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Everything posted by Lightningfall

  1. The Nuclear Druid, by Felix R. Savage Fluency, by Jennifer Foehner Wells
  2. I don't disagree, at least with the side characters. My problem is that they've made an entire season one really long episode, even though they break it up, and so most of the episodes are just setting up the climax and aren't really interesting on their own. That can make it hard to get through the seasons sometimes.
  3. I've got a list as long as your arm. I play a lot of things; video games, board games, card games, table top RPGs, all kinds of things. That list, though, would likely not be very comprehensive, simply because I probably won't remember all of them.
  4. Re-watching Supernatural, again. Most of the Marvel shows, though some of those have been disappointingly boring.
  5. This thread is just ridiculous, and I love it! Pizza + Pineapple = Yes! Sorry all you psycho's that just don't understand deliciousness, but you're just wrong. That being said, anchovies are the worst. They could disappear forever and it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all.
  6. Nice to be back, more or less anyway. I don't hate long chapters, per se, but I usually don't get a lot uninterrupted time with witch to read and I like to be able to stop at a chapter if possible. If they're short, it's usually easy, if not, well...
  7. The Chemical Mage, Felix R. Savage First Lords Fury, Jim Butcher Red Rising, Pierce Brown
  8. I dislike long chapters. Give me a short one any day. As a writer, I use short chapters as a tool. As long as what you are writing interests the reader even just a little bit, short chapters will keep them reading your book. They'll look ahead and see that there are only two pages left to go and they'll keep reading. Then, as long as you can end the chapter with reader wanting more, they'll look ahead again and say, "Only four pages in the next chapter? Done," and they'll keep reading. If you chain hooks and short chapters you can make people think that an okay book is great simply because they won't put it down. It's kind of a cheap trick, but boy if it doesn't work.
  9. Soren frowns. "I think we're going to have to do something about that, Thorn. We can't have our lovely hostess working so hard that she doesn't have any fun. I'm sure I can come up with a little something that could take care of some of the more basic tasks in fairly short order. "As far as the riding goes, though, I'm afraid that I never really learned. Never much had the need, either, but …"
  10. Just finished Redshirts, by John Scalzi. A very amusing story. Not my favorite book, but very amusing. Just started Cursor's Fury, by Jim Butcher. Also just started Tempests and Slaughter, by Tamora Pierce.
  11. Why would you ever name a game that?
  12. Always. Will comment on the weather.
  13. "Let me guess, it's the principal?" He grins a cat grin filled with teeth.
  14. Weeks is fantastic. Have you read the Lightbringer series? Sanderson's Mistborn series is great, too. The first trilogy is amazing, but my favorite book in that world is The Alloy of Law. Just finished Legend by David Gemmell. An excellent work. Just started a re-read of Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson.
  15. Holding his arm in close to his chest, he follows. "I wonder how they float like that," he muses, voice tight with pain.
  16. "You're just sad because you're act didn't the recognition you wanted, old wolf."
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