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Posts posted by Cyrain

  1. Don't feel dumb Kitty, for all the times i've watched the series and have seen that episode, I've never made the connection. Joss Whedon is good about putting in those little moments that you go back years later and both blow your mind and make you feel incredibly dense. X.X 

    But yes, i love Buffy. I'm so sad they took it off netflix. 

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  2. Not entirely sure which two you mean. 

    I developed Cyra first, then over the course of crafting her further with the GM, we discovered Jonathan and Logan. Jonathan we did a lot of developing with. He started out as a Matrim Cauthon type, a dark past, but still mischevious... a kind of smarmy rogue. 

    Logan didn't get as much development, was more basic about his personality, how he reacts to Cyra and Jonathan. I left the development of Logan to the GM, as far as his backstory and what happened. And mmmmm, it was juicy. Hard to give his story since it wasn't mine, i dont have anything written from what I was told.

  3. I am sorry Songmistress, was not my intention to make anyone feel unwelcome or bad about whatever they choose to do, wear, or look. 

    Whatever you choose, whether makeup or wearing a bowl of spaghetti on your head, if it makes you feel beautiful, brave and amazing, Do it. Own it. 


    oh, and @hirondelle , Eddie Izzard is far and away my favorite comedian.... just saying ;) 

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  4. 16 hours ago, Kethlia said:

    For the record I call myself ugly by today's standard because I refuse to be stuck behind the heavy regime of a woman's routine. Be bold, be beautiful and be natural, it's awesome to be you, me, we, whee!


    10 hours ago, Timberwolf said:

    @Kethlia I'll be honest, and I've talked to @hirondelle about this, I find women how wear less to no make up more beautiful.  I'm not a fan of fake looks.  That's why I don't like when people turn on the beautification app on their mobile devices to take pictures.  I find more pleasure looking at people in all their natural beauty than in their fake beautify.  Just my opinion.  :D 

    I'm the same way Kethlia.. I don't wear makeup except rare special occasions (wedding to go to this weekend, so...maybe?).

    I've ranted about this in the past in an old blog post, no clue where it went but eh. Basically, there's always the joke about not letting your guy see you without makeup, or that 'humorous' idea that the girl with her makeup is beautiful and when she removes it she's a different person/not beautiful. So part of my not wearing makeup is sheer laziness, and part is the sense that i never want 'she looked so different without her makeup on' to be any kind of excuse. 

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  5. On 10/9/2017 at 4:24 AM, Songmistress said:

    He treats his characters as if he, Weeks, is Life, and he tortures them and wrecks and destroys them, as life does to us. He's an excellent writer. But, he's a fucking bastard.

    This is how i feel about Robin Hobb and the Farseer world. I have to space out my rereads because NOTHING good happens to the characters. 


    As far as I've read in this world, there are no happy endings. So I'll look at it and think, "am i really ready for this again?"

    • Like 2
  6. I have solitare on an app... >.> 

    I admit i play dumb games on my phone, but some are just too fun. Like Plants vs. Zombies 2

    Cooking Dash is another, since i've always had an addiction to this type of time management game.

    Have another i don't play very often anymore, but it was just another dumb time management type.

    I used to play a hidden object game, don't remember which, but i tend to delete games if i don't play them for a long time, and that was one of them. plus it ate up a lot of space.

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  7. I have a backlog too, but some is stuff that i can't access due to being in storage, or for lack of a proper desktop computer. 

    Luckily, i do enjoy Final Fantasy XIV (the MMO) and so there is a ton of stuff to do ^.^  

    I really want to play Curse of Monkey Island again though... hmmm, wonder if it's available somewhere.

    • Like 2
  8. Yeah, GM is tired of hearing that the last character created was more him than me, so he's staying out of development on this one.

    Which is ok, i suppose... but it also means i feel no compunction to share anything ive been developing with him, no matter if he's curious and wants to know, so humph :P


    I think i more or less have an idea of who she is now, I just need to fill in some details about her life... what actually happened that puts her on this path, etc.

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  9. I have a lot of stuff i should read, and other projects i could work on... but it's nice to come home and relax with games. I play primarily PS3-4, but play on laptop occasionally

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  10. Ooo, I’d be up for a game of naked twister ;)


    i play video games a lot. Most recently been playing Path of Exile on computer, and a bunch of different stuff on PS4. 

    People probably think i play too much, but I don’t have husband or children, or much of a social life, so why not.

    i don’t tend to do competitive type games though lol

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  11. On 9/28/2017 at 12:01 AM, Dulcet said:


    Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE

    Tales of Xilia

    PSN ID: dulcetironrose

    oh man, i LOVED Tales of Xillia ^.^

    Unfortunately my PS3 is in storage right now, so i can't go back and replay or play some of the PS1 games i have loaded on there :-/ I've been itching to play through Suikoden II that i have on the ps3, but oh well... will just have to wait a bit.

    Right now I'm playing Final Fantasy XIV

    Tales of Berseria

    Dragon Quest Builders

    Path of Exile

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    • Haha 1
  12. Luckily, since Harry Potter ended and Wheel of Time ended, I haven't had the issue of having to wait and wait for the next book in a series to come out. 

    It's been long enough that i think i'll pick up The Farseer Trilogy again soon, if i end up putting Eye of the World aside...again. >.>

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  13. Every now and then i'll have a day or two where i'm super emotional for no clear reason... like spending the 45 minute ride home crying kinda emotional... and have to stop and think what time it is to see if it's an actual thing going on, or if it's just hormones seriously tanking my mood. 

    I think I also tend to get jealous and insecure the wrong time of month... always have to stop before i say anything to see if what i'm upset about is legitimate or if any other time it wouldn't be a big issue.

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  14. Ok, here's another one. Note the warning at the beginning lol 

    Little bit of explanation: yes, Logan is a werewolf type character, and Cyra is a race that mature males develop horns (the shape usually determining a particular ethnicity), but females do not. Also note that Cyra keeps her hair short, very boyish, very androgynous. 


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