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Everything posted by FireNymph

  1. This one is a favorite of mine!
  2. Do you do snapchat?
  3. Well because I love snapchat filters and seeing everyone!
  4. I wanna do it!
  5. Get yourself back in there! You will feel so much better if you do! It's hard to juggle life with the gym in it but the rewards are so worth it!
  6. I'm pretty lucky! He's probably got about 30 lbs of muscle since this picture. I seriously love working out with him. He drives me to go harder!
  7. Here's him when he started. I'll assult him for a now picture soon. He's put on a lot of bulk muscle in the almost 3 years I've known him.
  8. Thank you, blood, sweat , and tears literally! I'm still working my ass bigger! Lol now Derrik is going again I'm so excited!
  9. A safe place to share our progress pictures! So let's see them folks! I'm so excited to share your progress! Here's mine so far. I'm currently a little smaller than the last picture but I haven't felt brave enough for a new picture.
  10. Rofl nice to see you too
  11. I work for an small Internet company we're a Whisp type internet. I really like it there. I do photography when I get time which isn't that often.
  12. Lol, I keep it in case of emergencies! I'm good, busy trying to juggle life! Richard is currently playing football. 6 an 0! Super proud of him! We have practice 2 days a week for 2hrs a pop and games every Saturday. Plus working full time, being a single mom, trying to keep my boyfriend happy with his allotted time. Plus I'm really happy even though I'm busy!
  13. FireNymph


    Goal weight. .....level badass! I don't so much care what the scale says as long as my clothing size keeps getting smaller. I've been working on losing my belly weight for years now. It's so easy to gain weight but the pesky thing just won't go away when you decide to get rid of it. I work out daily. I do an hour or so of heavy weights then I do some cardio. I love working out!
  14. I'm glad to be back. How is everyone?
  15. Lol, nice to be back!
  16. *pounces in* The fun has arrived. ... well I use fun loosely but I'm here! Lol
  17. Love you too! Sorry I'm late! Snuggles
  18. I started out at PI as Mistress Rika then someone else used my name so I became Fire Nymph everywhere !
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