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Everything posted by SoulDragon

  1. Aahh ok, i'll look if i can find anything on the tablet, thanks @Lightningfall
  2. @VelvetyOneYou made it!!! ~huggles tight~ Haha, i know what you mean, being fan of a "boy/male" band again i mostly try to avoid the age topic, those girls get heart attacks when they hear, even though the band members are 2-3 years older than me even. So it's better to be treated as a young girl than an "middle aged auntie" . (It gets funny/hurtful when the band members refer to their fans, including me, as "the kids"... )
  3. I'm phuking cranky today but i don't know why...
  4. Hmm, i never really had the thought that Japanese sounds similar to Korean... Although i guess all neighboring country languages sound similar just like several European languages, Chinese would fit into there then as well. Dutch and German are more similar i think, but French, Portugese and Greek are also similar sounding i guess, and Swedish, Norse and Fins as well.
  5. First some background/side information; - As the people who follow me on facebook probably haven't been able to miss, last year was the first time i ever went on a faraway vacation/travel (i rather call it traveling, because a vacation you mostly spend on the beach reading a book, i want to see the country i'm in, i'm exploring). Before that i never been farther away than a 6 hour drive, except for when i was about 10 years old we went with our family to. what was back than called, Yugoslavia. Plus i went twice on a 3 day "study-trip" with my work to Budapest in Hungary and Capri in Greece, that was the first time i was on a plane and hardly got to see anything of the place we where in, and according to colleague's that didn't count as a vacation/travel. Probably no need to say; i'm hooked, i want to go see the world, mostly Asia. - I love mountains! I love mountains covered in forest, there's something romantic and mysterious about it. Unfortunately i life in probably the flattest country in the world, our highest hill is 322 meters (1058 ft), we don't have mountains.. (Yes, i got serious problems here...). The first time i saw mountains with my own eyes was last year on my travel to South-Korea...it was even more beautiful than i had thought it would be, being able to see mountains covered in forest as far as the eye could see, until the horizon, it was amazing! So far for the background information, i warned you it was a dragon rambling . Like i said, i've gotten a good taste of traveling and i'm hooked, but i don't have a steady companion to go along with me. Which is no problem, i had a wonderful time with 17 other people i never met before. One friend want to go to Africa someday, we planned for 2019, another friend wants to go to Japan and Costa Rica someday, i'm in. After watching a television program called "Let's go with mum" where celebs go traveling with their moms, i thought that was a wonderful idea because my mom has also never traveled. So i asked her if she didn't had a country she has always wanted to go to someday, but she said she never had had a thought to travel far away. A couple of weeks ago i told her that there is a mountain right next to Seoul that's 836,5 meters (2744 ft) high and i could just take the subway to go hiking on a real mountain there. (I'm so excited, i'm going there next March). That's when she mentioned that that was something she would like to do someday; go to Bavaria in south Germany to see real mountains. At that point i didn't think much about it, Germany was the last place i wanted to go to. But a couple of days later i suddenly remembered something; i did want to go there, long long ago when i was a little girl i wanted to go to Bavaria very much. I wanted to go to Possenhofen in Bavaria to see Empress Sisi's parental home. Not sure if you're familiar with it, Elisabeth von Beiern is kind of a legend, she was very young when she became the empress of Austria true an unplanned marriage. There's a very well-known trilogy based on her life called "Sisi the young Empress", and i must have watched that movie like 1000's of times (yes thousands) when i was young. I think it was when i was like 11 or 12 years old, everyday i came home from school i turned on the vcr (yes, we had it on tape, recorded from tv :p) to watch it until the rest of the family also wanted to watch tv. I did this for a couple of years, driving my mom crazy, but i loved the movie so much i literally couldn't get enough of it, i could narrate every word they said. It's been around 25 years ago now and i still know that when i forwarded the intro titles i had to press the play-button when i saw the name "Ernts Marischka" on screen to catch the exact start, i still remember exactly what the dress looked like she wore to the first ball, the dress she wore when walking around Corfu and what her father yelled when she was horseback riding "Jump over the roses!" (but then in german), and so much more. So i looked into it and found a perfect vacation, it's actually very cheap compared to my other travels (yes of course it is, this one you go by train instead of plain...duh), i talked to my mom about it this morning and she thought it was a wonderful idea to go there together! It's a really cute village on the foot of Germany's highest mountain (2962 meters/9718 ft). Innsbruck, where one of the palace's is where Sisi lived, is reachable by Karwendelbahn (don't know how to translate, google it) and her hometown is fairly easy reachable by train. I'm totally excited to go now, but have to wait at least half a year because it's to cold for us now there, neither of us wants cold and snow. It's a childhood dream i had forgotten about that comes true. (And i get to travel with my mom! )
  6. @KethliaAwesome, more than anyone here :). I don't know either of those drama's, or do you mean"The 1st shop of coffee prince", i really liked that one. As for k-pop i must admit i also don't listen to much others besides my two favorites; Shinhwa and Kim Jong Kook, for the rest i mostly i only know them by name. Like BoA and Bi, i have heard of them and might have heard some music from them because of the variety show i watch. hihi
  7. I have the feeling we're all around the same age with only a couple of years difference, but i'm curious if that's correct. So if you don't mind, wanna share how old you are? I'm currently 35 years old, although i seem to life like a 25 year old
  8. Yeah, i understand about the enter, i love to enter to go to the next line, but i'll try to not enter while on the tabbie hahaha As for the icon, i saved the bookmark on my homescreen/made a shortcut to the bookmark, or something along those lines. Sorry, i'm kinda new in using a tablet (seriously).
  9. OMG@Tikathey're amazing! Especially love the blue roses, they're done beautifully, and the phoenix 5th pic, i think i remember seeing the design for that one.
  10. You mean dragons? Hihi, my dragon collection up until a couple of years ago: http://www.fantasy-etc.nl/dragon-collection/ oh and a pic of me as seems to be the main point of the topic:
  11. Could you make a pretty icon for on my home screen if you have time? @Timberwolf Or is that something you don't have any say over? Oh and when I use enter I go down 2 lines, on pc you can do shift+enter, but it doesn't work like that on a tablet apparently...
  12. I actually got a new big tablet so i'll be able to get on here in the evening as well, because in the evening i don't feel like starting up the pc and sitting at the desk. (And also to be able to see some handsome guys on a bigger/better screen...)
  13. Japanese is a beautiful language, when watching anime i also picked up some words. But i've ended up studying Korean after transferring from anime to korean tv, i think as far as culture it's very similar to Japanese, probably the language as well. It took a while before i really seriously started learning because i couldn't find a teaching method that worked for me. I'm learning on www.talktomeinkorean.com now (maybe there's a same one for japanese), i love the way they teach! It's easy to understand, in short lessons and also the teacher are joking around a bit in between to keep it funny, also whatever you've learned keeps being used in later lessons. It's absolutely perfect for me. Unfortunately i've found out too late that i have a knack for languages because in school they used a method that wasn't working for me, even my english; i barely passed the class in high school and then i ended up online on forums, and mostly you guys thought me english . When 2 years later i got english classes again the teacher said i was free to come and go to class whenever i wanted because he couldn't teach me more then i already knew (he almost got a heart attack when i signed in Wizards First Rule for writing a book rapport).
  14. haha, well, nice some people know. It's been awhile since i last watche a drama, and then it where mostly old ones anyway. I love watching Runningman (old episodes these days). @hirondelleLOL I totally agree, i also go for the older guys there. The "boy"-band i like are guys from 37 and 38 years old haha, and another i like very much is 41 years. Those young ones don't really interest me either like that. But it's just a kind of tv-shows that can't be found on tv here.
  15. @FireNymph!!!!! ~huggles tightly~ Good to see you again
  16. Welcome back DA, good to see you again ~huggles~
  17. SoulDragon


    LOL me too...
  18. ooohh been such a long time since being able to use the term Newbie, and having people understand
  19. Shelby is on her way
  20. It's definitely poster worthy
  21. Crap, i missed an important live broadcast because of you guys gggrrrr

  22. For the completely random things you feel the need to say but don't really need a reaction on. Like: My mom just called and asked me if my new bed had eaten me (i didn't reply to her messages for a long time which is unusual for me, i was too busy reading here hihi)
  23. Well i'm from the Netherlands, so i don't know any better than soft-drugs (and prostitution) being legal. The government makes tons of money from taxes on it indeed, so they would never make it illegal. Because it's legal it's a rare thing to find someone who didn't at least tasted a joint in their teens, amazingly my friend only recently tried for the 1st time, he's 35 now hahaha. Anyway, yes because it's legal more people try, but also makes it less interesting for (mainly) teens than it would be if it's illegal. Most of the people i know have tried it and didn't like it or only smoked during their teens at party's and vacations. Some smoke more and still...that's their choice and not bothering anyone. It's much more annoying if there are scary people selling illegal and dangerous stuff than if there is a store with funny colors and green leaves on the window at the end of the street. I've smoked a bunch of times but didn't like it, the only thing it did for me was make me fall asleep within 10 minutes. I've fallen asleep halfway the stairs to the bedroom and halfway from the camper to the tent i was supposed to sleep in....troublesome and not funny to repeat . Staring at green lights sounds a bit odd....maybe when you've eaten a bunch of mushroom's...never tried that.
  24. Well as fr my opinion for gender there are two, either a male or a female (except for when something went wrong with the cells while you're still in the womb). As for sexual and romantic preferences there are tons of different types. I do not feel it's bad to give each a name (label), it's handy when you're talking about it, but it's also for the person in question easier to explain what he/she likes. It makes it easier to find people who like the same as you. With that last thing i have plenty of experience; for years i thought i was the only person on earth who doesn't likes having sex, it was a horrible experience that lasted for very long. Online searches and such thing didn't come up with anything useful for a long time. Finally i found out that there is a term for people like me and using that i found there ARE other people like me, plenty of them and that we use the term a-sexual to identify ourselves. Within that term there are some more to make it more specific, for instance: i don't like sex but would like a romantic relationship with only woman/men/both woman and men (and many more options). Instead of saying/typing that out completely it's so much easier to say i'm one of the bi-a-sexuals. So instead of being so afraid of putting/getting labels, there are also times it's a good/happy or handy thing. At least I was ecstatic finding out that i'm called an a-sexual. I also like to say i'm a fantasy-metalhead (these days even a kpop-fantasy-metalhead) when people ask what kind of person are you, it's the same thing and labels can go a long way and even be made up by yourself. (you seriously didn't think kpop-fantasy-metalhead was an existing thing, did you? But using that idiotic label i did find other people who like all three as well hahaha) . As for raising a girl in a girly way and boys in a boyish way...sorry... but that's just human nature, let's stay human at least a bit please. But well, maybe i'm too simple thinking like that because i also find it annoying i'm not allowed to call a foreigner a foreigner except when they're on vacation here, and all those other things that are not politically correct. What should i call them when i want to identify them/him/her???? (ok that's another topic) (btw just to be clear; i don't have a problem with other people having sex and talking about sex etc., otherwise i couldn't stay on this forum (i even wrote something almost 18+ and now that emoticon has become a dirty one...sorry)
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