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Everything posted by Spyder

  1. @hirondelle Look, nobody in the States takes Kansas or its people seriously, and that is a perfect example why.
  2. Spyder


    Yeah, getting off to a slow start is understandable when you're still dealing with a bit of a Cup hangover from the offseason. They seemed to knock off the rust and blanked Nashville last night, so they'll get going and be well on their way to a third Cup in a row here soon enough.
  3. Only game I play is Battlefield 1, on PC. Never went through any of the campaigns, just enjoy playing online. That being said, I haven't been playing it much lately. I always want to, but there are only so many hours in the day and generally it's lowest on the list of priorities. I am looking forward to the new Star Wars Battlefront II game coming out, although I haven't decided yet if I want to buy it. It's probably a game where I would actually want to play through the story but I'm not sure I want to have something I need to devote that kind of time to. I may just end up watching a bit here and there on Twitch, see how it looks, maybe wait for somebody to cut together all the cinematics and post them on YouTube. If reviews are good, though, I may be tempted. The only other games that I play are fantasy sports. Don't really mess with mobile games on my phone and board games make me sleepy. Could use a bit more naked twister in my life, though...
  4. Bladerunner 2049 - saw it last night. Gorgeous film, story kind of hit and miss.
  5. Your taste buds are hereby revoked. Please turn them in to your local RCMP office and may God have mercy on your soul.
  6. Spyder


    Pens didn't seem to get the memo that the season started this week. Not the best start to the season.
  7. I remember when we used to have threads like this and I used to feel like a whippersnapper. Fortunately everybody else here has continued aging so that I can be a relative whippersnapper instead. Anyway, I'm 33, with the hairline of somebody 73 and eyes of somebody 63. My hands are about 23, my knees and graying beard about 43.
  8. People who like pineapple on pizza should have their taste buds taken away for subjecting them to cruel and unusual punishment. YEAH, I SAID IT!
  9. Spyder


    I'd take umbrage with your demeaning tone towards my Penguins but I keep getting distracted by that beautiful picture of Sid and Geno.
  10. Haven't been watching much Netflix recently, mostly because I have so much other stuff I want to watch and haven't gotten to, but I think that last show I watched on there was The Defenders when it came out in August.
  11. Cat Power - Cherokee (Nicolas Jaar Remix)
  12. Spyder


  13. Only way I knew how to do it. I was not particularly good at studenting >_>
  14. I'd like to go ahead and apologize to the TV shows that I inevitably forget to put somewhere on this list. Scrubs Game of Thrones Fringe Farscape Newsradio Outlander Buffy The Vampire Slayer Battlestar Galactica (2003) Spartacus Mad Men Honorable Mention: Doctor Who, Offspring, Saving Hope, Rome, The Pacific, Cheers, Friends
  15. The Bill Simmons podcast
  16. Another fucking mass shooting in the US. Fuck. This. Shit.
  17. The Jezabels - Pleasure Drive
  18. I find myself suffering from this from time to time. Usually it's during winter, when there isn't as much daylight during the time of day that I'm awake. Feels like I suffer from anhedonia off and on until the days start getting longer. But it's not limited to that, just more prevalent. Everything seems like it's simply going through the motions, doing what I'm supposed to do on the daily for the sake of doing it rather than finding any happiness in having done it.
  19. Scallywag! Hooligan! Rapscallion! Knave! Rufian! Miscreant! Blackguard! Okay, now I feel better. Anyway, I'd love for you to expound upon your statement so that I may know your reasoning for such foul words.
  20. A couple things here @Mirbiggs: 1) Standing for the anthem of your country when there's overwhelming evidence that people who look like you are treated as less than by the major institutions of the nation has to be at least as distasteful as you find them kneeling to be. 2) If one is proud of the country, it should be for a reason, not simply because you are an American. I'm happy that I'm American, because it affords me opportunity I wouldn't necessarily have had I been born elsewhere. But these days I take no pride in being American, not given the way the country continues to treat women, people of color (I'll get to this in a second, @Squarepeg), the poor, veterans and other giant swaths of the population that aren't cisgender, white, heterosexual males. We pay lip service to equality while one of our political parties continues to assail the voting rights of people who tend to vote for their opponents. Half the government is actively working to take away healthcare from people who can't afford it. A sitting Senator told high school kids that food, shelter and healthcare are privileges! Also: we have a narcissistic circus peanut for a President. I'm not saying that I need all these things to be fixed for me to be proud of my country, but I do need for the problems to be addressed before I would find myself boasting of being an American. Pride for the sake of pride serves no purpose. Agree with you on the fact that the people protesting aren't ashamed of being American. They're ashamed of how America treats many of its citizens. And while I agree with you that, of course, people of color are, first and foremost, people, there needs to be a differentiation because of the fact that they're treated differently than others based on the color of their skin. If everybody were truly treated equally, perhaps it wouldn't be necessary and everybody would simply be people, but until then it's a label that simply signifies that a person isn't white (the assumption of white as the standard being it's own issue) rather than use of one of the denigrating terms that has been historically deemed "appropriate" for purposes of classification.
  21. Why ya gotta go and be hurtful like that? Come on, now. Anyway, in no particular order.. Last of The Mohicans Pleasantville Dazed and Confused Wonder Woman Mad Max: Fury Road Ex Machina Sound of My Voice The Last Samurai Another Earth Edge of Tomorrow Honorable Mention: Inception, Heat, Martha Marcy May Marlene, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, John Wick 1&2, Serenity, District 9
  22. White Lung - Kiss Me When I Bleed
  23. Deloused because it is probably my favorite album front to back, partly for musical reasons and partly for nostalgia. I didn't know music could sound like this. I had always been able to tell where a song was going and how it would progress because everything I consumed to that point was mainstream and all in the same vein of chord progression and verse/chorus or verse/chorus hybrid. It made me listen to music differently, and for that reason it will always have a special place in my heart. Essential Stevie Ray Vaughan because... Stevie Ray Vaughan. One of the great guitar players ever. Deep Fantasy because I didn't know that I could enjoy a punk album until I heard this album. I had always been relatively indifferent to punk (and had categorically disliked pop punk) until I happened upon a White Lung music video and had my ears blown off.
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