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Everything posted by icewlf

  1. The Great Hunt......I miss my friends, and really need to see them right now =P
  2. Did she chose the name icewlf????? CAuse if so, she and I need to have words.....=P
  3. I'm game.....since this dried up in other places....I only get like 2-3 christmas cards a season =P
  4. I don't remember any of you wierdos......except @hirondelle....and I have no clue why she stuck. ONly one I remember well is Birdman......dude sent me looking for Urotsukidoji, without telling me it wasn't normal anime.......I cannot describe the looks I got at every strore I went to that sold anime.........and then I found one that had it.......never took a recommendation from him again =P =P But...I was there I think shortly after the the transition from teh original board.......I don't really remember....its been SOOOOO long ago.
  5. @Lightningfall.....she seems to have said a whole lot......most of it not complementary......I think, maybe, you need some instructional videos??? =P
  6. You can see pics from around Bangkok and the surrounding country in the link in my post and n the artists loft. For any of you wanting to go...just one warning....it's hard not to fall in love with the city, the country, and the people. I'm always ready to go home when I do, it when I get home, all I want to do is go back.
  7. *jedi mind trick*...this is not the thing you were looking for.....move along...*waves hand*
  8. @hirondelle....have you and the wolf tried these yet??? =P =P =P Waffles...
  9. Statistics.....and my prick of a new supervisor =P
  10. especially if they are cute and of the female persuasion.......=P
  11. there's a LOT of ppl who think thats how its pronounced =P
  12. If they're inexperienced.....they should go visit you and timberwolf.......can gain a lifetimes worth of experience in a few short days in Bangkok =P....there's even a catchy song about it =P
  13. she may have said that too @hirondelle
  14. not mine (I am inkless =P) but saw it on teh arm of a vendor at a con I went to and had to get a picture.
  15. Pizza
  16. So, what the phukerie exactly is "phukerie"? it sounds like a thing you do in Phuket, that you should be in Pataya for.....which all leads to general itchieness =P
  17. Would you? With things like "you can't be serious" and "It smaller than I though" being said????? =P
  18. Hey @Ren...that was a LONG time ago.....and she'd have been corrupted eventually anyway =P
  19. I've been bad about updating it (still have a lot of photos to process). But.....here's my site again. I try to update as I can, and one of these days, I'll re-work the entire site to be more mobile friendly, and be more than just a big bunch of photo albums =P icewlf's photoblog
  20. Hehehehehe.....she's probably said both...often =P
  21. To that, my boss would have told you that you needed a lot more practice =P
  22. ....to bring us full circle......"thats what she said" =P
  23. that all depends on how often you practice....and your stature =P
  24. As one of my favorites is about to start season 3 (early October). I recommend Mr. Robot. Its a really cool show, that gets a bit wierd.
  25. No Man's Sky..........and Hunie Pop =P
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