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Everything posted by Ren

  1. Ren


    Why not seems to the best topic
  2. Ren

    The NL Avie Store

    I thought you might like them honey. by all means lovely use them. I will try to look more over the weekend. I haven't used my phone yet for NL. So we will see.
  3. YIPPEEEEEE>>>WWOOOTTTT.. Welcome home, back what ever...lovely sinfully sexy NLender's!!!! Dweia!!! Velvet!!
  4. I think I may be the ancient on so far..but I am not telling. @Tracy...what a great picture!!
  5. Ren

    Pretty icon

    OO I know what you mean Soulie, I have a iphone and tablet. I had a hard time finding the NL Icon.
  6. Ren


    You would make a lovely pony Keth...winks. Ah yes teh Sultana...Those where some impressive gardens. hahaa
  7. I know Tika...:):):) So lovely to all of the old sinful members returning.
  8. I know that pretty ass anywhere!!!! :):)
  9. Ren


    Yes my dear. those are the ones.
  10. Ren


    Yes there could be few Freewomen that owned anything. It would be a very high statues.
  11. Ren

    The NL Avie Store

    Thanks my Hawk...I was happy to find so many cool ones and then I found some of my own!!! As always male avie's..GOOD ones are hard to find. But we always manage to find something for everyone.
  12. Welcome Cool Breeze..what more can I say...you see the insanity that we have here.
  13. Ren


    Someday Timber I would love to come see you guys!
  14. not sure how that got there..lol. I just read the Underworld...I remember Ogre fondly when I have a Guinness. The grand times with the lovely Vxyen and always that damn throne everyone was after..wwahhahhaa.... They Eyrie...hhmmmm..
  15. Squeeks getting squishes....FM!!!!! Squishes squishes...
  16. Ren


    I want to do that myself. My Aunty Kathy lives in Liverpool She's a musician too.
  17. Daughter texts me outta the blue.... MOM!! I gotta go the hospital!! Me... What happened?? Daughter.. When I close my eyes I can't see!! My daughter is with her 2nd baby and shes some issues so..yeah Mom was not amused.
  18. Eeewwweee Shakes head... Has always and forever been evil with me.
  19. Thank you Universe for always bringing things back around. I FOUND one of my favorite I avies I used to use. Found it looking for new things. I then found these two!!!
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