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Wolf and Goddess Podcast

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About this blog

Wolf and Goddess have decided to do a podcast.  Comments are welcomed and encouraged.

If you have some ideas about what we should do an episode one, feel free to message @Timberwolf or @hirondelle or leave a comment and we will see what we can do.

If you want to be a guest on the podcast, which we would love, message @Timberwolf or @hirondelle and we will message you and talk about being a guest.

Entries in this blog

EP002 - COVID-19 comes to Thailand

COVID-19, when it first comes to Thailand. When it was first talked about, Wolf and Goddess were going to Chiang Mai for Wolf to play in an ice hockey tournament. They talk about how people were reacting and what they did while in Chiang Mai. They also talk about coming back to Bangkok and what it was like back in Bangkok. Goddess expresses her fears for when Wolf had to have knee surgery right before there was a lock down in Thailand. They talk about a funny experience that Wolf had during the


Timberwolf in COVID-19

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