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My Fat Ass

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This blog is for the NL Community to write about their weight loss and their struggles with weight loss.

Entries in this blog

Timberwolf - Losing Weight - Week 3

OK, so here I am, three (3) weeks from my blog post Losing Weight - Week 1.    The reason I didn't do a blog post last week, is because I was on holiday in Koh Chang with @hirondelle, and some friends.     The good thing is that I haven't gained any weight.  I'm holding steady at about 237 lbs.  I've also started doing Sun Salutation A.      Now, I'm not doing them every day, but I am working towards that.  At the moment, I'm doing 5 in a row when I do th

Losing Weight - Week 5

So, here I am, 5 weeks in.  Honestly, on this day, I’m feeling kind of down.  I haven’t lost any weight, and for the past two weeks, I’ve only done a few sun salutations, and my hockey game, back on April 21st, I had a hockey game, and my knee felt so bad that I thought my hockey career was going to be finished at the end of this season.  I feel like the guy in this picture, and I'm not really very happy about it.     One good thing that has happened, during and after my hoc
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