as they come to a rest. We hear a female voice that seems to be in front of us but at the same time in each of our collective minds. ‘Welcome my children, my chosen ones. You are about to learn of the true past of our people. One that no one else has deemed fit to remember. From this moment on the seven of you will be the new Ancients. My bothers turn to each other and are surprised by what they have heard. Their looks turn to me. After hearing the Oracles prediction, I am not as surprised as they seem to be. ‘Come children, learn of your past so that you may have a better future.’ With these words more orbs of past Ancients come to bring all of us closer together. As we come closer together, we start to have a shared vision of the past. We emerge into a bright and sunny day. We are on our home planet. Only it is different. It is bright as if we are in full summer, there is no abyss and there is no Realm. There are people who are humanoid like us. Only smaller in a way. We watch as they go about their business. Many of them are displaying powers that we are familiar with. Some have powers that have not been seen in eons. They are legendary skills. Things such as being able to make metal take any form you wish. And being able to teleport from one place to another. We watch as their lives continue. We are silent observers, unable to affect any changes or prevent things from happening. The time seems to speed up and pass us by in a flash. We watch as these the people continue in their mundane lives, oblivious to being watched. Then suddenly the time once more slows. The skies have turned darker. It seems that there are some people that have joined together to form a Dark guild. They have started to gain more power. As they gain power the powers of all start to shift. Showing more of the traits we see today. More elemental based powers that are meant to protect, attack or defend. The Darkness keeps growing stronger. A Light guild is also built to combat the Darkness. They are barely in time to prevent a total extinction of our kind. As the time passes the Light and Dark become entrenched in a great bloody war. The battles are fought between Guilds. As a result, there are brothers matched against brothers. Sisters against sisters. Whole families torn asunder by nothing more than a need for more power. A need to be in control of all you see. Slowly a guild is created that is both Light and Dark. We recognize it now as the Shadow Walkers. These guilds have turned into the realms we know now. We watch in horror as the Dark casts a curse, one so powerful that the sky starts to turn black. The Light casts a blessing that contains the Darkness. However, the damage has already occurred. In order to prevent the Darkness from taking over the entire planet, all three guilds work together to neutralize the curse that the Dark guild had created. It stops the spread of the Black sky but the sky does not return to its original blue. It remains the pitch black. The stars above are visible in the sky at all times in this Dark realm. Time once more speeds forwards. The guilds have not fully set aside their animosities and the Light is unable to forgive the Dark for what they had attempted to do. Their leaders change but the rage remains. Eventually even the land is able to feel the danger that is brewing between the two guilds. The Abyss forms, creating a natural barrier between the two guilds. The Darkness remains under their blackened skies. The Light claims the other as their domain. Neither of them will accept the Shadows. So they take the Abyss. Happy with the knowledge that they will have a sanctuary to call their own. Time once more slows and we find that the guilds have now become three separate peoples. Those that were around for the great war have become elders and have joined forces to try and make sure nothing like it happens again. They are a dying breed however and the past is fated to repeat itself if no one learns from it the first time. The peoples of this time have physically changed with the changing of their powers. The traditional colors may still exist with slight variations. The Light have changed to adopt a more pearlescent quality. Their hair and complexions are also generally lighter. The ones that are born with darker complexion are usually pushed towards the fringes of their society. Making them pariahs, on the flip side, they have created quite the lives for themselves. Living on the fringe has allowed them to adapt different skills from the rest. While all of them remain Light the darker Lights, as they call themselves, have become mystic healers. Using techniques that are not as accepted by the other factions. The Dark side has adapted to blend into their world. Their skin has become various shades of black. They are able to disappear anywhere there is darkness. They make almost perfect assassins. Most have either black or blood red hair. And their eyes have taken on more of a cat or reptilian look. Since they live in darkness for most of their lives their vision has become geared more towards that element. They are able to transition to light but with a slow incrimination. They are able to change their appearance however they need to. But cannot hold it for long. Their true nature eventually wins out. The Shadow Walkers can be both and neither at the same time. They have the most resemblance to the ancients. Some of these new Walkers have begun to harness the ability to use the wind currents of the Abyss to traverse between the two realms. At the far end of the Abyss, which in our time is shrouded in fog and mystery, you can see the spires of the ancient’s city rising up to meet the sky. Reaching higher just to see if they can make it to the heavens and repair the damage that was done during the war. They have gained the ability to make their appearance change depending on the people that are around them. The world shifts once more and we are closer to the time we were born into. The distinctions are more pronounced now. We haven’t changed much since this time and ours. The Dark and Light are still at odds but now they have finished evolving to what they are now. The ancients have taken over the world and set forth the rules and guidelines that we now abide by. We see those that have brought us to this place and have seen the visions that have led us to this point. We each of us travel to the city and merge with one of the ancients. We are able to obtain their knowledge and see what they city looked like at is pinnacle. A thriving metropolis where all races could come together in peace with no fear of being taken or destroyed. The Seer of their people has seen the downfall of their civilization. The demise of their city, the coming of the fog. The fog is an entity that they Walkers created. They wanted to protect the ancients from what the Seer had seen. But the fog had the opposite effect. Instead of protecting them it turned into more of a prison. Preventing anyone from knowing the truth behind the downfall of their great city. We flash forward a few more years and see that the demise comes in the form of a virus. One created to keep them all from losing their humanity. Or what little of it there is left. They have become more like Gods. Revered by all sides and unable to break that mold. Knowing that they will all eventually die and that would spell the end of this world and the coming of the next. They built in the failsafe that their genes would eventually be reborn when the world needed them the most. We have now become that embodiment. The second coming of the ancients. ‘As you have now seen all that has transpired in the past, it is our hope that you will learn from our mistakes and make this world a better place then it is. You have been chosen as you are all from both worlds. Worlds that have drifted farther and farther apart. They have run amuck for to long and need the stability of a central power. One that is not controlled by one person but a joint effort. That does not mean that there will be no leader. Amaya shall be the focus. She will be the consolidated voice of the many. All of you should prepare yourselves for the second awakening of your new abilities. The first that all of you have now experienced is nothing compared to what you will come into now. Just know that with all of this pain comes great reward.’ With no further warning we are set upon by waves of pain. They start gradually and then increase as they go. The sharpest of them causes all of us to black out. Only to be brought back to the here and now by the next wave. These waves come for what seems to us to be hours. I’m sure that it has only been minutes. Once they start to taper off, we slowly come back to ourselves. My six brothers have all grown wings of varying hues. The power I sense coming off of them now is three to four times as strong as it was to begin with. I see one of them testing his wings and shooting straight up into the cloudy sky. Giving a whoop of elation at the feeling of freedom he receives from leaving the constraints of the ground. As we watch him winging freely through the air the others follow suite. I watch as they continue to wing their way towards the heavens. ‘Amaya’ the voice returns to me. ‘You now are the fulcrum of change. This will not be an easy feat. Your brothers will be a great support to you. However, the bulk of the task will fall to you. You shall have to wade through the visions you will start receiving as you have inherited the bulk of my abilities. You have also gotten most of the abilities of my sisters. Thus, your ascensions have been worse than that of your brothers. They have all gotten the abilities of all of my brothers. Their abilities have more to do with protection and battles. Yours will have some aspects of that, however yours will deal mainly with unification of the peoples. You will be the voice of reason. This is a terrible weight to put on one so young, we feel that you are far stronger than any of us ever were. You and your brothers will succeed where we have failed. During your ascension to power you will face many difficulties. All of you will have the access to our city. But I will warn you, many of the secrets that are hidden here will not want to be exposed. They have held their peace for to long. Amaya you will be the one to bring them to the forefront. You will be the one to expose them for what they are. Find the truth and unite our peoples again. I fear that there is one prophecy that has not been recorded. You may want to brace yourself. In order for me to show you what this vison is, I must once more merge with your mind.’ Without further warning I fall backwards. For my brothers above it appears that I have been hit from the front and fallen backwards. They quickly come and surround me. Their wings are fully extended and they assume a protective stance around my form. Weapons that where not there previously suddenly make their way to their hands. ‘Be at peace protectors of Amaya. Our mistress has just merged with her to show her what will befall all of you and to give a warning against what will occur should you fail in your tasks.’ Their stances don’t relax. Their weapons remain at the ready making sure as always that I am protected and no harm can befall me. I wake to find myself in yet another waking dream. Here I find that we have come to the city which I was just in. But now it has once more become a thriving metropolis. One in which both the Dark and the Light have a presence. Their collective ventures merging into a community once more. As I watch the scene shifts. Instead of this metropolis it is now a smoking pile of ashes. Great warships hover over our planet. Casting great shadows on the ground as they prepare to send landing parties to the surface. Our nearest neighbors that have harbored hostilities towards our peoples for our abilities have taken advantage of our chaos and taken control. The lucky ones are brought into their homes as ‘breeders’. The rest are forced into servitude as slaves. Never to have their freedom again. Unable to gain their freedom many of our peoples instead choose destruction. Any resistance is futile. Those that fight only manage to destroy themselves as well as any who are unlucky enough to be connected with them. Which in turn brings about the downfall of most of our peoples. Those of us that were taken to their homes have to do as commanded, as they have fit most of us with collars. These collars are fitted with needles that will inject a poison into our systems. This poison is not meant to kill, but turn us into mindless drones. Our bodies and powers are still functional, but we have no free will or independence of thought left. All we are able to do is exist in a shell and do our master’s bidding. As quickly as the vision had started it ended. I wake into our current reality surrounded by my brothers. All still ready to destroy any that will challenge them. ‘Calm brother’s’ I say weakly as I stand. ‘Hold your peace.’ My bothers all turn and face me. Their stances slowly relax as they see that I am unharmed from this latest vision. ‘Amaya do you understand what is at stake? Will you take up your place as this new world’s savior and guide them to the peace they so desperately need?’ ‘I will do the best that I can, for the people of our world. I only hope that what I achieve will be enough.’ With these final words spoken, all of the orbs that had been floating around us came together and started spinning in midair. They then merged into a single light and changed directions. Aiming for myself and my brothers. As it drew nearer, I can feel the warmth that is the combined consciousness. The light breaks over all of us and enters into our body’s. All of us are pushed backwards by the force. We feel the previous ancients merging into us. Truly becoming part of each of us. We will now be able to access their full power and knowledge. Making our strength that much greater. We take a brief moment to absorb these new powers and tentatively learn them. We then lift from this desolate center of power. Flying towards the main spire which reaches towards the heavens. We find a device that has been left in ruin for to long. Circling its outer perimeter, my brothers and I reach out sending waves of our new powers towards it. Allowing it to shut down, and the power within to rest. This device is the security that had been put in place until our return. Allowing no one without the proper power levels to enter this sacred place. In its place we place a selective barrier in place. Reaching out towards both the Light and Dark leaders, I send them a summons to come to the old city. They are to come to the old city without armies and only their main leaders/advisors for company. The others will not be allowed access. If they try to enter with out our permission then they will be seen as aggressors and their lives would be left to the guardians’ whims. They are not known to be lenient. The leaders of the Shadow Walkers are also summoned. They are given the same orders. We issue these demands in the vain hope they will be followed. After the summons are sent, we leave the spire and descend into the city. Using the Power of the Seer we clean out the meeting hall in which these talks will occur. Giving the city permission to live and breathe once more. We also clean-living quarters for these leaders to stay in while talks progress. Slowly we feel that the decisions are being made that will bring all those summoned to us. I sense that both my mother and father will be among those that attend. As well as the Hight priest of the Walkers. In preparation for their arrival, the reception room is prepared. We clean out as much of the years of dirt and decay as we are able to in the time we have. The streets leading from the original openings for each of that lands have been cleared. Or at least to the point where they are passable to the reception hall and the allocated rooms for the representatives. The reception hall is lined with window’s that show the City sprawling out far below. They have been cleaned and now show it as it presently sits. In our minds we are able to see how it once was. A place where any could come and find solace. Where they could seek an unbiased judgment and receive the punishment that was appropriate. We will make it so again! This is a vow that each of us as guardians have taken on. Theis time we are living in will not be the end of what was once a proud people. Will make it strong once more. Slowly we feel the delegations cautiously approaching the border. They start to pass through and order guards or protectors to remain in a camp just outside the range of our border. Thus, preventing an unnecessary loss of life. All that have been summoned have come. They will arrive here shortly. Until that time I take myself back to a chamber at the top of the tower. I feel that this is the spot that original Oracle would once stay. She could see the entirety of the city below and get the best sense of what the people’s needs were. I have that sense once again. I watch as those that are coming come forward. They look around them in both awe and apprehension. Not knowing what to expect and scared of the potential out come of their summons. None of them recognized the presence in their minds that brought them here. To them it was a collection of thoughts that did not belong to themselves. For them, I feel that apprehension is the best course. They will not like what they are about to hear. Even more I fear they will try to revolt against what is said. Which is also why I have asked each of them to bring their own Oracle’s along to speak to the truth of what will be said. The light has brought both their new and old Oracle so the new may have some guidance in this matter. They have made their way to the Central structure. This is the home that myself and my brothers as the new ancients will inhabit. The representatives of the Walkers are the first to arrive. The large doors at the entry way part and allow them to proceed into the building. They are taken led into a door for a lift of sorts that will take them to the receiving room. Where my brothers have already taken up their seats. I am the only one missing for the moment. Seeking this time to center my thoughts and bring some semblance of order to my newly Awakened state. The Walkers have arrived, they take up the positions in the center of the room and sit in the chairs they have been provided. The delegation from the Light will be to their right, the Dark to their Left. The next to arrive are the Light followed closely by the Dark. After everyone has taken their positions, I wait for just a bit longer. ‘Not to be rude but why are we here and who are all of you? No one has been able to enter this area in eons. Why now? What is the meaning of all this?’ Asked the leader of the Light. ‘I agree with the pompous old wind bag! Why are we here?! What is the meaning of this?! You can’t force us to do anything!’ My father yells just in case someone was to either ignore or not hear him. The only one’s to remain silent are the Walkers. They have vaguely recognized my brother’s. While they too wear curious expressions on their faces, they will wait until it is advantageous for them to comment. I enter the room and take up the position in the middle of my brothers. A silent stillness comes over all of those present. For all of them know who I am. No one dares to speak. ‘You are all here because of our fore fathers stupidity. I’m sure that you don’t need me to introduce myself, do you?’ I wait to see what their responses will be. Mother has turned whiter than a ghost. Father has turned a queer sort of purple red. As for the High priest, well he passes out at the sight of me. He thought that he was rid of me when we disappeared that last time. The Light are the first to regain their composure. ‘Amaya? What has happened to you? Why are you here? How did you even survive getting to this place, not to mention control it.’ ‘You have not right to this place! You also have no control over any of us! What made you think that you could pull off any of this ‘child’?’ Father uses the term as a derogatory insult to me. Slowly my brother’s and I lower the shields that we had been keeping up so that the true strength we wield would not be revealed until it this moment. Those present are washed with an almost oppressive wave of power. Our wings are also allowed to come out. There are several gasps from those gathered. And mother passes out. She knew she would one day have to see me again but did not realize the implication. The Oracle’s from the Light as well as the Oracle from the Dark start to share the same vision. In unison you hear them speak: ‘The old ones have passed their mantle. Those before us possess the only magics. They will lead our people out of the troubled times we find ourselves in. They will become the guardian’s and protectors of not just this forgotten place but of our entire world. Those that oppose they will not survive the coming darkness. They will perish in a fire so hot their souls will no longer exist and will never again walk this realm. Darker day’s are coming. They are the only hope to prevent the downfall of us all!’ With those final words spoken all three have collapsed. The original Oracle for Light has fallen into a fit of tremors. Knowing that if she is unable to come out of it these will be her final moments, I move forward towards her. Anyone close moves back to avoid touching any part of me. As I reach her, I gently lay my hand upon her head and calm the flow of wild forces within her mind. By doing so it will stop the tremors and help to remove the toxins that her own people have placed inside of her body. She will still be able to receive visions, since there is no way to remove the pathways created by the toxins. However, now she will no longer risk her life in doing so. I reach towards their new Oracle and do the same. She too will still receive the visions, but will not have to suffer as her sister has.
Nasar reaches back with one large paw and bats the creature back into the water. Once more cleaning the paw before he sets it on the ground and lays down so I may climb onto his back. I settle behind his large head furry head. I watch as the longer tufts of grey and black fur on the tips of his ears move in the gentle breeze. “Hold on Ariethil. This is going to be a fast trip.” No sooner have the words left my mouth than Nasar takes off. Shooting towards the general direction that Ariethil had motioned towards earlier. Nasar’s larger gait gets us almost as fast as traveling on the winds would have. This way isn’t any safer but at least this way we get to see the surrounding area’s and get a feel for what we are getting into. To the left there is a vast wooded area. Interspersed with some lakes and rivers. Some have villages around them. Others are devoid of any shelters made by a known civilization. To the right the cliff face that we had emerged onto is connected to a large mountain range. Most of the peaks are still covered in thick blanket of white snow. While the shorter peaks have been taken over by the woods surrounding us. Nasar brings us ever closer to the High Citadel. As we go I continue to have a sense of foreboding. As if this is a mission that the ‘Lord’ created specifically to get rid of us. I mention to Nasar that we may want to find a secluded place that is outside of the cities shadow. So as not to attract any unwanted attention. Out course alters slightly to the right. Aiming for a secluded valley that is just beyond the reach of the Citadel.
“You and I my friend have very different ideas on what is amusing. I still have some healing areas from the last time he attempted. So, no more jobs for him. If he comes for me again, he will not like the result and then I will have to permanently relocate again. I am quickly running out of non-hostile areas in which to reside.” A loud rumble starts far in the distance and soon it comes much closer. Making the ground shake. I can feel the consciousness that resides in the beast as it comes ever closer. Soon enough a giant shadow blocks out the moons and suns, as a giant feline like form sails over us to enter into the seeming placid lake behind Ariethil. Soon enough that same form breaks the once more still waters. In its mouth is one of the creatures that was drawing the attention of Ariethil. “It seems that our ride has arrived. I think over land will be the fastest. Not to mention you would hurt his feelings since he did enter the water to assuage your curiosity of what lurks beneath the water.” The feline places the still wriggling creature on the shore at Ariethil’s feet. Its scaley body writhes as it attempts to return to the water. The 8 large tentacles move in an almost chaotic twirl. Trying to bring the ‘meat it senses so close to its mouth. This is a beak like protrusion just on the underside of its body. Using a small portion of my power’s I am able to dry Nasar so that we may ride on his back more comfortably. “Has your curiosity been met my friend? The feline says his name is Nasar. He wishes to know if he may return the ‘squiggly slimy thing’ back into its lake now? He also says that it will not take as long to get to the High Citadel as you have figured.” Nasar starts a deep purring as he cleans his front paw and claws that had brought up the creature.
If you wish to venture into the woods you may find many of those things. Some may also be found in the safety of our glade. Feel free to partake of whatever you wish to.
Here you are free to adventure inside of the forest. I cannot vouch for what you may find within, or if you will stumble upon one of the many hidden portals through out the woods. Each portal will take you to a different realm. Once you enter you must find your own way back here on your own. They can also be used to return to other realms from which you have already returned from if you so choose. Please keep in mind not all the realms are friendly and your person or creature may be changed to accommodation that area. Here near the waters is a place to relax. A place to recover from your adventures and a place of healing. The waters of the lake are open for all who wish to swim or just to float. The waterfall supplies our lake with Healing waters. So if you return from one of your adventures with an injury you will be healed within their calming depths.
What are you listening to at the moment? Spyder
Sabrana669 replied to hirondelle's topic in TV, Movies & Music
Hands in the air Featuring Ne-Yo by Timbaland -
Timberwolf started following Sabrana669
A shadow peels away from surrounding forest. Welcome Yumi was it? A kind but disembodied voice is heard. As the figure moves forward the creatures becomes more clear. She appears as a woman dressed in a flowing dress. Black and silver weave together creating a shimmering effect. Almost as the moon reflects off of still waters. Have you come to have an adventure or just come to relax?
A rushing water fall sings a crashing serenade as the moon slowly rises over the forest. Its decent leads it to a cool deep lake, wide enough that you are unable to see the opposite shore. The night creatures are just waking up to great you. Tall tress boarder the lake on all sides. Creating small meadows and a few larger spaces in which the wild life and those few fortunate enough to stumble upon this tranquil hide away to feel at peace. All types are welcome here. The inner sanctuary of the lake is safe ground, whilst anything may occur once your enter the forest.
Life is currently in upheaval for me. Lots of changes. Hopefully for the good and lots of decisions that have to be made. How are you doing? I hope all is well with you.
I'm reading: Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
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The thunder of the winter’s cold fury whispers through my mind as I a sleep. It tells me fascinating stories of when I was younger and why it all had to happen. During the day I am called Prudence Anne Jenkins. This name was placed over my head by my doting mother when I was but 3 minutes old. I am now living with a sister and 4 brothers that hate me, a dying mother that cannot stand the sight of me and the death of a greatly loved father hanging over my head. They all blame me for his death. They all say ‘well if you hadn’t had to have someone pick you up from some stupid martial arts class then he would still be alive!’ They say that it is entirely my fault and that I should have at least had the courtesy to be in the car when the train hit him. They will then turn away and shun me. After the accident I relived the accident in my dreams. I hear the awful sound of the trains wailing horn reverberating through my skull. Then the following pain as it plowed into my father’s car. I can hear his last words echo through me like a death keel. They tell me that he is near his end. I will carry their weight with me wherever I go. “Pru, hold true to who you are! Even when those you care about the most have turned on you. Even when your faith is at its lowest and your trust has run out. Remember I love you and no matter what, stay true to who you are!” I would rather not remember all the details, but that is no longer and option. When the accident occurred, I came fully into my powers. He was not only my father but also my mentor. He died while coming to pick me up from yet another training session at the dojo. My family may have forgotten but I have not, he tried to teach all of them as well. Tried to bring them into their birthright as he was bringing me. We are what you would call shadow-walkers. People that claim the title of shadow-walkers are part of a select few who have evolved past the norm to protect those that have not yet achieved this. We do what we must to keep keep the rest of the populouse safe. Thus is the story of my life. I live by day with a family that cannot stand the sight of me and then at night I live in a world that welcomes me into its loving bosom. A place that welcomes me, makes me feel the joys of life. I am the only thing that keeps most of this city alive. They are all scared of who and what I am but none of them would be able to sleep at night if they only knew what it is that they face while they sleep soundly in their beds. All sorts of demons, both of the humane persuasion and of the metaphysical breed. They come out only once the sun has set and the city has gone to sleep. I travel from place to place during the night never tiring of the routine that I have set in place for myself. My mother, they say, is dying of a broken heart. She misses my father and wishes he were still alive. She doesn’t blame me quite as much for his death, but I was his favorite and favored him most in looks. That is why she can’t bring herself to look at me. I am my father’s child, in every way. He taught me everything that he knew. That is why he started to take me with him on his routes. These routes would be like the ones I hold now. Fighting for a people that would never know that I even exist. It seems unfair at first but after a while you get used to it and even learn to love the very thing that you curse. Full moons are when the old legends say the lunatics and monsters come out to play. As if that is a magical force that is the only time they are able to come out. If you want the truth just look out your windows on other nights, then you will see the truth. I am tired of living in the dark. My sister has told me that my place is in school and at home. I should not be out there doing a mans work. She doesn't understand what it is that I do at night. Of course she can’t, because she doesn’t even know what it is I do. None of my siblings knew about our father either despite his best efforts. It’s a pity, there really could have been potential with at least a couple of my brothers. They would have enjoyed the life, I think. When my father was alive they called him the safety net of the city. That was of course during the day when he worked as a justice of the peace. They never knew about his night time activities. At night I am called Shadowmancer. Almost everyone fears me and yet, no one has seen me,and most think of me as some sort of aberration, a trick of the light or a child’s story created to make them behave. I appear out of nowhere then disappear into the shadows just as I came. This is the way of my life. Hide where the world can’t find me then keep them alive in exchange for their ignorance. After all as father used to say, “My darling child, if the world knew of our true existence then we have failed in our task. We do not protect them to gain wealth or fame. We do not protect them so we can gain notoriety. This is why we use an alias.” It has been close to five years since his death. I am still working his area as well as the one that has somehow come to me. It is always this way with our people. One of us will die and the successor for that person will take over their area and once they become of age then they will receive their own territory. I have learned much from others like myself. It is hard to imagine what it was like before I came into my own and had to go it alone. A while back I met a young man named Mystr, he took me to a place I had not been since I was small. There I met a man by the name of Raule. He helped to mold and shape me into what my father had envisioned. I am now in the top echelon of the shadow-walkers. That is what Raul has said anyway. I am terrified of what my family will do if they ever find out what I do. They are not a supportive or understanding group. My older siblings will frequently search my room and all of my belongings. They use the guise of keeping me safe and don’t get taken in by all the vices that are present in our lives. This is something that I will not believe until my father rises from the grave and walks among us. My activities are restricted to school and home. I am not allowed to have friends or outside relationships. Raul has said that I am safe at school. He obviously hasn’t been in any of the local schools lately. I am now a junior in high school. Due to my family and circumstances I am a social outcast. On the plus side, the isolation does allow me to keep my secrets. In the school that my sister has placed me in, the popular kids try and prove their right to be on the top by fighting any outcast that they can find. I have gotten very good at avoiding them. I find the practice ridiculous. The one that wins recertifies their standing in their groups. If the challenger losses however they then become the outcast and the outcast became the most popular kid in school. As I have said, pointless. You can never be to careful about who you let close to you. The young man I mentioned earlier has since been killed. I feel sorry for his loose and will miss his comradery. He was also a in high school with his whole life ahead of him. I find it strange that when he passed his mind reached out for mine instead of his mentor or his family. I was stunned by the intensity of his contact. He told me he had been framed and then murdered to hide the crime. He asked me to find his killer. He knew that they were part of his humane acquaintances. He couldn’t tell me which of them were responsible, but it was surely one of them. He also bequeathed his territory to me. I am now responsible for the whole south side of the city. So far no one has challenged me for it. With the acquisition of these territories I have started to gain familiars. The old tales tell that witches and all manner of dark magics claimed familiers. They were supposed to help channel their magic and hold extra magic and charms. Most of these are total crap. There is always an exception to the rules. The familiars that we acquire are like guides for us. We can have any number of them and will frequently get receive the at least one from those that have passed and have been close to them. I have three that have claimed me. A guardian wolf from my late father, a falcon that has claimed my soul as its charge and a python from Mystr. The wolf is not the same one that claimed my father’s soul as its charge but that wolf’s daughter. The situation seems fitting. Mystr’s guide was a python, the one that has come to me was his mate. She has come to me to help insure that justice is meted out for her mate and his master. Once that task is complete I do not know if she will stay or leave to claim another. For now I am comforted by her presence. The falcon appeared one day and claimed my soul and I intern am now its master. The time has come for me to tell you why I keep this diary I suppose. Since my father’s death I have found many bound journals that he had kept. They were hidden away and his other home. I suppose you could call it his lair. They were filled with a code that could only be broken by someone who knew how to truly see. One not blinded by the world surrounding them. This in turn has prompted me to do the same. This diary will only go to one that has been given the key. My successor once that time comes. It will tell of my life, hopes, dreams and greatest fears. If by chance it helps to bring peace to those who read it then it shall be worth the words written. My time here is drawing short as I hear my siblings calling for me. Im sure they need me to do some menial task that they do no wish to. As they are not privy to my life in full I have this my diary to keep all the details in. They are not able to find what they do not know exists. This is hidden as a school assignment. Deep in the recesses of my computer’s hard drive. As none of them have much skill with technology then for the moment it is safe. For now I bid you adieu. Until next we meet.
Thank you my dear. Hopefully I can live up to your expectations.