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Everything posted by Timberwolf

  1. Ah yeah @Mirbiggsyeah, that makes it hard. And you’re right, they should make their own commission for it, it shouldn’t be part of the liquor control commission.
  2. I’m sorry to hear that @Dulcet
  3. We’re happy to have you here when you can be @DarkAngel
  4. Jumps as the new person lands on the ground, turning his head quickly to look at him, grabs his head and groans again Damn, does my head hurt. Moves closer to the new person to check him I hope he's OK. Places the back of his hand near his nose to feel for the breath, and feels his breath on the back of his hand. Well, at least he's breathing. Turns to look at the others again Does anybody know where we are?
  5. After swimming for a bit, he climbs out of the lake, shakes off, spraying water all over, bounds over to Yumi, gently picking her up in his teeth, bounding back over to the lake and tosses her in. Enjoy your swim Yumi, haha.
  6. I agree with @icewlf about the media (and senseless violence), but I find the media frustrating because they are more concerned about cliches and views than they are about facts. Then, when they need to fix something, the tend to do it quietly, and not correct the original article.
  7. Yeah, I found that most poses in yoga can get quite intense when you hold them for extended periods of time. For example, when I was doing yoga regularly, I was also studying YIn Yoga, and I went into a pose, and I went as deep as I would for normal yoga, and 2 minutes into to the pose, I had to pull back out of it because it was so intense. You do really need to ease into poses if you plan on holding them longer than a minute.
  8. Which one @fox? I remember when this was running. It really was a show that split public opinion. I know people that just loved it, and I knew people that just didn’t care for it. I watched a lot of episodes, but I personally found it a bit monotonous.
  9. Can’t the government crack down on that like they did with tobacco?
  10. Well shit. I wonder how the Vikes will do after losing Bradford and Cook. Although we lost the game this weekend, our defense struggled and our running game struggled once Cook went out, but there were quite a few bad calls. I saw at least 3 times that the defense was holding the jersey of our receivers when they were trying to catch the ball, it was so blatant that even announcers mentioned it.
  11. I just finished Mistborn: The Final Empire, book 1. I really enjoyed this. I’m looking forward to reading the second book.
  12. Oh damn @Moonhawk I hope everything comes out ok.
  13. Yeah, I'm working on it. If it shows you as logged out, for the moment, you need to do a hard refresh (control-f5) and it will show you as logged in again, but once you hit any of the "forums" links in the bread crumbs or the tab at the top of the page, you will appear to be logged out again. Keep in mind, it just appears that way. I am working on it, just give me some time.
  14. Ok, I’ll look into it.
  15. His eyes flick open, he sits up quickly, grabs his head and groans Oh Markor, my head hurts. Pulls his hand down from his head and see blood on his fingers How did that happen? He looks around and sees two other people Oh, uhm, hello. Do you know where we are?
  16. The best part is I don’t need to.
  17. I know.
  18. Thank you @Kethlia
  19. Yeah, exactly.
  20. I wanna see. Lol.
  21. Bounds over to @Cyrain, pouncing on her, huggling her and licking her im so glad you made it back! Welcome welcome.
  22. Sadly, @Ren didn't get to see it, I'm sure she would have enjoyed it.
  23. @Rapture what kind of phone do you have? What is the file type of the image? What is the file size of the image? I just used my test account, which is a member (warrior) on my iPad and on my iPhone and I could upload an image as my avatar that way. The more I know, the more I can help you.
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