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Everything posted by Spyder

  1. The original is very good. I would give it another shot just so that you have the full background for the new one coming out. I assume they made it so that folks who haven't seen the original can easily follow along, but I always prefer to have seen an original before a sequel. Also: which version did you try watching? So many have been released that you may have just ended up watching a bad cut.
  2. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son (Chase Holfelder minor key cover) I love this version of the song so much.
  3. Spyder


    It’s easy to say this, but the problem is that humans, by nature, want to connect with people who have similar life experiences. As it very often comes down to, different groups of people experience life differently because this isn’t a world where nobody judges others by how they look/identify (I could word that better but I’m typing this out on my phone in bed so whatever). By saying, “This is who I am and how I identify”, people are able to find and connect with those that have gone through things they’re experiencing or people who are going through things they’ve already gone through. Example time! This board is full of people who reached out looking for others with similar interests in fantasy lit because not everybody likes that genre of books. And then you break that down to people who have a specific fandom for particular series of books. FE was a forum for fans of Goodkind books. Dragonmount is a community of fans that love the Wheel of Time series. Now, is that a simplification of an extremely complex subject? Obviously. But it’s a short way of saying that as long as there are people, there will be labels. Cisgender Heterosexual Male fantasy lit fan, out!
  4. The Jalen & Jacoby podcast
  5. The Mars Volta - Deloused In The Comatorium The Essential Stevie Ray Vaughan White Lung - Deep Fantasy
  6. Don't forget, Star Wars Rebels comes back soon. A show for kids, with George Lucas style "dialogue", but entertaining none the less!
  7. Love this show. And given the critical reception and Emmy's that it won, there's no way they won't do a second season.
  8. Oof. Okay, let's see how much of the list I get through before I remember that I watch way too much television. Or I could just remember it now and get that part out of the way. Fortunately, not ALL of this happens at the same time. Just most of it. Broadcast/Cable: Outlander, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, Legion, Supergirl, Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Gotham, The Magicians, Timeless, Atlanta, Ash vs. Evil Dead, Superstore, The Good Place, Great News, You're The Worst, New Girl, Desus & Mero, Into The Badlands, iZombie, Vikings, 12 Monkeys, Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, Agents of SHIELD, American Gods, Saving Hope and my guilty pleasure, Ink Master. Streaming: Handmaids Tale, GLOW, Offspring, Casual, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, The Defenders, Master of None, Catastrophe, Fleabag, Crashing, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Lovesick, Wet Hot American Summer, The OA. Not all of these shows are ongoing. Some are recently ended but I figured I'd include them because why not. And, of course, there's a whole freaking list of shows I didn't include on this list because I can't find the time to actually watch them. I know that's hard to believe, given the shortness of the list above, but I guess I need to work on my time management.
  9. Black Canary - Get In The Car
  10. Spyder


    I would like to try yoga just to work on my poor flexibility. The last time I think I could be defined as anything close to limber was the 90's, and even then it was being generous. @fox I'm good! A little disappointed it's still nice in Canada, but whatever. Everything's pretty good here. Summer was a little wimpy, but I forebear.
  11. Seven Mary Three - Cumbersome
  12. Spyder


    Love, love, love Vikings. Has to be one of the most underrated shows on television. Doesn't get much coverage, but always brings it's A game.
  13. Little bit like going back home, this 'ol place. Nice to have it again.
  14. I have two books I've been reading recently: Here & There, by Joshua V. Scher There's a lot of talk of about quantum physics and it's written in a style that requires a little thought about what perspective it's coming from at any given time, but I've been enjoying it. Drums of Autumn, by Diana Gabaldon Book 4 of the Outlander novels. I don't normally go for the historical romance, but I love the TV show and after the first half of season one I knocked out the entire series, and am now going through it for a third time. *shrugs* Turns out I enjoy the occasional bodice ripper.
  15. Spyder


    I don't have a goal weight, but I do have the goal of getting my weight down and cardio back up so I can start playing ultimate again. I mean, I could go out and play now, but the spare tire I carry around attached to my (theoretical) six pack would probably keep me from being able to play at the mediocre level I'm accustomed to achieving. The physical activity isn't so much the problem; I tend to work outside and my Fitbit puts me as usually having walked 8-12 miles on those days (I need to figure out if I can set the thing so that it starts counting steps when I wake up and not resetting at midnight everyday so that I have a more accurate count of steps for the time from when I wake to when I take it off). A fair amount of that time involves pushing or pulling heavy loads. It isn't running, though, which I need to start doing (for cardio and reasons related to physical issues I've had with my legs in recent years). The biggest factor, unfortunately, is that I eat like a garbage can that grew appendages. I'm not real big on fruits and vegetables, which I need to fix, and tend towards processed junk rather than anything I have to cook myself due to fatigue from all the walking and moving of heavy stuff and more often than not getting off work around 1:15am. It's... problematic. As always, things are a work in progress. As an unrelated sidenote: hey there, @fox How goes the frozen tundra?
  16. Bush - Out Of This World
  17. @RenI'm nothing if not consistent. And sarcastic. Also, sleepy. Occasionally laconic, too. Not right now, but it's been known to happen.
  18. Essentially everybody here predates Northlands 1.0, so if we go back to Fantasy Essentials then that would put us at... yep, we're all old.
  19. Thank you, @hirondelle, but I have to pass. Too caffeine sensitive for anything that would actually help me wake up. *sigh* @Aliea Well hello there, old friend. Long time, no type.
  20. I agree with this 100% and couldn't have said it any better. It's been a slow burn, but it has become the issue du jour in sports, and I am loving every minute of it. So many people in white America love to drape themselves in the flag and talk about how this is the greatest nation on Earth, and that people need to either love it or leave it. But they tend to ignore the fact that it is the greatest nation in the world for them, and that their perspective comes from a place of automatically getting the benefit of the doubt, of not being judged by your name, or having people presume your guilt simply because of the color of your skin. Privilege, in other words. And they can't grasp that the world would be any other way. It just doesn't occur to them that people who look different than the 'norm', which in their minds is, of course, white, would be treated differently, and think it's an excuse. It's not that they don't try to walk a mile in somebody else's shoes, it's that they can't figure out how the other person's shoes go on because they don't look like shoes with which they're familiar (this is, obviously, ignoring the racists and other dopes who are their own issue unto themselves). I don't think a video online would have done what kneeling did. With how quickly things turn over now, it would have been a discussion topic for a week, and then it would have been forgotten. To truly get people talking, it needed to be something simple but something extremely public. And of course, the funny thing about this whole "controversy" is that Kaepernick didn't bring this up with the media. He didn't alert people to the fact that he was going to be sitting during the anthem (as he was initially doing). He was doing it for a couple preseason games before a reporter even noticed and asked him about it. Then it blew up. This was a personal protest that turned into more once the media got hold of it. And maybe the play all along was wait for somebody to notice and ask, make your statement and go from there. But the discussion dies without the public protest.
  21. Spyder

    Football NFL Season

    It was the Steelers annual 'lose the third game of the season to a team they should beat pretty easily' day Sunday, which always just fills me with joy/mild rage. I know it's coming every year and yet somehow always think that they're going to be an inferior team by two touchdowns, as they should. Instead they lose. And it sucks.
  22. Well, as the old saying goes, "Home is where the hiro is." Or something along those lines, anyway. @hirondelle
  23. Ahhh... it's good to be home. Caveboy - Superbia, which has now segued into Bush - Out Of This World
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