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Everything posted by Redly

  1. Thanks! I saw I’ll add back name grab?
  2. I'm the same. I have 3 for different reasons, I also have 2 IG accounts. I also use Twitter for promoting different things (although that implies regular usage...). @redly12 is my professional education/coaching/law handle. @cornucopiaofkin is my family history handle. @forthineownself is my personal development handle that is attached to my blog, For Thine Own Self, Create.
  3. I love this. A friend of mine vlogs for her counselling/therapy business - she overcame huge amounts of mental health issues, including anxiety and personality disorders, to publicly vlog. I'm proud of both of you for overcoming fears and putting yourself out there! It has inspired me, completely. Love it Do you find it cathartic almost? You said therapeutic?
  4. Patiently, Thorn heard Alanna mutter to herself. It happened to a lot of the Lost, that they missed where they came from. Thorn wished she could set her mind at ease. A drink would do for now though. "Sure, I'll bring it right over." Turning to the bar, she briefly caught sight of Bob's teeth and nodded to herself. Yep, that's what she'd missed having customers for. You never knew what you were going to get. Thorn returned to the table with Alanna's whiskey, setting it down before her, as Yui rejoined the group, gesturing for her to join them. She smiled. "Thanks Yui, I think I will. Dig in, I'l get you a glass of red." The Innkeeper hastened back to the bar, rummaged on the shelves behind it and found what she was looking for: a dusty bottle of vintage red wine, brought by a customer from before her time. The last Keeper had recommended it, promised to share it with her one day, then Found himself and vanished before he could. This seemed a good occasion for it. Setting the bottle and several deep wine glasses on a silver tray, Thorn ambled back over and set it down, as Soren dished up the plates of food. She supposed it looked damn good, if she could say so herself. Smiling to herself, she takes a plate gratefully from Soren and sits on the spare chair, as close to the corner of the room as she could, facing the front door and the hallway door where the back door came in. Old habits die hard. "I do hope you enjoy all. Lamb shanks. Slow cooked for 6 hours. And here's some red wine to go with it. Anyone want a glass?"
  5. Thank you Keth I'd like that. Especially the chocolate cookies and milk. I can do a thread on bullet journalling if you want? Show you what I do and give some links. I absolutely love it and it totally revolutionised how I get my shit together lol. Now I feel disorganised without it. But it's so flexible because, like this weekend, I can put it down for several days and then just pick up where I left off, no guilt or missed out pages. Ultimately, I plan to get some photos together and do a blog post of my bullet journals. Ha ha, thanks @fantasymom I'll probably need the encouragement!
  6. "Sure Bob, I'll grab you a stronger drink." Thorn turned around, snatched up a bottle of beautifully amber liquid, poured it deftly into curved glass that was wider at the base than at the top, then crouched to pull out a lined wooden box from under the counter. Pulling a knife from where it nestled inside her knee-high boots, she opened the lid of the box, then jabbed at the chunk of ice in the box. Satisfied, she dropped the small nugget into the tumbler glass, and turned towards Bob. "Here you g-" She stopped halfway through, hand with glass extended to a now-empty seat and mouth open halfway through the word. Her head cocked to one side. "Huh. That guy is..." She paused, lost for words, then shrugged and set the glass down on the bar. Thorn looked to Soren, nodded once and grabbed a clear glass from under the bar again. From above her head, she lifted down a large jug of sparkling clear water, complete with lemon slices. Taking a few more nuggets of ice, she dropped them in the jug and slid it, and the glass, across the bar to Soren. "Here you are," she said, smiling. Looking down, she seemed to think a little. "I'm happy to share my story, there are no secrets. Just not now - dinner's ready!" With that, she flashed a smile and headed into the kitchen. The beautiful smell from the oven wafted out as she removed the lamb shanks and lifted them by the bones into a ceramic dish. She spooned the onions in afterwards around the shanks, and then spooned the juices over the top. Next, the roasted veg went into the dish. Snatching up five plates, Thorn bustled out of the kitchen, making sure to grab knives, forks and serving utensils. Back in the main room, she was glad to see Yui, Alanna and Bob had rejoined them. Thorn grinned and headed to the chosen table. "Here you are folks! Slow cooked lamb shanks with oven roasted vegetables." She set the serving dish down in the centre of the table and slid the plates across. "Help yourselves while I go get the bread." It took moments, but she returned holding several loaves of crusty homemade bread and a small pot of butter and another of honey. "Can I get drinks for you, Alanna, Yui? Bob, I'll brings yours over in a second."
  7. Try writing it in a different location from normal maybe @Timberwolf Sometimes a change of scenery helps.
  8. Ha, yeah I've come to the same conclusion! I'm so fortunate, I've just started listening/reading a trilogy I started a few years back. I was waiting an extra year for the third book but it came out and I have all of them now, ready to be re-read and read. Cannot wait! @fantasymom Yeah that one! Loved it. Struggling to finish the third one though. I think I got genre/author fatigue. Just needed something different! And less....... romantic.
  9. It’ll come @Timberwolf. In its own time, I suppose.
  10. I love stuff like that. I watched an amazing video of Tony Robbins talking about what we want to do. It's the first time I'd ever seen him and I just about got smitten. I know he's a bit Marmite for some people (you either love him or you hate him) but I enjoyed that video. I'll go read. Thank you for sharing! My excuse? Blogging, RPGing and LIFE. I want to do so much at any given moment. I have serious FOMO.
  11. Thorn's eyes narrowed slightly but she smiled on one side of her mouth. The feeling of contact with another being (one could never be sure the customers were entirely human) was a surprise, but pleasant. It occurred to her just how long it had been since the last customer had left and she'd had someone else to talk to. Her horse in the barn wasn't a very good conversationalist. "Well, if you share, I will certainly listen. That's all I have, except what you see here." She spread her arms and turned slightly. "Believe me, I have heard many tales, and each stays with me always. The Innkeeper's responsibility is to collect the stories of the Lost." At least, that's what she'd come to assume when watching the last Keeper. "Perhaps the reason you are Lost is not clear now, but it may become clear. Then perhaps you will be found." Thorn leaned on the bar. "Now, would you like that drink?"
  12. Good for you That's great.
  13. Ha, something I desperately need to do. Something I have not been making time for. I'll root for you, and remind you.
  14. The supernova, somewhat galactic fingertip made Thorn's head whip round to Bob. One eyebrow cocked and the other frowned, and her mouth slightly open, she looked about to ask something when the newcomer spoke. She turned a smile to him, pleasant and inviting. She takes his proffered hand, gripping his firmly and giving a lot 'oh' when he raised her hand to his lips. A blush rose in her cheeks. She actually goddamn blushed. "Welcome Soren, of the 9th Imperial something-or-other." Thorn's smile wasn't mocking but gentle and honest. "Honestly, I couldn't say why people become Lost. Sometimes they just feel out of place in their own world, or they want to not be in their lives. Or they are literally lost and then become Lost here." Another shrug. "Only you can know why you became Lost. Maybe you're seeking something which cannot be found in your world. Something tangible, or -" Thorn paused and thought. "Something intangible. Something more like -" She frowned and looked to the side and up. "Something like a home." The Innkeeper moved from behind the bar towards the hallway door, shrugging one shoulder and looking over it to Soren. "I'm still trying to figure out why I'm here." She disappeared around the corner, picked up another brass key, this time with the number '2' on it and handed it to Soren over the bar. "There's no charge for rooms or food or drinks. All I ask is be a good customer, stay as long as you wish and share something of yourself. Bob here," she gestured to him, "he shared a bit of his story. Perhaps you'd like to share yours, when you're ready?" Thorn glanced at a large wooden upright clock standing in the corner opposite the bar, with a large iron pendulum that swung steadily back and forth. It occupied hardly any space in the room and yet seemed large and heavy and voluminous. She loved that clock. An acquisition from a customer a long, long way back. Why the man was travelling with a huge and very unusual clock such as this, she never knew, but Thorn loved it. "Dinner will be 10 minutes. Would you like a drink?" She looked to Bob. "How you doing for drinks, Bob? Fancy another one?"
  15. That just makes me giggle Love you guys. Ah, see I love the Leuchtturms. I definitely have to have dotted. And mine is definitely not neat. I'm not chaotic but I'm also not completely flowery. I can share some if you want to see what non-perfect bullet journalling looks like from someone who gets inspired to be creative and colourful and awesome and generally is just average and black-n-white and standard lol. Bullet journalling, however, did get me into line drawing and hand lettering. In a small way. I'm starting a 30-day hand lettering drills challenge when I can stop procrastinating. I'd love to do it more seriously.
  16. I agree with @Kethlia and wouldn't want you to feel pressurised @hirondelle. Just supported. I can empathise. However, you're a beautiful person, inside and out. You have nothing to feel shy about.
  17. Not the best photos but my furbaby, Inca, the Australian Shepherd. I reformed her 6 years ago and wouldn’t be without her, as much as she can be a pain in my ass! She has the happiest face (not when I’m taking photos - she hates photos) and the most ridiculous personality. I swear, sometimes, she got bypassed on the intelligence giving out day.
  18. Keep going! You have totally got this. Before photos would be good. Maybe when you don’t feel so shy about them, but maybe posting them would be the boost and motivation you need. You know none of us will judge or criticise. Just support. much love
  19. I find it really amusing that you talk to each other in here btw lol. And not just interact but actually converse. It’s funny. @hirondelle what’s wrong with the fancy journal? I use Liechtturm, or however they’re spelled. Love them .
  20. Difficult, really. I think I wear my heart on my sleeve. I'm not a blubbering mess, for sure, but I feel things very acutely. Very intense. And I find I've trusted the wrong people before. Some people have called it brave? Sometimes, I kick myself for it afterwards, idiot. I think I see the good potential in most people but seem to forget that the good isn't always at the forefront, just yet. I've been hurt a few times, but just cannot seem to stop sharing my feelings. Is that normal?
  21. Hi all, I wanted to let you know about the formal RPGs and how to start one. First - rules and guidance So, if you're interested in doing it, at the top of this Realm page ^^^^ you'll see the Ark of the Realm. Click on that, and you'll find all the formal rules and guidance to create a formal RPG. **** RPG Clubs The decision was made to make individual Clubs for each formal RPG, which gives us a lot of flexibility. It means you can really own the whole game environment and decide if you just want the normal RPG forum-style, or you could potentially add blogs, galleries, cover photos, multiple threads, etc. Hence, you can't post in the Ark. The Ark will serve as a signposting area. Each formal RPG will have a post in the Ark to describe and outline the game and link to the club or tell you how to join. **** Club set-up With the Clubs, there's 3 options that allow you to refine the privacy settings: Open - Everyone can see the club and it's posts, but only members can participate. Everyone can join. Closed - Everyone can see the club and it's members, but only members can see posts and participate. Users need to ask a Leader to join. Private - Only members can find the club and see it's posts. Users need to be invited by a Leader to join. **** How do you get a RPG Club? 1. You need to read the rules and guidance in the Ark of the Realm. Go there now. Read it. Right now. Gone? Read? Good. Next step. 2. Decide on how you'll meet the requirements e.g. the description, title, privacy settings, etc. 3. Message myself and @Lightningfall. One or other of us will pick up your message and help out. You need to include all the required info in the message. 4. Ta-dah! RPG Club **** Moderators Myself and @Lightningfall will create and moderator all RPG clubs, and be there to provide guidance, edit, restrict etc as we are required to do. You never know, we might also play. **** Questions?? As above - anyone get any questions, ask away. Have I missed out anything you need/want to know? Tell me and, between use, we'll answer as best we can. Thanks! Laters.
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  22. Oh gosh, I don't know. I think I'm quite a nice person, but sometimes people see that as being a push over. Hmm. OK, I think it's probably that I like to help others. I don't like to say no unless there's a good reason for it, and will help people I love and like if I can. I'll try and use whatever skills I have to help people in whatever way I can. Oh, another thing (can I have two?) - my imagination. It's a smidgen crazy and has gotten me into trouble sometimes, so it has. I'd say it's my favourite secret thing about me. I don't really share it, not properly. Only really with Amy.
  23. Thorn saw Alanna look a little awkward from the corner of her, and hesitated, slightly. But the newcomer took her attention. She bobbed her head from side to side, grimacing slightly at his questions. "My apologies, sir, but I cannot answer either of your questions. I have been here, as far as the Inn is concerned, for time immemorial. Time doesn't exist here, in the straightforward sense we often attribute to it. It, quite frankly, doesn't give a damn what we think." She inhaled deeply and shrugged a little. "As for Kalavan, I don't know. It isn't in this place, that's for sure." She affixed him with steady but gentle look. "Sir, you have come here because you are Lost. You will only return to your own realm when you become Found." Thorn spread her hands wide while Alanna and Yui left the room, glancing at Yui as she said where they were going. "In the meantime, please, come in, make yourself at home. I have rooms upstairs, I have food in the oven which won't be long, I have most drinks you could want, and fires that really don't go out - I can't take credit for those, that was the last Innkeeper." She frowned slightly. "Some kind of magician or sorcerer. I lost track." She looked back to him, cocking her head to one side. "Can I ask what your name is? You'll see you are not alone here. This is Bob," she gestured to the interesting man before her, "and you just saw Alanna and Yui leave the room. My name is Thorn. I am the Innkeeper." ((OOC: Would it be helpful if I made an OOC thread? I haven't yet because I didn't think it needed one. Let me know.))
  24. Oh nice @Kethlia, thank you so much I really appreciate anyone taking time to read the contents of my head and heart. My Wordpress didn't notify me that you'd subscribed, sorry! If you think anyone else would like to read, please also feel free to share. It's a totally public blog.
  25. Redly

    Charity work

    Thank you @Aliea. It's always so nice and people were so damned generous, it floored me. I'm absolutely certain we didn't sell as much as last year and yet we raised more. I think because people were literally chucking £20 notes at us, for a £1 slice of cake and telling us to keep the change. People were so generous. I think it has touched so many people's lives. Ha sorry @Kethlia. I took away a fair bit (after purchasing it properly) including a Toblerone cheesecake which is literally to die for (I am not exaggerating) and a triple tiered carrot cake. However, I don't think I can face cake for a loooooong time now. I could feel the sugar in them both!
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