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Everything posted by SoulDragon

  1. Aah, that's a relieve to hear ~huggles~
  2. I messaged Dulcet/Brian already, but he isn't responding on facebook. I got a bunch of people on facebook from the forums...but i have no idea if they're from here and who they are. I only know their nicknames and on facebook it's real names So if you know anyone's real name that's missing i can check also... -- Talk about the devil..or my lil' bro...i've spotted him on the forum.
  3. hahaha true, but if i go there i want to travel across the country, can you guys go with me then aswell? That's also the beauty of travel groups, they always travel around the country, going to a few different places/cities. When i went we even did a temple stay, so awesome! For one day and night experience how the Buddist monks live... you probably wouldn't be able to do something like that without an organized trip.
  4. hahaha, me too, luckily i'm at home now, although i should/want to do at least one useful thing a day. I'm hoping it's just for the first few days and that later it'll get better...or i'm getting the hang of it again and it won't take up so much time LOL
  5. Ooh yes that banner haha, so nice to see it again. I guess i missed the patch also... would've been nice on my patch jacket hahaha.
  6. Yup, it's also on my "to go"-list, but there are so many places these days i want to go. I'm really into Asia these days, mostly South Korea though (not North! People keep mixing them up ). But since i have traveled for the first time last year i have so many plans, and so many country's i want to go. Mostly the not so touristy ones though, which makes it hard because the trips there much more expensive and not going often, i go with travel groups, i don't like to go alone and it's much easier. Thailand is a reasonably cheap one though....so maybe when i can't wait any longer until i've saved enough money for another one or if i've seen the country's that are above Thailand on the list, i'll come there
  7. I'm using The Lodge and absolutely loving it! I love the nature/woods thing, even my own home is green and brown, my wardrobe exists of black, brown and green...so yeah. This is the most pretty one in my eyes
  8. All bulls are the biggest cuddly dogs of them all, the reason why they're so easily influenced by bad humans, they just do everything for their owner. Although bulls aren't my kind of dog i think Khaleesi is absolutely beautiful! I'm more for the annoyingly smart dogs like Husky's, Malamutes, Akita Inu's and Jindo dogs. But right now i'm stuck with a cuddly and extremely curious German Shepperd x Appenzeller mix named Rathan, he's almost 6 years old and i love him so much! And my 14 year old princess named Leetah who lately also has been enormously cuddly, which these days, almost every evening, results in a mental battle between the two of who gets to sit on me. Unlike what it may seem on the pic, they're definitely not close (those moments are very rare)...
  9. Ugh, i really can't find it :(, not in my profile or on the main forum page.
  10. Yes, i vote for one as well. Or we should make it mental and physical health together.
  11. Hey @Druss, welcome back ~huggles Druss~
  12. Welcome back ~huggles~
  13. oh geez, that sounds really bad
  14. Ooohh that, haha. I got a bit confused because i've been writing some fanfic for awhile, but you couldn't know about that
  15. Thanks guys, it's good to be back @TimberwolfWriting? Write what? What did i write here? Sorry, my head is sometimes a bit fuzzy these days LOL (I actually sometimes stop in the middle of whatever i'm doing and start buffering...luckily up until now only at home )
  16. Haha, why doesn't that surprise me @foxsounds awesome, can't wait to see!
  17. ~sticks her head around the corner~ Snowballs......bbbrrrr that's to cold for me. See ya'll laterz (I've been on here for almost 2 hours already XD...should go do something...useful;))
  18. Normally i love emotes, i almost use them after each sentence. I think right now it's mostly because of the feeling of the old days when we used forums and emotes didn't exist yet
  19. I do have another one in mind for a few years already, for if i ever feel like needing to get another one I want a tree of life with on each side of it a howling wolf on my upper arm (if it fits, otherwise on my upper leg A combo between these images:
  20. Awesome! And...ALLOT I only have two, dunno if you guys saw them yet or not. First pic you can see them both, one on my right wrist and one on my right lower leg. (sorry for the look on my face there, it was at least 35 C/95 F and we just hiked for 4 hours there )
  21. I think it would be a wonderful idea! I would choose option C. I agree with what @Songmistresssaid, diet and exercise should be seperate from mental and physical conditions. I'm not sure if we're with enough people to separate it further from each other yet.
  22. Welcome back @Kenai, having something diagnosed is indeed a good thing, although many people misunderstand indeed and be saying "it's good that they can't find anything", it's not good when something is obviously wrong XD. I'm finally at the brink of having the doctors figure out what's wrong with me after so many years as well. Indeed at one point you start doubting yourself, thinking you might be imagining or making things up yourself. Good to hear you're making it positive with being able to work on your writing ~huggles~
  23. ~curls up in front of the fireplace~ Aahh this is nice! I have a feeling this is exactly what i need right now in my life (it slightly turned into a mess, but don't worry, i'll explain later), thanks so much @hirondelleand @Timberwolffor creating our home again. ~huggles and kisses~
  24. Good to see a fellow dragon again, hope you can find time once in awhile to pop in ~huggles @Songmistress~ Awesome that you're so busy with gigs btw @TimberwolfI find myself not wanting to use the emotes but instead the old fashioned punctuation mark combo's (although some auto translate into emote...)
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