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Broken Mind Part 4

Where else to express yourself of your mental woes but an old forum that most of your peers or family members will never read.    hats been going on with my crazy broken brain since last I posted?   many many things…   the analogy I try to use to explain it to my kids and anyone who doesn’t understand. Once you break a drop a ceramic bowl or tea cup it shatters into a thousand pieces and no matter how good you are or what kind of glue you use it will never be the sa


Moonhawk in Broken mind

Lunch run to Sailom Bang Pu

Date: 12 May 2024 Time (Estimated Length): 51 min (29 km) People on trip: Dom & Tracy (Suzuki V-Strom 1000), Australian David (Royal Enfield 250 Interceptor), Tall David (Honda CB 650 Naked Street Bike), Jessica (Honda Click 125), Wonder (Honda Rebel 500), Harley Dave (Harley Davidson Road Glide 1950) Tri


Timberwolf in Motorcycle

Motorcycle Rides

On July 15, 2023, I purchased a new bike for me.   Before I tell you about that though, I want to tell you what led to this bike.     2018 Honda Rebel 500   2018 Honda Rebel 500 Back in 2018 I bought a new 2018 Honda Rebel 500 to replace my Honda Phantom 200.  This was a great bike, and we did a lot of rides on it, lots of lovely trips.  The first trip we did on this bike was a trip from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi to Sangkaburi to Sai Yok to Nakhon Prathom t


Timberwolf in Motorcycle

Mental Holiday

Over the past 16 weeks I have been going through a lot of health struggles both mentally and physically. My diabetes was beginning to show signs I might need to actually take care of myself, and I was approaching what is called full blown mania. This was not a good thing for my health. Despite my strong history of working for mental health advocacy, I neglected to take care of myself or have what is called self-care.                From Christmas Eve until Martin Luther King Day, I was hosp


Dulcet in Mental health

Lost - Part 2

Part 2   As the sound of the truck disappeared in the distance, Mindy collapses to the ground in tears.  “What are we going to do, Sean?  What the hell are we going to do?”   Sean reaches down and picks up the bags and brings them over to sit down and sit next to Mindy.  “First thing we need to do is check what supplies we have.  He said there was enough food for two days for the two of us, a knife and a revolver with five rounds in it as well as a tent.  Let’s check”, Sean s


Timberwolf in Stories

Sukhothai Motorcycle Trip 2022

@hirondelle and I had been talking about doing a trip to Sukhothai for quite a few years, but we never actually sat down to plan it.  Mostly, because my schedule is pretty busy.  This year, I ended up having a five (5) day weekend, so we decided to go for it.     Now, before we get started, to give you an idea of how far this trip actually is, it was just shy of 851km (just shy of 529miles) round trip.  That’s about 425.5km (264 miles) to Sukhothai from our home.  We decided it would b


Timberwolf in Travel

Living with Hardship III

Christmas, a day of religious to some. To others is about gifts and family get togethers. To the world it is another day of beliefs from a different viewpoint, mindset and dogma. I wonder how my hubby and I will pass the day, work, play, ignorance is bliss? I what I raised as, what my hubby believes, what another family holiday without our sons means. For now, I am okay.  He is okay.  We are okay. However, it will remind us yet again of our loss. The only comfo


Kethlia in Biography Blog

Living through Hardship II

Thanksgiving has come and gone this year of 2022. I remember the laughter, songs, jokes and the joy of gathering together. The quiet of the evening give way to the night. That is when the pain returns, small things appear in flashes of memory, touch, and sounds. The grief is still there hidden in the background. Yet, I know that I must not follow this path into a sad, isolated, loneliness. My family, friends, my life itself are proof of Life continuing. I do no


Kethlia in Biography Blog

Living through Hardship

*The image above is the cover to a story that I'm working to share and work through this second round of grief.  *   I sit here, holding my proverbial pen over digital paper and wonder what I could possibly write about my life these past few years that I've been absent from my online life.  Am I hoping for a retrospective confirmation that I'm still on a path of healing and away from self-imposed negativity?  It started during 2017 with a separation from my partner after marriage.  I u


Kethlia in Biography Blog

Broken Mind Part 3

So I said I would post more for context etc for what has been happening.   So my daughter was admitted to a mental institution due to her attempting to take her life with pills and cutting herself. This situation when it happened I already had anxiety rearing back in because of problems at work but this pretty much broke me. To the point that my agoraphobia came back with new levels of anxiety.  I spent 30 days at home watching over her and working from home and I would have stayed lon


Moonhawk in Broken mind

Losing Weight - Week 5

So, here I am, 5 weeks in.  Honestly, on this day, I’m feeling kind of down.  I haven’t lost any weight, and for the past two weeks, I’ve only done a few sun salutations, and my hockey game, back on April 21st, I had a hockey game, and my knee felt so bad that I thought my hockey career was going to be finished at the end of this season.  I feel like the guy in this picture, and I'm not really very happy about it.     One good thing that has happened, during and after my hoc

Timberwolf - Losing Weight - Week 3

OK, so here I am, three (3) weeks from my blog post Losing Weight - Week 1.    The reason I didn't do a blog post last week, is because I was on holiday in Koh Chang with @hirondelle, and some friends.     The good thing is that I haven't gained any weight.  I'm holding steady at about 237 lbs.  I've also started doing Sun Salutation A.      Now, I'm not doing them every day, but I am working towards that.  At the moment, I'm doing 5 in a row when I do th

Losing Weight - Week 1

So, I've been talking about how I need to lose weight.  And I even talked about how I need to lose weight in the My fat ass thread here at NL.  I figured this would be a good way to keep track of my weight loss.     So, one of the things I decided I was going to do a few things.   Drink less beer.  When there is a game, football or hockey, on TV, I drink two to three beers.  I decided, that no matter what is going on, I'm going to only drink one beer a day at the most.



Welcome To My Fat Ass

Welcome to the NL Community blog that is focused on helping our member with losing weight and their struggles with with weight.  All are welcome to make blog posts and comments, all that we ask is that people are respectful to each other.  In this blog, we can talk about what exercises we are doing, our eating habits, our triggers, or anything that surrounds our weight loss.   The most important thing is that we support and encourage each other in this journey.   Thank y


Timberwolf in Welcome

Broken Mind Part 2

This is the one place I can express myself freely without prying eyes or loaded questions.  1st cause for agoraphobia/iba/panic attack to happen    got into a screaming fight with one of my partners and he made sure to beat the shit out of my mind that day due to insecurities on his part and made me feel really small. This triggered an panic attack and anxiety made it back into my life hardcore. So hard that I went on a Xanax bend, so bad I had to quit taking it and like the anima


Moonhawk in Broken mind

Update because where else

Dusts off the cobwebs off the old brain to post in a forum again….   it’s been ages and ages since I posted here so some updates    Well the big topic last time in hawks world was my anxiety/agoraphobia which triggered my IBS and it fed off of each other. Nightmare times. Well I would love to say that is over but it will always be a part of me. I have learned to control it on most days but it rears its head back up from time to time.   Now after a long hiatus from w

So much to tell you

It has been a while hasn't it?   Recently, I made a hard decision to let go of the url imaginethenorth.net.  I am trying to be more aware of where my money goes and a fair bit of it drips away on net related expenses - The Northlands ipb fees, server space, and the urls Wolf and I own.  I let two of mine go - imagine the north and my name dot com.  Both hard choices and made me a bit sad - but absolutely the right decision.  Without the url I don't have the same attachment to my Blogge

Roller Hockey

As you all know, I’m a hockey player.  I’ve written quite a bit about it here in this blog, so I’m not going to list all the blog posts, but a brief history, I grew up playing hockey, I stepped away when I was eighteen (18) years old and started again when I was forty-six (46) years old.  I play for the Flying Farangs, a foreign traveling team located here in Bangkok, Thailand.  We play in tournaments in the region, in Bangkok, and against the Thai Men’s National Team.  I also play for the Lion


Timberwolf in Sports

New Ranks

Hey all.  So, there has been a pretty big update recently to The Northlands.   There are some really great things with the 4.6.3 update for Invision Power Systems.  One of the cool things is the new ranking system.  This is really exciting!  So, listed below are the new ranks:     Runt Whelp Bairn Puppy Pup Cub Stray Mutt Mongrel Hound Wolfhound Wolf Dire Wolf Alpha Wolf


Timberwolf in Rank

EP002 - COVID-19 comes to Thailand

COVID-19, when it first comes to Thailand. When it was first talked about, Wolf and Goddess were going to Chiang Mai for Wolf to play in an ice hockey tournament. They talk about how people were reacting and what they did while in Chiang Mai. They also talk about coming back to Bangkok and what it was like back in Bangkok. Goddess expresses her fears for when Wolf had to have knee surgery right before there was a lock down in Thailand. They talk about a funny experience that Wolf had during the


Timberwolf in COVID-19


Let me start off by saying that I've been a Black Sabbath and Ozzy fan for quite a long time.  Now that doesn't mean I have or had listened to everything they put out.  There is a lot of music there, and as much as I like Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne, they weren't and aren't my favorite artist.     So, in 2003, I saw Ozzy Osbourne on some talk show, I don't remember which one it is now, and he was on with his daughter, Kelly, and they did this song.     It j


Timberwolf in Music

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