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Everything posted by Lightningfall

  1. Well, I think it would be a bit overkill to annihilate the entire place because of a little snow. I'm showing restraint. Don't worry, it won't become a habit.
  2. ~Chucks a snowball at @Kethlia.~ Petty? You think my force-field is petty?
  3. ~Appears behind @Kethlia steaming the soggy mess off himself and drops another soggy mess on her before appearing at a table with a force-field around it with a mug of hot chocolate.~
  4. I hope you enjoy your internet crack.
  5. ~They melt just inches away from him.~ See. It's all a ploy. ~Appears behind @Aliea and drops a soggy mass of mostly melted snow right on top of her head.~ Ta-da!
  6. Does it bring up the auto-population dropdown when you put the @ on? If so, you can either click it with the mouse, press the down arrow and then enter, or the down arrow and then tab. No promises, but that's how it works for me.
  7. A second? Congratulations! As for me, well, nothing much has changed. When I put it in print it seems a little depressing. But, yeah, same old same old.
  8. I think this war has taken a disturbing turn. Perhaps I should just surrender now and save myself the inevitable defeat?
  9. ~Pulls his shoulders back and lets the snowball fall to the floor.~ I see. Well, then I suppose that this means war?
  10. I'm good, and clearly as bad as you at keeping in touch, otherwise we'd have been in touch. Or something like that. How have you been?
  11. You know, you could just melt all the snow and put up an anti-snow field.
  12. A big thanks to everyone here, especially @Timberwolf and @hirondelle for bringing us all back together.
  13. Honestly, I don't know if that's worth it, Mir. Will have the undeniable urge to use the word "Will".
  14. ~Tackles @fox!~ It's just been way too long!
  15. I love Star Trek! The Original series is okay. I love TNG. DS9, meh. Voyager wasn't bad. I didn't care for Enterprise all that much. I like about half of the Original movies. I like the new movies, but I almost don't consider them Star Trek movies. I haven't seen Discovery yet, but I'm very prepared to be underwhelmed.
  16. Agreed. There was so much that changed when Disney took over. I'm not saying that they're doing a bad job, but so much just ceased to exist when the destroyed all the old canon. Huge fan. No closet. The original trilogy was magnitudes better than the prequels, but the animated Clone Wars series did go quite a long way toward redeeming what the prequels destroyed.
  17. Most of the Marvel and DC TV shows. The Big Bang Theory Game of Thrones And a bunch of old shows that I'm re-watching.
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