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Everything posted by Timberwolf

  1. Welcome back home. We're so glad that you decided to come back. We have missed you something fierce. If you're new here, that's awesome! We're so happy to have you here! Feel free to post here and let us know if you've changed your name, who you are, where you're from, all the interesting little bits you want to share. I'll start..... I'm Timberwolf, T-wolf, Wolf, Dom. I'm originally from Minnesota, but I've lived all over the U.S., I've lived in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and right now, I'm living in Bangkok, Thailand with my Air, The Goddess, @hirondelle. We are looking forward to hearing all about you and spending time with you.
  2. I remember this fondly. Where did you find it???
  3. So nice to have our home back the way it should be.  :x

    1. hirondelle


      I know - I hope everyone else is happy too!

    2. Kethlia


      Runs in pouncing on both!

  4. Timberwolf

    Oh you....

    Pounces, hugs and licks Long time no chat! I've missed you! Things are going good. I'm working full time, I do admin duties for a local hockey league, a whole of things to go with that, lol, I'm podcasting, I do video news for the local hockey league, I just started taichi again, and really enjoyed it, and I've started playing hockey again (after 28 years!!). What's up with you??
  5. Welcome to your new Invision Community! Congratulations on your purchase of our software and setting up your community. Please take some time and read through the Getting Started Guide and Administrator Documentation. The Getting Started Guide will walk you through some of the necessary steps to setting up an IP.Board and starting your community. The Administrator Documentation takes you through the details of the capabilities of IP.Board. You can remove this message, topic, forum or even category at any time. Go to the documentation now...
  6. Well, the past few days have kind of been hard couple of days. It all started on Saturday. Something happened while I was at work, and I had such a strong desire, want, need, craving for a smoke! I almost walked out of work, walked down to the local 7-11 and bought a pack. It was so strong, I couldn't believe it. I'd yet to be hit so hard with such a craving for a smoke since we've quit. It was rough. But I didn't go out and buy any cigarettes. I grit my teeth and worked through it, but damn it was hard on Saturday! Sunday...? Well, Sunday was fine, lol. I didn't have any issues on Sunday and didn't have any cravings for a smoke, so I thought I was safe. And to make things even nicer, lol, @hirondelle and I went for our weekly foot massage. OMG! If you haven't had a foot massage by somebody who is really good at them, you have just got to try and find yourself some place that does them! Freaking hell! We get them once a week and they just wash away the weeks stress and worries. And they usually knock me out for about 30 minutes for the hour that we get them. They are awesome! Then Monday hit. Monday wasn't too bad. But for some reason, I was just having minor cravings for a smoke. I don't know why, but time to time throughout the day, I just kind of wanted a smoke. But don't worry sports fans; I didn't have one on Monday. They weren't that bad. Tuesday and damn did Tuesday freaking hit! I was at work, and having a good day, getting a lot of work done on the curriculum they are having me re-write. I originally wrote the curriculum for the kid's classes with one course book covering 100 hours, which gives myself and my fellow teachers plenty of time to get through the course book, prepare the kids for up and coming tests, for the teachers to work with the kids doing portfolios and the like. Well, my bosses felt that it would be better if we went through two course books in 100 hours. Now this cuts down a lot on what the teachers can do, they just have to quickly teach the book, which is OK, but it doesn't really give the teacher a lot of time to really focus on what the students need other than making sure the know enough to move on to the next section of the book. Then after running this curriculum as they wanted it for about 6 months, they decided to change their mind and go back to what I had said they should do, which was run one course book over 100 hours, and they also want to introduce story time for the little, little kids, and reading time for the older kids, which I think is a great idea. Also, before the end of the year, I wrote the curriculum for a camp that we were running for the beginning of the year, which I'm sure you will remember, Around The World In 10 Days. It was a great camp, and I had a lot of fun, and I taught the majority of the classes for the two weeks that it was running. After I was about 75% done with the curriculum, they decided that what I had done was to mature for the kids, so I had to pare down what I had and get a lot of other activities and put a lot of different things together, so it took me a lot long than it should have to write this curriculum, and now is where the problems start. I got my pay here yesterday, Tuesday, and one of my bosses, Dang, said that I don't get paid for curriculum work (1) because I taught the class and (2) because I was claiming too many hours for writing it. Talk about setting me over the edge. I kept my cool, but damn did I really want a cigarette after that. They still haven't paid me for this time, but we were supposed to have a meeting about it on Thursday, because I normally teach on Monday and Wednesdays. Now it's Wednesday, and I was supposed to go to a class about 2 hours out from center Bangkok so I didn't have to go into the office, but the class canceled today, so I went into the office. I went into the office at 12 like I do when I'm not teaching. And the owner of the company didn't come in until about 30 minutes before I left, and she didn't even come in and say hi to me or anything. And my other boss, Dang, didn't even come in today. So we didn't have the meeting today about it. And the owner told me that she couldn't have the meeting tomorrow because she is busy, but we can have the meeting on Friday. This is fine by me. Last night, Tuesday, I made a decision, and this morning when I woke up, I felt so much better about things. No matter what they decide, I come out for the better. See, when we moved back to Bangkok, I really wanted to work for this company, because they were always good to me when I worked for them before. I knew I would probably be making less then I could probably earn, but working for a good company it's sometimes worth it. So the decision that I made, with @hirondelle's support, is simply this. They can give me a pay raise and I won't add any curriculum work or placement testing or any non-teaching work to my pay claim, and if I work more than 70 hours in a month, they will pay me the regular teaching hour pay for anything over those 70 hours. Or, I can go back to being a part time teacher, and not worry about any curriculum or anything like that, and they can just pay me by the hour for my teaching, and I can look around at other schools and get my own private students and make more in the end. So I'm not too worried. And the good news is a two parter, lol. Over this whole time and no matter how much I wanted a cigarette, I didn't have one, which makes me feel good. I didn't have any cravings at all today! Oh, and when I was in today, I finished the Starter, Movers, Flyers curriculum that they asked for, and only worked on it for about 15 hours total, which should make them happy, lol. And, I was a nice guy and emailed it to them, so they have it no matter what decision they make on Friday. Thanks for listening to me ramble along. Always Remember: If you always follow what your heart says, you can never go down the wrong path.
  7. So yesterday I finished another class. The class was at a place called Aurecon. Aurecon is a company the has engineers and drafters for buildings and such. The class was Pre-Intermediate level. Now the book we used, wasn't actually the correct book to use in my opinion. We used a book called Market Leader, which is a great book for people in marketing. And not really what these students needed. Now don't get me wrong, the students learned from the book and they did get something out of it, but that book is more for students of marketing, lol, not engineers. In my opinion, they book that would have worked better is a book called English 365, just because it combines the different aspects of Business English and General English. Meh, lol, it wasn't my decision, lol. Any way, the class was great. The students were a lot of fun. And it was about the class size that I love teaching. When all the students were there, which never happened, there were 17 students. The least amount of students that I had was about 10. So over all it was great! I'm not a big fan of the smaller class sizes, but those are the kinds of classes that my company like to use, but it's no big deal. I can teach all sizes of classes and ages, lol. Well as you can see from the pictures that are attached to this blog post, they were a great group. Unfortunately, not everybody was there on the last day so I could get a picture of everybody. Here is the class list of the ones that came to class, at least part of the time, lol. Aon, Amnuay, Donut, Ton, Nart, Kee, Jue, Pong, Took, Sao, Sit, Thong, Piak(2), Gigx, Art , Piak(1). They were a such a great class, that on the last day, they got a cake for us! Talk about awesome!! Well, I'll stop boring you with my teaching, lol. Always remember: Always listen to your heart. Not anybody else's. Their heart doesn't know you!
  8. So @hirondelle told me around Christmastime that she wanted to buy my next tattoo for me for my birthday. So I finally got some free time, and put together an image that I was very happy with. When you look the gallery pictures for this blog post, it will be the one titled original. They are great! The lady that did the samurai on my right arm is the same lady that did my new tattoo. Her name is Poo. Her husband, Leck New York, does the big back and body pieces. They both are amazing artists. Now we went in on Tuesday to our tattoo shop by the name of Sak Lai Tattoo Studio. Poo too the image and said she was going to turn the outer circle more into a brush stroke, because she new the idea I was going for. I think she did a great job with that. Now to describe my tattoo. The outer circle is called a Zen Circle. It means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. To me it represents that nothing is perfect. Which to me is life. You just do the best you can, which again is life. The inner image, you all know, it's a Yin and Yang. To me this represents the two sides to everything. You have to look at both sides, listen to both sides and you can't have one with out the other... in my opinion. Well, that's about it. Hope you all like it.
  9. For the last 2 weeks, I've been teaching a special class. Well, what my work calls a camp actually. It was a lot fun. I had a class of twelve 5 year olds. Every day of the class they learned a little bit about a different countries. Day 1: Orientation, Make passports, Make photo albums Day 2: Went to United Kingdom Day 3: Went to New Zealand Day 4: Went to Australia Day 5: Went to United States Day 6: Went to Canada Day 7: Went to China Day 8: Went to South Korea Day 9: Went to Japan Day 10: Back to Thailand It was a lot of fun! The kids were great. On the last day, we gave them certificates for completing the camp (see photos). For the first week, I started each day, doing 3 hours every morning with the kids, then they would go to lunch, and I would work on things for the teacher in the afternoon and the afternoons later in the week. then off to my normal classes to teach in the evening. We had one teacher that did Monday and Tuesday afternoon, and the kids loved him, and he loves the kids, but his normal teaching work took him away for the rest of the week, so they hired another teacher to cover him the rest of the course. Well, as it worked out, he is a shit teacher with kids. What he wants is to teach University Students. Oh, and he would prefer to only teach the University students that are girls. Funny how that is. But hey, at least the kids knew he was a shit teacher. The only problem with this, is that then I had to teach the second week in the afternoons on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. So on Tuesday, I taught from 9am to 3pm, then I had to hightail it to my evening class and teach them 4pm to 6pm, and I had to do that again on Thursday. I was freaking beat! But like I said, I loved it.
  10. Hey all, I'd just like to keep you posted on what's going on with The Northlands. I will continue to post an update in the Forum News area, but I will also post in here. To start with, I've updated the blogs. The software for the blogs is supposed to be more streamlined and runs smoother and fit better with IP.Boards 3.1.4. If I see anything that is totally amazing going on with the blogs, I will let you know. Also, I tested out a thing that put the Active User list (who's online) over on the side tab. It didn't really look right there. Everything looked all crammed in, and it really looked strange looking at the bottom of the page and not seeing the Active User list down there. So, I just removed it. Now, About a month ago or so, I added a facebook like button to the bottom of threads. I told you about that before in the Forum News area, and we had some issues with the image that was being sent to facebook. Well, I've gotten that sorted out, and I've added another button to the bottom of the page (see image below): On the left hand side, you see the facebook like button, and now on the right, you will see the tweet button so know you can tweet a thread if you like it. There is still the one thing I talked about before, that I'm still working on, that will make things smother for signing in from the main page. We're adding what's called IP.Content, which is like what we have now, but it's fully integrated with the board, so we won't have the issue of people trying to sign in like they did before. And everything will be linked, and it will pull information right from the board and things like that. That's going to take a lot of work, but I'm really looking for to working with it. There is also a lot of things I'm looking at from the Invision Power Community, but you will just have to wait and see what's coming with that.
  11. I have a lot to say and I will try to break this up into sections for you, lol. Please enjoy the read. My birthday Well, let's see. Today is my birthday and I got some lovely well wishes for so many people today. I feel truly loved. In my 40 years on this earth, I have met so many amazing people. Some have just traveled in and out of it, some have traveled in and out and back in again, some have even stuck around awhile. Some of you I have met in real life first and have gotten back into touch again through the wonders of the internet. Some I've met online and have had the wonderful opportunity to meet in real life. And other still, I've met online and hope to one day meet in real life. And there are those of you that are my real life family that I talk to on the phone or skype or emails or facebook. I consider each and everyone of you a member of my family. You all mean so much to me and I hope to keep all in my life in one way or another. I love you all! Thank you so much for being apart of my life and enriching it in ways you could never know. And thank you all for your birthday wishes. Non Smoking Well, it's now been 17 days with no cigarette and 11 days with no patch. I'm feeling great. I no longer feel like I'm dying when I walk up a lot of steps, I have more energy then I've had in a very long time, and I'm sleeping so much better then I did when I was smoking. One of the nice things about not smoking is the fact that when I go to bed at night, I can now sleep on my back. I love sleeping on my back. When I was smoking, I couldn't lay on my back to go to sleep. If I tried that, I started to get sick to my stomach like I was on one of those spinning rides (which I happen to love). But now that I've stopped smoking, I can fall asleep on my back again and I love it! I also love the fact that when I wake up in the morning, I don't feel the need to have a smoke just to get going. It's so nice! And, as of right now, it's to the point that when I smell a cigarette, I don't have those bad cravings for them. And there are times that when I smell somebody after they've had a smoke, they smell of stale smoke just kind of hangs on them, and I feel kind of bad knowing that I used to smell like that. I don't ever want to smoke again. Life This is only partially really considered life. The gift @hirondelle is giving me for my birthday this year is she is buying me a tattoo. I've put a lot of thought into this tattoo and the type of image that I want. It's a combined zen circle and ying & yang. I'm really excited to have it done. I can't wait! When I have it done, I will make sure to have pictures taken of it and post them here. More things to deal with life: In February, we are going up to Chiang Mai for a few days. I will be relaxing for these days while my love will have to work. Sorry love, but I'm looking forward to the time off. Also, in the beginning of March, I will be making a visa run (I hate these) but I will be going back onto a dependents visa which is a good thing. And the final thing for the life section of this post, we are headed to the States for the first 2 weeks of April. @hirondelle is going to finally be able to meet my kids! I'm really excited for this to happen. Also, we will be driving to New York, so she can meet my father, one of my sister and my nephew. Then we will be driving to Minnesota so she can meet the rest of my family. That's going to be so awesome! I'm really looking forward to that. Teaching A teacher. How I love it! Right now, I'm working like a buffalo teaching a lot. In the mornings right now, I'm teaching 15 five year olds for 3 hours. We are running a special camp called Around The World in 10 days where we teach them a little bit about 9 different countries. They have a little passport that they made up, and a photo album to put the pictures they will cut out for the places "they have visited". They love it so far, and I've really enjoyed teaching them. This past Friday, I taught them for 5 hours. 3 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. I will be doing this again tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. I will also be teaching my normal classes, lol, so I'm teaching a hell of a lot right now and honestly, I'm kind of beat, so I'm looking forward to my time off in February. But don't get me wrong. I love teaching. Just a little tired about now. Well, I think that's about all for right now. As things come up, I will try to keep you all posted. Thanks for reading. Stay safe and enjoy life! And most of all, try not to worry about how somebody else is thinking about you. It will just cause you head and heart ache. Worry about making yourself happy! hugs and licks to all
  12. Well, what do you know. It's been 9 days, and I'm feeling really good! It's also been 3 days with out using the patch. I haven't had any anxiety attacks at all. The only problems I'm having about now is that one, I'm starting to feel like I can't get enough breath sometimes, because my lungs are starting to heal back up, sometimes it takes me forever to get to sleep, and I have so much energy. There are times that I feel like I'm just bouncing off the walls. Like right now, I'm sitting here, it's 4:15 in the after noon, @hirondelle is on her way home from work, and I'm seriously bouncing in my chair. It's not like I'm nervous or anything. It actually feels like when I was in school (way before I started smoking) and I had all this energy I just had to do something, so I usually just bounced my foot or shook my leg or something. Would drive the people around me crazy, lol, but I can't help it. I don't know why it was like that then, and I don't know why it is like it is now, lol. But I do know I'm feeling much better, and when I do finally sleep, lol, I feel like I sleep more sound. And as for the feeling a bit short of breath, I just have to make sure to breathe deeper then I used to when I was smoking, which is actually a good thing, because it puts more oxygen into my system, lol, but it does make me bounce around a bit more, lol. So the update is that It's been 9 days and no smoking and 3 days with no patch, so I'm feeling great!! I won't update you as much now, lol, as I have been, but I will try to update you about this about once a week until I get bored with writing about not smoking, but I will try to start writing more blog posts (again). Thank you all for reading. I know there are a number of you, and you don't make comments, but that's OK. Thank you for reading.
  13. Well, let's see. I would have to day that day 3 has been the worst so far. Yesterday started off really good, and the whole day was good. It was some thing that happened at night that really kind of drove me crazy, but I soon mellowed back out. Now for today? I've been great so far. Yes, I'm still using my patch, and I have 2 more patches left, but I'm feeling really good about it. I haven't had any issues or anxiety attacks at all today. As of right now, I'm feeling really strong about quitting smoking. Now I will check in again in 3 days, lol, and let you know how it's going. And now I can keep you all updated with what's going on with @hirondelle also. She has gone 2 days now with out a patch or the nicotine gum. I'm really proud of her! She is amazing. Now I just have to remember as time goes on that I just can't think, "Oh, I can have just this one", or, "Eh, we're on holiday/vacation, I can just have a pack and stop again when the holiday/vacation is over." That's kind of what happened the last time and well.... It just doesn't work that way. It's just like any other drug, when you stop, you have to stop. If you start again, even for just a taste, you get hooked again. This time, I'm done for good! Or at least that's my plan. Thanks for listening to my rambling on.
  14. Well, yesterday was pretty good. Only had a few times where I really craved a cigarette, was a little sore from working out the day before with my buddy, and I got a lot of work done on the new thing for The Northlands. Today I go back to work. But how am I doing? Well, I feel good about getting things done with the new thing for The Northlands, I'm feeling a little bit more sore from working out, lol. It usually takes two days. But I feel frustrated and full of anxiety. Everything our cleaning lady does, seems to drive me up a wall. I mean, from the beginning, she wasn't like one of my favorite people, but today it just seems a lot worse than normal. Now, I know this has to do with quitting smoking. I haven't snapped at her or anything, and I'm trying to be good, but sometimes it's really hard. To give an example, I was looking for some scissors so I could cut open the packaging of the patch I'm using to help me stop smoking, but the scissors weren't where they were supposed to be, and they weren't where they have been. so I got a little upset about it, and made a really snide cutting comment about not wanting to wear the patch anyway, thinking she had moved the scissors, she tends to move things, and here @hirondelle had actually moved them. Now I feel bad about making the comment, not only because it was @hirondelle who moved the scissors, but also because I know it's the way I'm feeling because of quitting smoking. It's nobody's fault I'm all wound up tighter than shit on the inside. I just need to find a way to release it some how without picking up another cigarette. Hopefully it will start getting easier again, lol.
  15. Well, as some of you have read, @hirondelle and I have decided on a few things for New Years. First and foremost, is that we plan on quitting smoking. I would also like to get back into shape, bring my weight back down to what I think it should be, and also start studying martial arts again. I'm going to try and keep a bit of a travel log of how things go here. As of today, we have quit smoking. I always forget how hard the first day is. So what I'm trying to do is keep my mind busy by doing a few different things. I'm listening to some good music, working on some new things for The Northlands, and a friend of ours is coming down and he would like to go to this open park and work out a little bit. So this here is the start of things. Wish us luck.
  16. As most of you know by now, Tracy and I have moved back to Bangkok. Well, it's been like forever since I've written in here, so I figured this would be a great way to get back into it. Well, let's see. About 3-4 weeks ago, Tracy and I had our stuff packed up, said some sad good byes, packed up Roso, Lily, and Spike and climbed into a van for a long drive down to Bangkok. The driver, Tony, was great and stopped whenever we asked him to so we could let Spike get out and run around. I felt bad for Roso and Lily thought, because we couldn't take them out of their crates. I was afraid that if we did that, they might pee and poop all over the van. The trip down took about 10 hours. Overall it was a nice relaxing ride. A few days later, the moving company showed up with our stuff. It was nice to get our things and start setting up the house. We have a nice 3 bedroom house. It's two stories with a running area all the way around the house for Spike to run around. The front gate also has a walkway gate for us to enter and exit with out having to open up the whole gate. Also the gate goes almost the whole way to the ground with about an inch or two open at the bottom, so we don't have to worry about Spike slipping under the gate and escaping, so we can let him run about outside when we are out or have to work. He seems to like that a lot. We got some nice outside furniture with the house, and he has taken over the two seater as his own and lays on there when he's outside. I think he likes it, because he can see from there out through the gate, so he can see what's going on on our road. Spike has also made friends with out landlady, Parn, and her dog Nam Tan (more on that later). Roso and Lily seemed to take to the house right away. They have the run of pretty much the whole house. We just don't let them into the kitchen, because (1) the windows don't have any screens, (2) the two doors that go outside don't actually have a catch, they have sliding locks, when our cleaning lady comes, she leaves the doors open, and in the morning while Tracy and I are having our coffee before she leaves for work, we like to sit outside, so I leave the kitchen door open. They both just love the house. We have a great place to put our bookshelves that better display all of our books, which is really nice, and it makes it easier to look for a book. We have a huge master bedroom with the upstairs bathroom just off of it. We have turned the back spare bedroom into our den (office) and I have put up the pictures I've received from my students up, finally, and it looks really nice. The front spare bedroom will be our guest bedroom for when we have visitors... if we have visitors, lol. Tracy only had a few days off of work before she had to start back at work, but we knew that coming down here. I had off for about a week and a half to 2 weeks to do things around the house. I emailed the company that I used to work for, Elite Training Institute, and couldn't wait for me to come in for an interview and talk about what both of us wanted. I told them that I wanted full time and the told me that they would like somebody to kind of take control of the Young Learners section, and we agreed on a starting salary, which was OK. It's great to be back with them. They always treated me well when I was with them. They are the company that I did my CELTA (Certified English Language Teacher to Adult) with them, and they hired me right off the CELTA. After a little while, I told them that I wanted more hours, so they gave me more hours. Then I told them that I wanted to teach kids, so they gave me some kids classes. I told them I wanted to teach in a school, so they put me into a school. I wanted management, so they gave me management. I wanted out of management so they took me out of management, lol. So, everything seems to be heading down those same lines, which makes me happy. I don't have a lot of hours right now, but they will give me 70 hours + a month of actual teaching time. Plus I have to do placement testing of all the kids, I've been rewriting their kids courses for a new book, and I will be organizing some special weekend activities for the kids. Plus, I will also be teaching some adults, university students and special courses, but I will be mainly focused on the kids courses. There are only two bad things in all this. One, right now, I only have one day off a week, which is Sunday, and two, Tracy's days off are Monday and Tuesday, so we don't have the same days off. But, the plan is for me to eventually have off Sunday and Monday, but I will have to work towards that. Overall, I really excited about being back there and I'm enjoying it. Well, I guess that's all for now. Again, I'm going to try and write more here, but we will see how it goes, lol.
  17. Some of you may know this, but @hirondelle recently "retired" from her position as Academic Manager at the British Council, and she really needed to relax, so we had decided to take a trip to Pai, Thailand for a few days. Everybody here has talked about how great Pai is, and neither of us has been there, so we decided why not. Now we've both heard all kinds of things about Pai. One was how relaxing and beautiful it is, and another was how openly people smoke weed there, so we kind of figured we would see people walking down the street or sitting in the coffee shop/restaurants smoking. Much to our surprise, we never saw it. But I'm getting ahead of myself here. Let me start from the beginning. We decided that since Friday (today) was a public holiday and @hirondelle didn't have to work at all this week, we would leave Chiang Mai on Sunday and drive to Pai and stay there until Thursday. On Sunday morning, we go and have breakfast, come back home and finish up the packing and load up the bike. We got started at about 12 noon. We turn onto Highway 107 and it's a fairly straight road once you get out of the city and just start cruising along. It's a nice stretch of road once you get outside the city. No sharp turns, just straight road with nice sweeping bends so I can open the bike up a bit, which I love doing when I can. After about an hour, I turn onto our next road, which is the road that leads to Pai. We stop to have a bit of a break, because the road looks a little twisty and it goes through the mountains, so we stop at this little shop and relax a bit before we continue on. To say that the road looks a bit twisty is like a huge understatement! From Chiang Mai to Pai, they say there are 762 bends and curves in the road. All this with going up and down mountains. After about an hour we had to take a break again, because it was kind of getting to us. So we stopped and had some coffee. When we continued on, we had to stop again after about an hour because not only was the road twisting and turning, Thai drivers like to try to pass you on the bends and if another car/truck is coming, they tend to move over, so you either get pushed off the road or have to fall back quickly! The place we stopped had a great view, so that was nice and we relaxed some more and calmed down a bit. Also, on the way to this stop, there was this couple that pulled out in front of us and after little while, they started weaving all over the road and looking over their shoulder at us. As I got closer, I could see huge smiles on their faces, but the way they were driving, I thought it best we pass them at the next passing point. As we are passing, they start waving at us and asking where we are from. I yell back that I'm from America and they yell back ... "I love America!!" which was really cool. When we stopped at the next place with the great view, they rode by on their bike and waved. When we were back on the road again, we saw that they had stopped and were taking a break and we beeped and waved at them. When we stopped just out side of Pai one last time, they passed up and beeped and waved again. It was a lot of fun. We found Spa Exotic Home, a place that a friend of ours recommended to us. They have a round bathtub with hot water from a local hot spring, so the first thing we did was have a bath together. It was really nice. But, the place looked like it had seen better days. The porch outside our front door, the wood looked rotted to the point where I might fall through by just walking on it. The screens didn't quite seem to fit the windows, and there was no AC. There was just a fan the blew straight down on the bed. The driveway looked like it used to be really nice, with nice brick work, but it hadn't been maintained, and it was all muddy. Our friend told us that it had a nice restaurant and the Lonely Planet also said it had a nice restaurant. When we checked in, I asked what time they started serving dinner, and they said the they didn't have a restaurant any more. So we had to head into town to get something to eat, which was OK. When we rode into town, it had just got dark, which is normally no big deal, but there were no street lights, the road wasn't very wide and in poor condition with a lot of curves and hills, and we were a good distance from town. When we did finally get into town, we found this great little Italian restaurant that made great little personal sized pizzas. After dinner, we decided to walk around and look for a place that served fresh coffee. While walking up the road, we ran into two of my old students (a mother and daughter) and they introduced us to the husband and brother. That was really nice. We found a really nice coffee shop on a corner, and there were a few parade like things going on, so we got to see them. We decided to buy some shorts, because we figured we might decide to wade in one of the many hot springs in the area. The ride back to Spa Exotic Home was a long dark ride. We decided that we would try to find a place closer to town in the morning. The next morning, we had an OK breakfast, and bad instant coffee. We headed out to find a place that looked like it might serve at least decent coffee. We found a place named Pai Best Friend's Coffee [sic]. The coffee there was really good. And right across the road was a really nice place to stay, called Pai Baan Thai Resort, so we decided that after coffee we would walk over and see if they had any rooms available. As luck would have it, they did, and we booked a room for the remainder of the time we would be in Pai. And the nice thing, the town was right down the road, not far at all. We headed back to Spa Exotic Home and checked out, and I explained that we decided to stay closer to town, and the lady at the desk was OK with that. After putting our things in the new room, we decided to relax some, and play some cards. After awhile, we headed into town to try and find a place that gave foot massages, and scout a place for dinner. We found a decent place and got a foot massage and then walked around town for a bit. We found a place for dinner for later that night, and decided to walk on and find a place to have coffee. We found this great place called Cake Go "O" that served great coffee and had the most amazing cakes!! While sitting there enjoying our coffee and cake, I saw one of our Teaching Assistants coming down the road on the back of a bike with this really shocked look on her face. She didn't see us though, and the look on her face was so funny. Her and her friend continued on down the road, and we finished our cakes and coffee. After we finished, we walked back to the bike and headed back to the room and play more cards until it was time for dinner. We had dinner at this nice little middle eastern restaurant, and as we were finishing our dinner, the Teaching Assistant the we saw earlier (New New) saw us from across the road and ran over to say hi and see how we were doing. We talked a bit and then walked around town again. Pai is a great town to just walk around, mainly, because the town is small and there are so many strange and interesting different characters. We found this place that looked like it would have decent coffee, so we stopped and had coffee, which ended up being really bad, because they put sugar in my coffee and didn't tell me. It was nasty!! The next day, we had breakfast and went across the road to have coffee at Pai Best Friend's Coffee, but they didn't have any power because there was work being done on the power lines down the road. So we decided to head into town for coffee and had some OK coffee at a nice little place. After our coffee, we decided that we were going to ride around and look for this massage place called Pai Traditional Thai Massage (PTTM), that the Lonely Planet raved about, which is also a traditional Thai massage school. We found it and decided to have a traditional Thai full body massage which was for two hours. OMG, it was amazing! And they worked out a knot that @hirondelle had that she didn't realize she had from when her back was hurting. It was incredible. We felt so relaxed afterwords! We decided that we should have Thai food one night, so we ate at the resort and they made the Thai food Thai style, which I love! I hate when they Westernize Thai food, because they take out all the chillies. God it was so good. After dinner, we went back into town and decided to walk around and find @hirondelle a necklace. We found a little place that had some hand made necklaces and we got one for @hirondelle and one for a friend of ours. They are beautiful necklaces. The next day, we decided to find the gas station, so we knew where it was for when we were ready to leave and I can fill up the bike. @hirondelle wanted another Thai massage, and I decided I wanted an herbal massage. I'd been hearing rave reviews about how good the herbal massages were, so I figured I would get one at PTTM. Another great massage! After our massages, we wanted coffee again, so we went back to Cake Go "O" (one of our favorite coffee places in Pai) and we saw more people from work, so we walked over and said hi. That night we had dinner at Amido's (the great little Italian restaurant) again. They ave really great pizza! We walked around town again, and we found some T-shirts for me and one for our cleaning lady, and finished the night off with coffee at that nice little corner coffee shop again. Thursday was time to head back home, so we had breakfast, packed up the bike and went to Cake Go "O" for our final coffee in Pai. Fueled up the bike and headed back to Chiang Mai. Lots and lots of curves, with Thai drivers passing going through the mountains again. We stopped at the nice look out place again, and stopped at the nice little coffee shop and then at the little road side shop for a final stop before we got back onto 107 and back to Chiang Mai. Once we got back onto 107, I got the bike upto 110 km/h and was cruising down the highway when this guy on a little bike decided he was going to meander across the road and wobble from one lane to the other, giving us a fright. From that point on, I kept the bike at about 100 km/h and played passing tag with a sungtao with the back full of westerners smiling and waving at us. All in all, it was a great and relaxing trip, but it was nice to come home and have Fon, our cleaning lady, drop off Spike, so the family could be home together again for the first night back.
  18. Last week I posted about some issues that I have been having while here in Chiang Mai, that started when I was leaving the company NES. And I've noticed something really great since I've written. When I'm driving, I no longer get angry or bitter. I mean, some of the things they do, still make me a bit upset, but the good thing is, when that happens, I usually either laugh about it or I just growl and let it go. Where as before, I would get angry, hold on to it, and then somebody would do something and I would get more angry, and then it would happen again and I would get more angry and it would just build and build until I was just seething and ready to explode. So this is a very good thing! Another thing, is all my life, I've been a bit of a hoarder of books. I've always found it very hard to let a book go, either giving it away or selling it. Once I have read it, or got it for myself, I tend to keep it close. Now, I can easily buy a book for a friend. I have not had any problems at all with that. I've bought many books over the years for friends and family, and I really enjoy that. Now as I think I mentioned in my last post here, we have been having some great breakfasts with somebody who has started to become a really good friend. We've been talking about a lot of things. One thing she told me to think about is imagine all the love I've put into that book from reading it, and passing it on to somebody that I think would enjoy it as much as I did. And it really just kind of slapped me in the face. So I'm going to try it. We have a book that both @hirondelle and I just love, well, I think I'm going to try sending it to my dad. The book is called Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. It's an incredible book. Now if any of you decide to read this incredible book, note that it is a little bit about Zen, a little bit about motorcycle maintenance and a lot about one mans journey though some hard things in his life, and seeing the US with his son on a motorcycle. I recommend that everybody read it with an open mind. Well, that's all for now. Thank you following my journey.
  19. I plan on making this post a bit of internal exploration. Now at times, I may wonder off track, but bare with me. About 2 years ago, @hirondelle I and moved from Bangkok, Thailand to Chiang Mai, Thailand. When we first got here, we rented a Honda Click (what a Click looks like) for a month until we bought bikes of our own. First we got a Honda Wave 100 cc (what a Wave looks like) for @hirondelle, and ordered a Honda Phantom 200 cc for me. When my bike arrived, we returned the Click, and used my bike to go every where. @hirondelle tried learning how to drive her Wave, but at that point in time, it just didn't work out, so we sold it. When we first moved here, I didn't find a job right away. I was unemployed from September to about February, when I was hired by a company called CEC, where they sent me out to this private school to teach English to Korean exchange students, which was pretty cool. The students were nice, and we seemed to get along. I was also covering on the weekend for teachers that were off for their kids classes at their main office, which didn't go very well, because they were one of the most unorganized and unhelpful places I've ever worked. I asked to many questions, and after a short period of time, they let me go, which was no big deal. I had already had an interview with another company called NES (New Zealand English Services), and things looked really promising. I talked with the owner (Paul) and the head teacher of all the centers (Ryan), and they were looking for a teacher with my enthusiasm and experience to be the head teacher at one of the three offices they have here in Chiang Mai. So, I signed on with them as a temp teacher so we could feel each other out. To start, I was teaching English to the staff at a new hotel in the area. Things were going really well, and on the first weekend, Ryan called me to pick up some kids classes, which I did, because I needed as many hours as I could get because they were only paying me 200 baht an hour. A huge difference from the 450 baht an hour I was making to start in Bangkok. Before long, things were going really good, and I had adult classes at one of their centers (the one I was to become the full time teacher at) and kids classes at their other two centers. When teaching at the hotel finished, they were feeding me all kinds of hours, and they offered me a full time contract making 250 baht an hour for 20 hours a week. If I worked over the 20 hours a week, I would have an additional percentage per hour. I would receive the over time pay every three months. Things were going really good for awhile, and I had dinner with Paul and Ryan and talked about things we could do to update the center and make it more modern. I was supposed to help them put wireless in all three centers, and put English onto their website. Also, I was helping them to write summer courses. Everything was going great! I would have done anything for Paul and Ryan. I was picking up extra classes, and I was covering classes for teachers that were off at their request. All was good. It stared when one week, I didn't complete the 20 hours a week, but I had already worked a number of overtime hours in previous weeks. When I got my paycheck, it was short on the hours. I was pretty upset about this, and Paul heard about it and confronted me about it, and we discussed it. We came to solution that we both liked, and he cut me another check to make up for what I felt I was shorted. I just had to make up the hours, which with the summer courses coming up, wouldn't be a problem at all. At this same time, I was in my center all day, working on things for the office and placement testing potential students, which I wasn't being paid for. Things started to look a bit better again. I was asked to re-write a kids course that somebody else had already done that Paul wasn't happy with. They gave me a whole stack of books for me to set up this course. I kept the books, kind of a lean to make sure I would get the money they owed me in case something happened with my pay again. I was offered a position with the British Council to teach classes at a college, making almost double what I was making at NES. I accepted this position, but I had to put off starting until I finished the classes I had with NES. I informed Ryan what was going on, and Ryan totally understood and told me to let Paul know, so I went back to the main office to talk to Paul about it. He seemed fine with it. A few days later, I got a call from Paul's wife Tann (the co-owner) informing me that I needed to return the books that were lent to me. I told Tann that I would return the books when I was paid everything that was owed to me. She got very upset about this, and told the accountant that she wasn't to give me my paycheck until I return the books. The accountant and I had a bit of a discussion about it, and I was upset, and I kept apologizing to her about it and saying that it wasn't her fault. That I didn't mean to take it out on her. I had a few more conversations with Tann... or I should say a few more arguments on the phone with her about the books and my pay. In the end, Paul called me and told me that I had until such and such time to return the books or he would call the police and tell them that I stole the books. I went to my classroom, packed up all my stuff, and apologized to my students that I wouldn't be teaching their class, and that I was no longer with the company. I went home, collected the books while telling @hirondelle what was going on. @hirondelle wouldn't let me go to the main office by myself, so she went with me. She didn't want me doing something stupid, like hitting Paul, which I'm sure that if @hirondelle wasn't with me, I probably would have done. When we got to the office, I walked up to the desk. Paul was in his office and refused to even look at me, let alone talk to me. The two front desk girls came up to me and said that they were sorry, but wouldn't say more. I told them that I wanted to talk to Paul or Tann to return the books. They went into the office to let them know that I was there. Paul went outside and Tann came over to talk to me. I returned the books to her, and told her that i wanted to talk to Paul. She went outside for a few minutes and came back in and told me that she didn't know what was going on, but I was asked to leave. So @hirondelle and I started to leave. When we got outside, Paul was out there laughing and joking with a couple of police officers. I put my shoes on, and walked over to Paul to tell him that it was an experience to work for him. I actually offered to shake his hand, but he refused. He said that the he refused to talk to somebody that treated the girl at the other office so badly (her name was Peung). That he didn't understand how us foreigners could treat the girls here so badly, when we don't treat the women in our own country so badly. I tried to tell him that I didn't treat Peung badly in any way, but he refused to listen to me. So @hirondelle and I got back on the bike and left. Thinking of ways we could really screw him over, which we never did, but we were pretty angry over the whole situation, me more than @hirondelle. A few days later was the start of the Songkrahn Festival here in Thailand. On the first day, we saw Peung and stopped to talk to her. I wanted to apologize to her if I treated her badly in any way. She told me that I didn't, and that she understood why I was so upset. We talked about it for awhile, but she keep telling me not to worry about it. We spent the next two days celebrating Songkrahn with Peung, her boyfriend and a few of the students, and had a lot of fun. A few days after the Songkrahn Festival, I turned in all my paperwork showing exactly how much I was owed (keeping a copy for myself), which was a large chunk of money. When it came time to pick up the pay checks, it was only for a normal weeks pay. When I tried to ask when I could expect to receive the rest of what was owed to me, Peung said she would get Tann for me. But instead, she sent another member of staff over, and at first, she said she didn't understand. Finally when she did "understand" me, she said she didn't know. So I said I would be back the following payday. During the week, I received an email from Tann, saying that I owed NES them money for quitting and not finishing my classes. I emailed her back stating that I didn't quit, I was fired, and that they still owed me the money. That was the last email I received from NES. When all this happened, Ryan, whom I thought was my friend, didn't even call me to see how I was doing. This really hurt. This whole thing really cut me hard, and I thought I had let it go. But as time here in Chiang Mai goes by, I seem to get angrier and angrier about things here. I've always blamed it on how stupidly they drive here. And something else, that I never noticed before, I was generalizing Thai people. I don't feel good about admitting this, but I also know that in order for me to heal myself, it's something that I need to admit. The healing process started this morning while @hirondelle and I went to breakfast with a friend of ours, and had a great time just talking and relaxing. At breakfast, we talked a bit about some of the problems we seem to be having here. And as per my usual, I was complaining about Thai drivers, but @hirondelle said that she thinks that maybe my bitterness goes deeper than that. And it started to dawn on me that it does. It goes back to this whole experience with Paul, Tann and NES. I started thinking about it more and more on the way home. And I started to notice a few things. The both times we were in Bangkok, I didn't have this bitterness, but as soon as we got back to Chiang Mai, the bitterness was back. I hadn't really let this whole thing with Paul, Tann and NES go. The reason I am writing this blog post, is in the hopes of helping me release this anger and bitterness that has been building in me for almost two years, that I didn't realize were building. In writing this, I have felt as if a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Thank you for sharing your time with me.
  20. Hey all. I know I've kind of missed a little on keeping up with my writing, but I have been a bit distracted. One of the small distractions has been my own Visa for Thailand. It's become a bit of a rig-a-maroll. Before, all I needed was a letter from the British Consulate, but things have recently changed. As I am an American working for the British Council, I now need to go to the American Consulate and get a letter from them stating that I am working for the British Council. Now the American Consulate understandably doesn't want anything to do with this, and thinks that they should be removed from the circle, but the Thai Immigration doesn't agree. So the first letter I got, my boss's, boss's boss (John) who is friends with the American Consulate General, got the letter for me. But John isn't there any more. He has been transferred as his 4 years in a position are up, and he needed to move to another country. For my second letter, I needed to go to the American Consulate and get the letter myself. The American Consulate General was on vacation and didn't inform anybody about this letter I was supposed to be getting, so I didn't get the letter the first time I went, that's when the American Consulate informed me that they didn't know what the letter was about, and didn't want to do the letter. Now @hirondelle contacted John, and the American Consulate to let them all know what was going on. The American Consulate informed me that they wanted me to come back in to get a notarized affidavit instead of the letter. This affidavit, I would have to fill out myself, and swear that it was all true and correct, which is no big deal. But I didn't know I was supposed to put on the affidavit a request to extend my Visa. Nobody told me this and Thai Immigration decided that my letter wouldn't do. So I had to do another Visa trip to Malaysia, with out @hirondelle again. The second distraction has been that I got a new xbox and have been playing a lot of Smackdown vs. Raw, lol. I've created a wrestler called Mr. Destroyer that has his own entrance music (Destroyer by Twisted Sister) and I have won the U.S. Title, the Intercontinental Title, the ECW title, The World Tag Team Titles, the WWE Heavy Weight Title, and the WWE World Title (my favorite as Ric Flair held it for such a long time!). I will try to get back to writing here again. Talk to you soon.
  21. I have to give you some back story for this before I get to far into this. Since the start of the Swine Flu scare, I've been kind of taking the piss out of it. Someone coughs and "OH NO, IT'S SWINE FLU! SWINE FLU, SWINE FLU!" That type of thing. At work we were told that if a child coughs a lot, sneeze s a lot or has a runny nose we should ask their parents to take them home. So I would joke cough and say I've got swine flu, can I go home. And things like that. I was also scoffing at people wearing masks, because it's a virus and the mask is totally useless for this. They are to help prevent dust inhalation. Well, this past Friday, I was at work, planning my lesson, and feeling worse and worse as the day went on. I started getting body aches and feeling hot and having a head ache. We sat down to watch a movie and eat dinner, and all I could eat were my mashed potatoes and I barely finished those. You have to remember that I love pizza, and we order pizza on Thursday, I eat half on Thursday and eat the other half on Friday, so me not wanting to eat pizza is kind of scary in itself. I decided at about 8 that I would go to sleep and hope that I felt better in the morning as I had to teach kids all day Saturday and Sunday. Well, about 9 I got my first bout of diarrhea and about every 1 hour or less I was back in the bathroom. At about 11 I told @hirondelle that there wasn't any way I would be able to make it to work to teach for Saturday, and she should text our boss and the most senior full time teacher in the morning to let them know that I wouldn't be in. At about 2 we decided that I would go to the hospital and get checked out, and I started thinking that this was it. I got it. After all this time taking the piss out of Swine Flu, I got it. Stupid me didn't think about it until about 5 in the morning that I should get some water to drink, so I stumbled down the stairs to get some water, and stumble back up stairs to bed, taking drinks of the water every time I woke up. I finally stopped rushing to the toilet at about 6 am and @hirondelle woke me up about 9 to see when I wanted to go to the hospital. She also wanted to get some food for me to eat since I was probably going to be quarantined to the house. I told her to go do her shopping and I would just sleep some more until she got back. I was beat, my whole body ached, my head was pounding, every time I moved my eyes to look some where, they hurt, and my bum hurt from going so much. She got back I showered and we went to the hospital to see the doctor. I got checked into the hospital and they directed us to place to take my vitals. I felt like shit to say the least, lol. She checked my temp, which was high, checked my blood pressure, which was high, which isn't normal for me, and my heart rate was high, again, which wasn't normal for me. I shuffled back out into the hall and waited for the doctor to see me. I went in to see the doctor, and this is when he informed me about my vitals, and said I looked really weak. Asked me a few questions and asked me to get up onto his table. He felt my belly and told me he was going to admit me at least over night. He told me I was dehydrated and he wanted to get fluids back into me. So I went back out into the hall with the nurses help to let @hirondelle know what was going on, and wait for a room. They brought me a wheel chair, which is the first time I've ever been given a wheel chair in a hospital. We waited around for a bit and then they took us up to my room. They also told @hirondelle that she can stay in the room with me, that there weren't visiting hours. They gave me some scrubs to change into because it would be easier for them to put the IV in me and such. So I changed, and they started getting things ready for me. One nurse came in and wanted to know what I wanted to eat for lunch and gave me an ice pack for my head ache and the other nurse started preparing the IV and the needle. The only problem was the bed was a little small for me, lol, but that's OK, because as you can see in the picture, I had pretty nurses to take care of me. I spent most of the day sleeping, waking up every time somebody came into the room. @hirondelle called Fon to ask her if she could take Spike since I would be spending at least a night in the hospital. After I got settled in, @hirondelle decided to head to the house to get a few things, like a book for me and clothes and such, and some things for herself, love the cats and to let everybody know what was going on, my family here at the NL and my family back in the States. After about 3 hours I had to use the toilet again, so I shuffled my way to the toilet and was doing my business. While I was in there, one of the nurses came in to the room, so I coughed to let her know I was in the bathroom. This is our conversation Nurse: Oh you are in the toilet? Pee pee? Me: Yes Nurse: Poo poo? Me: Yes Nurse: Remember sample. Call us when you are finished. Me: OK. The nurses were coming into the room at the most every hour to check my temp, blood pressure and heart rate. For lunch, I ordered a ham and cheese omelet, and it was the nastiest omelet and bacon I've ever had. For dinner I ordered a BLT sandwich. Before my dinner came, the doctor came to see me to let me know what my blood tests showed. I got a bacterial infection, which is from food, which is why I was running such a high fever and had so much diarrhea. And he asked how I was feeling. When my sandwich arrived, I found that I didn't get a BLT, I just got a bacon sandwich with this nasty sweet Thai mayonnaise. @hirondelle, the Goddess that she is, took all the bacon off of my sandwich and put it onto the toast that they gave me, then forced me to eat half of it, lol. In the morning, the doctor came in again to see me and to tell me that my blood pressure had gone back to normal, my temp was back to normal and so was my heart rate. I still had to take the last bag of fluid, but I looked better. I told him that I was also feeling better. @hirondelle decided to run home and get herself a change of clothes (she forgot to bring some for herself) and to check up with everybody online. While she was at home, the doctor came in again to see me and to see how I was doing. And asked if I wanted to go home today. I said yes, and he said OK. You can go home this after noon, but no fruit or vegetables for a few days and drink lots of fluids, and relax and that he was going to send some anti-biotics home with me. So we came home and I napped for a bit, and @hirondelle made me the best chicken noodle soup I've ever had. I'm feeling much better. Still have a bit of a head ache and a sore belly, but I feel good. And the best thing of all........ I DON'T HAVE SWINE FLU!! Though it was confirmed at work that that was what I had. And a very strong reminder to me never to get anything from the T-Zone at work ever again.
  22. Well, things have been a bit busy for me around here. As you all know, I've recently finished a number of skins, which I am very happy with. Just after finishing my latest skin, and just before heading to Bangkok, our desk top computer crashed. Well, the C-Drive crashed. Now that wouldn't be so bad if it was just the software, because then we could have gotten all the information off of the drive. But nope, the actual hard disk itself crashed. Which means we lost everything on that drive! All our pictures were on that drive. Everything saved in our network is gone as that was also on that drive. Now the good thing about that is this, the hard disk was guaranteed for 5 years, so we get a new 320 Gb hard disk for free. And we wanted to get a 1 Tb hard disk. So what happened is we now have a 1Tb hard disk and a 320 Gb hard disk, plus we will have a 320 Gb external hard disk. All our music and the movies we had on the other hard disk are fine. We actually have almost 200Gb of music, so that made me happy. Now, on to other computer things. I have recently been working on a new main page, history page and friends page. The new main page and history page are finished and they look pretty good. We are very happy with them. I'm still working on the new Friends page, and that is looking great. I'm just waiting on a few things from a few people to put the finishing touches on it. Once that's done, I will upload all the new pages. Now, onto non-computer things, lol. Our paper work is coming together really well. We just have a few more things to take care of, mainly my back taxes, but I got the paperwork from the company I worked for for 2006-2007 saying what I was making and I've contacted the CPA for American taxes to get those taken care of. Now I'm just waiting on him to get back to me.
  23. On Saturday, Tracy ( @hirondelle)and I flew down to Bangkok from Chiang Mai. We wanted some time away from Chiang Mai and we also had an appointment with an immigration lawyer on Monday (Today). Yesterday, we went shopping for a camera for Tracy ( @hirondelle)(she has been wanting and SLR camera) and we looked at a number of places, but nobody had the model she was looking for. Hell, most places didn't have have the brand she wanted. We settled on a really nice camera which she really loved. I told her that we weren't leaving Bangkok with out getting her a camera as that was one of the reasons I wanted to come to Bangkok. We also got some movies and some great books! Today we had an appointment with the immigration lawyer at 11. We arrived a little early, and he wasn't there. He was at the embassy for some things. Tracy ( @hirondelle) got a little worried at first because she hadn't confirmed the appointment before we left to come to Bangkok. I told her not to worry and I was pretty sure that he wouldn't forget, especially with all the correspondence those two had had. At about 11, he walked in to the offices and walked up to Tracy ( @hirondelle) and said hi to her, knowing her name, and came over to me and introduced himself to me. He asked for a minute to put his brief case away and to get our file, then invited us into the conference room. He took a couple of minutes to talk to us and get to know us and to tell us a bit about himself. And then refreshed himself on our case and asked us some questions taking notes. He had a great demeanor, and was very personable. We spent about 2 hours in his office going over what was going to be done, and about how long it would take. He asked for our passport photos, and Tracy's ( @hirondelle) were the wrong size. They were the size for British passports, not American passport, so his secretary took Tracy ( @hirondelle) out to get her picture taken again for the right size. While Tracy ( @hirondelle) and her were out we talked and he told me more about himself, and asked me questions about Tracy ( @hirondelle). When we finished with the meeting, he asked how long we would be in Bangkok, because he would have some of the beginning documents drawn up so we could sign them. We told him we were going to be in the area, because I had to go and talk to my old boss about getting my pay information for my back taxes, and he said that would be great. We headed out and stopped at the 7-11 so I could buy my boss a bottle of whiskey (scotch) as a kind of gift to and to help ease the process of getting my old pay information. After buying the whiskey we crossed the street to head to the office and here he was, heading down the street, I think he was on his way to lunch. We talked for a minute and I told him I had something for him. On the way back to his office, we talked for a bit and told him that we were planning on moving to the States and that we were here talking to a lawyer to help with the immigration process for Tracy ( @hirondelle) . He asked when we would be moving and we told him it would be about 6 months, give or take a few weeks, according to our lawyer. He asked what we would be doing for the next 6 months. He has always had hopes that I would come back to Bangkok and work for him again. He is a really nice guy and was a great boss. We got back to the office and found out that they are moving buildings by about the end of the year also. We talked for a bit and told him why I needed the pay information, and he was totally understanding. I then pulled out the bottle of whiskey for him, and he was very appreciative but said he couldn't take it as he is allergic to alcohol, and said I should keep it. And that he would really like to keep in touch with us and find out how we are doing in the States and everything. After we finished talking to my old boss, we went for coffee to wait for 3 o'clock to head back to the lawyer's office. We got back to his office and he was in a meeting and they told us it would be about 10 minutes, we were early again. When he was finished with the meeting, he came out and said hi, and he had to get the documents. He checked them over, but needed some fixing, but he would talk us through everything and fix it later. He explained what everything was for and why we had to sign this document and that document and why he had was having us sign so many copies, the USCIS and the Embassy have a tendency to loose paper work, and he wanted back up copies, lol. Over all, we are very pleased with him and glad we chose him for this. Once we get the last of the documentation and information that we need, he will submit our paper work to USCIS and get everything going for us. One of the good things is that there is a really good chance that Tracy ( @hirondelle)and I won't have to be separated at all during this process like the other lawyer had told us. And it should only take about 6 months, where the other lawyer also told us it would take about a year. So all and all, everything is looking really good. Also, with the Visa Tracy ( @hirondelle)will be getting, she will become a permanent resident the day she gets off the plane and will be able to start working when she wants. And she will be a permanent resident for about 3 years and then she can become a U.S. Citizen if she wants. We are very excited and very happy with him. All is looking good for us now. After that, we went and got me a new pair of sandals had died and were killing my feet. I got a really nice pair, and we also bought more BOOKS, lol. Will keep you all updated as we know more. Thanks
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