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Everything posted by Kethlia

  1. If team NL made that kind of game it would have to be cross platform. And with coding available to auto size and depict the game for each system used.
  2. Yui lifts her body into a sitting position stretches out various parts that became tense as she lazed. She takes in a deep breath and smells the bar’s grill being used. Yui shrugs off the image of freshly grilled food and swings down from the branch. She dusts herself off tied up her hair into a man bun and sets off for the old town gas station. Yui hopes the old man is there working as he likes to give Tristen old jobs that a young’n like himself should be able to do and still keep out of trouble. The old man thinks Tristen is a lady killer when he sees ‘him’ talking politely to any female guest and shying away from most rougher looking guys. That was the only thing about being a rail car kid. Word could spread in the oddest ways and you’ll get drop ins who think they own the place. Yui Tristen shakes the memory out of her head as she is gives the old man a wave and punk nod. Sup, ole’Greg. You be needin’ ‘elp or someth’n? Tristen walks up to the old timer with his hands in his pockets and his expression amused. The old man glares at him and sends him packing with a load for a trucker’s semester then hustles him about the joint making Tristen lift this or pull that. The night is going to go well is what both of them think as they help the other stay out of trouble but chin deep in mischief.
  3. I am use to breaks appearing between both scene changes and character pov’s for example The Count of Monte Cristo. Though you know the focus is in the count. There are breaks in the story that happen according to a character change or when a scene explains his past in more detail before coming back to the present. Then there are the Sherlock Holmes stories where each case is a separate chapter unless one case leads right into the next. It very rarely shifts from Holmes or to other sub characters.
  4. :hug: I hope the day goes well and your night goes by even better.

    1. Phoenix


      Yesterday wasn't bad. Thanks. ^_^

  5. That is the truth Phoenix. I understand the desire to be so immersed but we grew up on stories, thirsting to know about the people in them, their thoughts and reactions outside of what was displayed. Well it’s time for team NL to make that game
  6. @Songmistress your words and time are precious to us. Thank you for sharing so much with us this far even those which were shared before NL. We will wait, patiently, with love, with care, we will wait because @Squarepeg is waiting with you to tell this real life love story. Unlike fairytales our love stories take time to know, enjoy, worry over and hold our breaths for the next part. We'll be here for that moment when the story is up to date if you so wish to share that much with us. Because my favorite part to your story is that it hasn't ended. Thanks both of you. You're a wonderful fairy tale of your own together.
  7. Yea! :hug::x:threaten::roffles::devil-laugh::mwahaha:

    1. Rioblane


      I'm excited I'm think of running my two characters Natalie west and Damion Cross as a duo lol

    2. Rioblane


      I'm excited I'm think of running my two characters Natalie west and Damion Cross as a duo lol

    3. Kethlia


      Hmm I would recommend the other world thread for them then as it is a go where you go type of rp. The others have a theme that may or may not match your rp style.

  8. Hmm, iPhone blockheads and Minecraft on occasion. Some time management, not enough in depth mmorpgs out there in Apple Store. Hardcopy games on ps2/3 xbox1 shifts all the time. Minecraft, PoE, Destiny/2, Warframe, Arc Survival until we got raided hardcore. I have honestly been hungry for a more immersive mmorpg. One that has an open class system, non linear quests more you walk up to an everyday thing begin a conversation and suddenly you may have a task that is optional to do. An interactive world that changes with the influence of players and open resources to build a bit of heaven for yourself in game or share crafted items with others. When a game starts off with some these I find later in that it falls into the heavy pvp or gvg requisite lady and lose interest.
  9. Would a lucid dream help? In all seriousness during those times would doing a lucid dream session about holding those you are close to as though they are really there when in life they are not, be helpful? I have had lucid dreams where I could feel the water fully as I swam. I have fallen in my dream from the sky to the earth and knew the roar and push of the winds before the touch of the earth. None of these we're invoked on my part but I know I entered into that state because I was aware of it while in the dream. This may help especially when physical touches feel more like a burning irritating sensation that is just under your skin so that you can't reach it type of feeling. Making extremely frustrated, self hate and want to drag your nails over your body as a form of release. Instead try to invoke your mind's place of rest Be it from real life to imagination and submerge yourself until you can truly feel your very existence in your sanctuary.
  10. Join Timberwolf in the group hugs. Yes, lean on our shoulders, cry in our arms. Rant to us, pound on us but let us be there for you when you don't have ability to be strong. Because we are human we need to feel our way through the tough times and allow those who love us to support us even as they feel helpless to do more, their love, our love will be a measure of strength to hold onto.
  11. @Aliea @Tika If that's what you feel then post it too.
  12. Age away lovelies though I would pray for no pain as you do so. I find men and woman who age into their later years become extremely attractive. Yes the nubile ones have their own allure but I love being able to see this change in the beautiful people around me. Granted I am not one for the eventual due to my own pain in it's involvement but we are blessed with this chance to live. For the record I call myself ugly by today's standard because I refuse to be stuck behind the heavy regime of a woman's routine. Be bold, be beautiful and be natural, it's awesome to be you, me, we, whee!
  13. Gets out of the pool long enough to grab a double White Russian and a tray with chocolates before slipping into a hot tub to relax fully.
  14. Beautiful, each one brings me to a different state of mind and are easy to listen to without being bombarded by too many electro sounds.
  15. We're here and posting when we can. I think my char is waiting for a reply from Aliea's lady servant in Palace. I am waiting for Hiro's post in Pristov Eli but I know life happens. @hirondelle if I have your permissions i can try to carry your Char to safety along with Lighty's Char. The Woods is very casual and the last time there was activity was when weird adventures were happening. I don't want Yumi's penchant for trouble to come in that fast. Lol. In Timeless Inn we're waiting for Thorn and Redly who is busy too. Ah, but I may be very busy with my wedding soon so I apologize if I am not able to get on.
  16. Aww hehe we were talking about NL over a game of D&D at midnight and he signed up right away after realizing I was in my home on my phone.
  17. @Timberwolf yes so I welcome first and if it's a bot we'll we have other ways. @Rioblane welcome back bro, let me know if I can help you get throughly lost in the Woods!
  18. Yui unties her button down flannel shirt from around her waist and offers it to the men. Then she remembers her hair tie and let's her hair down to give them something to secure the shirt with. It's a start for a sling at least. Sorry I don't seem to have my hiking bag with me.
  19. Kethlia

    Food woes.

    I know one set of my parents are dehydrating their favorite fruits and veggies to supplement typical snacks. This is a possible option to switch the connection of ice cream to something that is natural sweetener and lovely tasting even though it may mean more work.
  20. Kethlia


    Yep, never knew. Just thought the computer was a super intelligent smartass.
  21. Yumi comes running back out of the forest depths. Breathless and tail bristled. Yumi doesn't want to lose everyone again. Yumi picks up the batted acorn and pops her own head for good measure. Then she puts on her leaf hat and twig musket. Want to adventure again?
  22. I thank you my Northlands beloves for making our daily homecoming one to look forward too every day. Addicting enough to sneak glances at work and supportive beyond imaging when it comes to low times or phuket times. Thank you.
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