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There is a light within you. A light that is you. Like the Sun, it is always there even when it seems hidden by the clouds. A light that says, 'I'll try again tomorrow'. A light that makes everything clearer and brighter. This light is entirely inextinguishable and infinite. The light of a million stars. The light of a hundred thousand Angels.


Your light is not separate from us. You are an extension of the Divine that you call upon. When you call upon the light, you are indeed asking for a reminder of you. The you that is connected to All That Is. You are calling upon you, the magnificent you that has been brought to earth to share your light in human form; the you that is powerful beyond measure.


Do not be afraid of your light. Shine it brightly. You were born to shine! For your light can do no harm, and those who feel threatened or intimidated by your light are simply afraid of their own. Do not let them deter you but equally do not force your light upon others.

Your light is indeed a powerful force in the world but it need not be forced.


Your light is your light. Just be the light. Let it go where it goes. Shine because it makes you feel good, shine for all the people who are ready to wake up from their slumber, shine for all the hearts who are meant to find you.


Do not be fooled, however, into thinking that your light must be drained to help another. Be a beacon, be a lighthouse, be a guide for those who should find themselves struggling. But remember that you are not their source of light. Your light is your light. Their light is theirs. By owning your light by standing in your truth, you light the way for others to come back to theirs and one by one, light shines around the world. Your light is so needed. Keep showing up. Keep shining.


Anna Grace Taylor 

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