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Status Updates posted by Kethlia

  1. Its been awhile dear ones, just know that I think you all and wish you the best. I'm on another journey and when I get to where I'm headed this year in my life. I'll be sure to share the news.

  2. Congrats on your lie and daughter. May you continue to be blessed.

  3. *Hugs* How are ya?

  4. Yet,  again the first lurker to pounce me. Uncanny yet amusing.

    1. Timberwolf


      The only reason that happened is because I was working.  


      animals being dicks pounce GIF

    2. Kethlia
  5. Kneels and leaves a kiss on your wrist. It was lovely chatting with you again, beautiful. 

    1. hirondelle


      The pleasure was all mine Miss Nutkin *winks*

  6. Hugs and bites the Wolf. Missed ya.

    1. Timberwolf


      **turns and pounces, huggles and licks**


      Missed you too.  Glad you're back.

    2. Kethlia


      *laughing while trying to fend the Wolf* I'm looking forward to romp around these wood. *dips downward to stretch* or run from mischief done.

  7. Light chitters and the click-click of tiny nails.  A sudden swirling of air before a female form appears.  "My home away from home.  I've found you again." The soft lilt and seductive smile.  The form kneels submissively, "Grant me sanctuary in my time of loss and lost meandering."

  8. My morning thus far


    1. hirondelle


      Oh how I have missed you Keth :heartbeat:

    2. Kethlia


      I miss you too. I miss my NL family.

  9. Oh hallowed halls and blessed merriment with friends near and far.  How much I miss when life decides to use the Express Lane without a car.  Nothing is as complete nor as soothing as this, my place of memory my sweet Northlands and Northlanders.  My hugs and nips with chaste kisses and playful teases to all as this year of 2020 comes to a close.

  10. Hugs, don't be bored. Some still lurk.

  11. Hugs and Nips!

    1. Aliea


      Hello beautiful *snugs and nips back*

  12. Pouces, hugs and nibbles!

    1. Timberwolf


      **pounces hugs and nibbles back adding extra licks**

  13. NL stole back into my and dominated my mind. Looking for a mental release I cant find in real life.

    1. Timberwolf


      Thank you for coming, and thank you for allowing us to be the place for your mental release.

    2. Kethlia


      My pleasure, with My Lady and Wolf daddy ever present and the rest of my NL family near and far. This place will always have a special place in my life.

  14. A very belated winter holiday wishes and new year blessings to all. Life and work hit hard and left me hanging by a hair to my sanity and a hard decision to walk away from a bad situation even if it hurt like to leave family with only a shred of hope to climb out of a hole they dug themselves in to. Not a end to my year that I would wish on anyone. But, still trying to keep moving forward one inch at a time. Hello my dearest and treasured Northlands!

  15. :hug: I hope the day goes well and your night goes by even better.

    1. Phoenix


      Yesterday wasn't bad. Thanks. ^_^

  16. Yea! :hug::x:threaten::roffles::devil-laugh::mwahaha:

    1. Rioblane


      I'm excited I'm think of running my two characters Natalie west and Damion Cross as a duo lol

    2. Rioblane


      I'm excited I'm think of running my two characters Natalie west and Damion Cross as a duo lol

    3. Kethlia


      Hmm I would recommend the other world thread for them then as it is a go where you go type of rp. The others have a theme that may or may not match your rp style.

  17. Hugs my beautiful FM lovely!:x

  18. Northlands? Duh! 😏

    1. Timberwolf
    2. Kethlia


      Because my Home is so welcoming and yet twisted ;) Not to mention it was a smart mass retort to the status update's text on the main forum.

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