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Posts posted by Redly

  1. My CR list is WAY too long. Thankfully not as long as my TBR list. 


    Currently reading or listening to: 


    Green Lights by Matthew McConaughey

    Crucible of Gold by Naomi Novik

    The Hanging Tree by Ben Aaronovitch

    Story Genius by Lisa Cron

    Save the Cat! by Jessica Brody

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  2. I have a strange thing about wine! Occasionally I want some. Then get halfway through a glass and discover I actually don’t like it 🤣 duh! 

    But. Prosecco. Win. 

    But then why have Prosecco if you can have champagne? #expensivetaste #gobigorgohome

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  3. Life. Realising all the work I’ve done for over a year on myself was undone in a matter of days. Thinking that I’ve been an idiot and possibly destroyed something that could have been so precious because I was scared of losing it. Fucking idiot. 

    But today, what really upset me was an 11 year old girl going missing from the cafe I work in. She has been found, but it really got to me. I’m not even a parent, but I just stood and cried. I couldn’t bear the idea she might have just walked out and I was none the wiser, and she could be gone and her family torn apart. It broke my heart. 

  4. Gin. An abundance of it. With different flavoured tonics or ginger ale. And not cheap ass gin, but pricey gin. The decent stuff. I looooooove exploring new combinations. 

    Recently developed a penchant for very strong black coffee. But that’s being a barista, randomly. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, Timberwolf said:

    So we watched Chernobyl.  Wow!  We couldn't watch it episode after episode, we had to watch something else between each episode, and it couldn't be the last thing we watched before we went to bed.  

    I know, right? Stunning tv, but oh so depressing. The last bit, where they explained what actually happened to the characters, made me sob. So unbelievably heart breaking. 

    (On a side note - a similar sort of ignorance is currently happening in Japan with Fukushima.)

    Ive just started The Boys on Prime - bloody brilliant! So much better than I expected! 

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  6. 8 hours ago, Timberwolf said:

    Yeah, we are looking forward to season 3 as well.  :D  

    My daughter watched Glee when she was here, and I watched some with her, but it's just not my thing.  


    We are planning on watching Chernobyl this weekend.  We've heard great reviews about it.

    Ah I love glee but wouldn’t think it would be your bag lol. Chernobyl is tv brilliance. Truly brilliant performances. The music is so eerie and unsettling. Not something to watch if you’re having a bad day anyway. 

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  7. @Clarissa what an awesome book! The series was quite an accurate portrayal of the book and it’s humour. I was happy with it. I’m not sure I’d have chosen better actors to play Crowley and Aziraphael. 

    @icewlf I like the title - what’s the premise? 

    Just finished Circe. What an interesting take on an old myth, and written so well. 

    Moving on to The Way of All Flesh by Ambrose Parry. Not my usual type, but still. 

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  8. You know I’m in 😁 

    Could we cycle through who poses the topic? Or have people submit topics/prompts/pictures to you and you give maybe a choice each time? 

    It could also be fun to be quite specific about medium or just give a single prompt - it would challenge some of us to step out of our comfort zones. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, Timberwolf said:

    We just finished watching quite a few different series' -

    • We've watched Mad Men for the second time.  Still a really good series.  
    • Cobra Kai - Season 1 and Season 2 - A YouTube Red series.  What I love about his is that they brought back the original cast from Karate Kid (Daniel and Johnny), and it shows them now, and puts a really interesting spin on how things are now.
    • The Crown - Season 1 and Season 2 - A Netflix series, which is about Queen Elizabeth II.  Really enjoyed it it.  I loved watching how things unfolded throughout her reign as Queen.

    The Crown - in my opinion, one of the best series on TV. The 3rd comes out in November, apparently. I’m excited, it’s a new cast. Whilst I’ll miss Clare Foy and Matt Smith, I’m excited to see what the new ones do with it. 

    Im currently re watching Glee! I bloody love this series. 

    I also finished Chernobyl recently. Hands down one of the best bits of TV I’ve ever seen. Not exactly cheery watching, but incredibly evocative and atmospheric, as well as horrifying. 

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  10. She finds his grin is slightly infectious and smiles in return. "Then you'll fit right in." 

    His question startles her slightly and she can't stop the quizzical look on her face. "For fun? I don't think anybody has ever asked me that." Thorn cocks an eyebrow. "There's usually so much to do, I don't really do anything that doesn't have a purpose to it." Thorn smiles a little wryly. "You try running a farmstead like this largely by yourself, then you'll know what I mean." She takes a gulp of her drink, to think some more. "I guess the most fun thing I do, when I get the opportunity, is go riding. The lands around this place change frequently, so it's always a challenge. I never quite know what I'll find." 

  11. Thorn catches Bob’s smile and salute with his glass, and raises her own to him with a small nod. 

    Turning back to Soren, she grimaces a little. “No that’s not it. It’s just that you can either try to make this place normal, whatever that is for you, or you can just go with the flow. If you try for normal, trust me,” she says with a shrug, then a level look straight at him, “you’ll fail.” 

  12. @hirondelle @fox We've had discussions about the quote before! I haven't had it tattooed yet (it's a toss-up between that or "Though she be but little she is fierce" in terms of Shakespeare) but I bought it inscribed on a Mobius (sp?) strip necklace 3 years ago in the British Museum and it hasn't left my neck (except overnight - I'm not a heathen) ever since. I love it. 

    I have also seen it in context performed live at the home of Shakespeare, Stratford-upon-Avon, by the Royal Shakespeare Company. An amazing rendition of the play. 

    @fox I don't think I follow you on Twitter..... Shame on me. I shall do. I follow your IG. 

    IG is awesome. I use it more heavily now to supplement my blog than I did personally. I have several handles on that too. 

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  13. On 03/10/2017 at 11:23 PM, Kethlia said:

    Physically are you where you would like to be? 

    Um, I'm fit enough to run a flight of stairs and not be hanging by the time I reach the top. But I'm not marathon-fit. I'm slender and strong. I enjoy physical fitness and being outdoors, but I'm not obsessed over it. 

    On 04/10/2017 at 3:40 AM, Timberwolf said:

    What is the one aspect about yourself that you just can't stand?  Why can't you stand it?  Why haven't you changed it?

    Oh wow, that's a difficult question. Or set of questions. 

    I suppose I can't stand how easily I trust people. You'd think I'd have learned by now, but I just do. I usually end up hurt, but I have always tried to see the best in people. I guess that leads me to trust them?

    I can't stand it because I end up hurting or humiliated. As I've already said, I trusted my ex and look where that got me. 

    I'm not sure how I'd change it without going totally the other way and ending up never trusting anyone. That's not really what I want. I guess I've never thought about it before. Um. I still think there's good in all people. 

    On 10/10/2017 at 7:21 PM, Squarepeg said:

    What are your goals in life? What do you want to achieve?

    Real life goals or fantasy goals? Ha, if it's the latter, I'd love to live in a fairy tale. I'd like to, just once, meet the fey and see their beauty and terrible power for myself. I wish the fantasy world were real, a lot of the time. 

    Real life goals, I've never really thought about them, to be totally honest with you. That's not great, is it? It was to have a lovely little place with some land and a nice community but that was with my ex and we never got there. And now, I don't really know what I want. To escape. I think that's clear. 

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  14. Thorn chewed, swallowed and nodded to Alanna. "Then I have no issue at all and will gratefully accept help. Once you've had some sleep, I'll show you around. The small holding is right behind the Inn. Some of the pasture ranges out a little ways, but not far." She shrugged. "It's an oddity of this realm. It is a world in it's own right but you just can't rely on all the normal rules. For example, every now and again, we move." Thorn frowned and cocked her head to one side. "Or maybe the world moves around us. I have no idea. You'll get used to it." 

    Her attention was captured by Bob. She smiled and nodded graciously. "Thank you Bob, it was a fine choice, if I say so myself. I'm glad you enjoyed your meal so... voraciously." 

    She looked to Soren and flushed gently. "Thank you Soren, that's kind of you to say. I've had time to practice!" Thorn snorted lightly through her nose. Then she frowned at his question. "That's a good question. I can't really say, as no time passes here. But let's just say it's been a while. That's the thing with this place. You can't keep track of days, since there aren't any, and if you used your internal body rhythm to judge it, you'd probably either go insane or just get downhearted." She shrugged again. "I don't bother. It's somewhat liberating." 

  15. Thorn sat down by the wine bottle, and started to dig in to her own meal, but delicately. The lamb was cooked to perfection, if she said so herself, falling off the bone easily and running with juices.

    Alanna's request surprised her somewhat. She took a moment to watch her and chew thoughtfully. "Unfortunately, there are no other worlds to rampage here. To my knowledge, we're the only humanoids in this-" she gestured, searching for the word, "between-worlds." Thorn poured some red wine for herself and took a long, slow drink, carefully licking the corners of her mouth clean. "However, I do have a functioning small-holding so farming skills are always helpful around here. But you are my guest, Alanna. You do not have to do anything you don't wish to. Eventually, you'll be Found again and return home." She took a slow inhale. "I won't turn willing help down though, but do not feel you must."  

  16. @Squarepeg It's a pretty great way of organising yourself without being restricted by set planners. It's basically whatever the hell you want it to be. You take a blank notebook, of your choice, and start putting things together. There are standard ways of doing it, but pretty much everyone who does it has their own style and approach. There are some who are uber creative and, quite frankly, ridiculously pretty, and then there are others, like mine, that are relatively plain but completely functional. 

    So bullet journals aren't just day planners. That's one element. You then have monthly elements you can add, or weekly, depending on your approach. Or both! You can add habit trackers, pretty pictures, memory pages, literally whatever you want to, since it's entirely free. And because it isn't a set 2018 planner, there may be some days you put it down and don't pick it up again. But you haven't wasted pages. 

    Also, you can use the daily entries (which are kind of the point of it) for whatever you wish - events, notes, quotes, tasks, goals, pictures, weather, doodles, ideas, whatever. 

    Check out Ryder Carrol's page - he invented the Bullet Journal as a brand. http://bulletjournal.com

    Once you have the basics down, you can flex how you want. I'm planning on making a blog post on my bullet journalling approach. I'd be lost without mine. 

    P.S. The top image of my original post is a page I did in my bullet journal ready for the New Year. 

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  17. It is strange. I was quite glad it wasn’t though. I love that quote and being able to twist it to my own creative purposes was golden. 

    @TimberwolfI enjoyed watching hockey but don’t understand it at all lol. I really need to watch your stuff though. Just because. 

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  18. On 06/10/2017 at 5:59 AM, Timberwolf said:

    Well, I have a few twitter account for different reasons.  LOL.

    I have NL's twitter account @thenorthlands

    I also have my person/podcast twitter account @domdumais

    I also run this twitter account for the Siam Hockey League @siamhockey

    I'm the same. I have 3 for different reasons, I also have 2 IG accounts. 

    I also use Twitter for promoting different things (although that implies regular usage...). 

    @redly12 is my professional education/coaching/law handle. 

    @cornucopiaofkin is my family history handle. 

    @forthineownself is my personal development handle that is attached to my blog, For Thine Own Self, Create. 

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