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Everything posted by Lightningfall

  1. The nice thing is that even if you take the photos in RAW, it doesn't actually take all that long to convert them to a JPEG. Then, as long as you saved the original, you've got most of the best of both worlds. It does add a couple of steps, but I think that it is worth it, personally.
  2. The problem I always have is that most of my photos need different edits, so the presets don't usually work for them.
  3. Once it's over 100 does it really matter how hot it is?
  4. True of us all, I think, Wolf. True of us all.
  5. Unless I have to have the jpeg really fast, I work in RAW. It gives you a lot more freedom to manipulate the photo.
  6. Far Cry: New Dawn Rage 2 Vampyr
  7. Is surprised to see me!
  8. Doesn't it have something to do with the angle of the earth to the hateful pain orb?
  9. "Lately, a little too busy for my taste."
  10. Is there something wrong with rain?
  11. Sanderson does good work. I'm glad you're enjoying the book. The Emperor Mage The Woman Who Rides Like A Man Storm Glass Daybreak
  12. Make it three, @Timberwolf.
  13. "Well, I'm happy to be here. However, I can't make any promises as to how active I'll be able to be."
  14. "Life has a way of interfering with the things you'd much rather be doing."
  15. Is there enough time in the day?
  16. Currently; Supernatural, Psych, Star Trek TNG, Voltron, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Runaways.
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