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Everything posted by Deano

  1. This is exactly the point. for example, have a look at the difference between the first lockdown in may to this one. First Second same part of the motorway, massive difference. if I didn't know better I wouldn't think we are in a lockdown.... way too casual.
  2. Great to hear this @hirondelle. Hi @PyroCJ, sorry to hear about your grandma, loosing a love one in death is never a easy thing. as @Timberwolf said, glad to hear you are reconnecting with you father, hope all goes well. UK has gone back into lockdown again for a full month. cases here have rocketed again.
  3. That look so beautiful. that would have changed my mind too lol. Great to see that though my bother. I remember when I use to take public transport with the family, going shopping was the worse and my wife always support me even when she was pregnant. What made me or forced me to get a car was when my wife became pregnant with our third child. Shopping and general moving around became so difficult, fighting, literally fighting for space on the bus did it for me. and I must say I have never looked back. Since getting the car we have been to so many places here in the UK that I never knew exist even though I have been living here for so long. Our most recent trip was to wales, man what a stunner. I say that to say, you and Tracey will enjoy more road trips. Enjoy my friends.
  4. Hey family, just checking to see how everyone's doing? myself and my family are doing well.
  5. I have been watching Mark Wien (foody ) and I have been seeing some lovely places I would love to visit. Very green and beautiful country. I hear that too. But from what I have seen is folks are drawn more to social media for updates during COVID our discussion board. as you and Dom know, as admins most of our work are behind the sense trying new things, testing new things etc so its hard to maintain a good and strong presents with all that is going on. but we still push on nonetheless .
  6. Hey @hirondelle, I'm still around my friend . Took the site offline for a little to work on something in the back end. still working at it but need the site online to test. How have you guys been?
  7. hey bro, things are serious here now. as of today March 23, 2020 all McDonald's are closed until further notice, pubs restaurants and all football matches have been cancelled. restrictions were put on funerals where only a handful amount can attend a funeral. Schools are now closed, many business gone bust..... its just horrible star. saying that, I'm still at work and my family and I are doing okay for now. supermarkets shelves are empty, cant get toilet tissues, rice, flour etc.
  8. Here in London, things are getting a little serious. in my area there are many confirmed cases and throughout the UK there a thousands. I trust wolves friends and family members are well.
  9. Deano

    New fish

    Yes I watch a few of his videos too. I like this guy. MD Fish Tank: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3uQXzXSPspf2LoGdtYGiHw
  10. Deano

    New fish

    Bought some new fish for my aquarium. I'll try and get a decent video and share with you guys.... I'm totally in love.
  11. I'm getting video private error. Do you have any other links for it?
  12. www.thejamaicanforum.com
  13. Yeah man. you know I'm always trying new things.
  14. I have one issue.... why weren't I notified of this?
  15. Im currently listening to this playlist
  16. Oh boy... will never experience child birth so that is out. I've had both the others and the kick in the nuts pain lasted way much longer so yeah bring on the toothache
  17. Deano


    I'm planning on watching it this weekend...... so far a few people said its not that good
  18. Deano


    Who's going to see the new Thor
  19. love gaming, motor racing fan. I mostly play Forza and minecraft (more so minecraft) these days.
  20. I'm loving them
  21. Hello Gang, some of you guys know me and for those who don't. Dom and I have been friends some a number of years now, we both have the interest in interesting things . I'm a Jamaican who live's in the UK, I'm a husband to the most gorgeous woman in the world and father to the greatest kids int he world. I enjoy many things (too much to list). look forward catching up/getting to know you all. Deano.
  22. Deano


    Hello guys. I'm really happy to see this community back up and running. although I have (not) been lurking, I have always enjoyed the occasional peeks at some hilarious posts. looking forward catching up with you all
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