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My Fat Ass

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About this blog

This blog is for the NL Community to write about their weight loss and their struggles with weight loss.

Entries in this blog

Losing Weight - Week 5

So, here I am, 5 weeks in.  Honestly, on this day, I’m feeling kind of down.  I haven’t lost any weight, and for the past two weeks, I’ve only done a few sun salutations, and my hockey game, back on April 21st, I had a hockey game, and my knee felt so bad that I thought my hockey career was going to be finished at the end of this season.  I feel like the guy in this picture, and I'm not really very happy about it.     One good thing that has happened, during and after my hoc

Timberwolf - Losing Weight - Week 3

OK, so here I am, three (3) weeks from my blog post Losing Weight - Week 1.    The reason I didn't do a blog post last week, is because I was on holiday in Koh Chang with @hirondelle, and some friends.     The good thing is that I haven't gained any weight.  I'm holding steady at about 237 lbs.  I've also started doing Sun Salutation A.      Now, I'm not doing them every day, but I am working towards that.  At the moment, I'm doing 5 in a row when I do th

Losing Weight - Week 1

So, I've been talking about how I need to lose weight.  And I even talked about how I need to lose weight in the My fat ass thread here at NL.  I figured this would be a good way to keep track of my weight loss.     So, one of the things I decided I was going to do a few things.   Drink less beer.  When there is a game, football or hockey, on TV, I drink two to three beers.  I decided, that no matter what is going on, I'm going to only drink one beer a day at the most.



Welcome To My Fat Ass

Welcome to the NL Community blog that is focused on helping our member with losing weight and their struggles with with weight.  All are welcome to make blog posts and comments, all that we ask is that people are respectful to each other.  In this blog, we can talk about what exercises we are doing, our eating habits, our triggers, or anything that surrounds our weight loss.   The most important thing is that we support and encourage each other in this journey.   Thank y


Timberwolf in Welcome

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